I got this from WendyB's fantabulous fashion blog,
Wendy Brandes Jewelry. I plan to follow in her footsteps--she used to work for CNN and People.com and now she's a jewelry designer and woman extraordinaire! Someday, I'll be just like that!

Now, this award is funny--WendyB made it out of guilt (haha) for all the people who gave her awards or tagged her and she forgot to thank them or pass the awards/tags along. Since I tagged her twice and may have given her an award, too, I grabbed and claimed this Seal of Approval! I know WendyB will approve.
Kae of
Accidentally inLOVE also told me that she nominated my blog for Nuffnang's Asian Bloggers awards. Wow, thanks! I hardly qualify, though--this blog is not well designed, not influential and everything else Nuffnang requires an award-winning blog to be! But super duper thanks, Kae! And happy birthday!
I definitely approve. Enjoy!