Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Meet the Picky Dresser--my new favorite style blogger!

This is my friend Nikki.

We met in 2007, when I hired her to be the Fashion & Beauty Editor of the magazine I edit.
This is the staff on a team building trip to Zambales.
Nikki, Lana and Joanna get silly in Zoobic. This is the only
photo of Nikki "wearing" something not chica!
Nikki with Lana and me at the Cosmo Bachelor Bash in 2008.
We did the rounds of TV shows taking about celebrity style.

After two years in the magazine world, Nikki left to take over the family business. Though she's now the best dressed CEO in the world, she hasn't entirely left the magazine industry. 
Here she is at the staff shoot in 2009.
She worked as a stylist (in heels no less!) for our staff shoot.
She's also a beauty columnist.
Nikki with Nicole and me at The Spa to do reviews.
Here we are again at a Lancome event.
(I was pregnant!)

And when there's not enough projects and events we attend, we plan our Wine Nights so we can get together with the entire fashionable gang.
Or we do dinners and lunches at each other's homes.

At her wedding in 2010, she created the most elegant and stylish wedding I've ever attended. 
Uber chic couple Nikki and Bern
Nikki's cloud gown. 
Her entourage photo looks like a fashion editorial!

As you may have guessed from all the photos above, Nikki's a woman of many talents. One of those talents is her unerring knack to put together a completely stylish look. Everywhere Nikki goes--whether it's to a gala, a TV show, a lunch meeting or a dinner at home, she looks absolutely amazing. Not a hair out of place and always flawless. And she makes it look so effortless, too!

So we've been entreating, begging, nagging and pushing her to put up her own style blog. She's been giving us shopping, style and beauty advice for years and her tips are always unbelievably easy! I think my outfits drastically improved when we became friends to be honest. So wouldn't it be nice if she did the same for you?

Well, she finally agreed. Meet The Picky Dresser. In her words, she's "living life one outfit at a time!"
Do give Nikki a warm welcome to the blogging world!

Update, Sept 12, 2012: Nikki shut down her blog =(


  1. nakita ko blog nya yesterday, im a new follower. close friends pala kayo hehe

  2. A blog to look forward to! :)

  3. Panalo ang entourage photo! I will show it to my best friend who's getting married :)

  4. Thanks for supporting Nikki! Isn't she so stylish?

  5. You know what? I spotted Nikki in Rockwell last Sunday while I was having dinner there with family! She's so pretty in person--and I loved her shoes when I saw them, haha. She just passed by, of course, but I recognized her from your pics here. Super stylish talaga! Will follow he blog for sure. :)

  6. Hi Martine! Isn't she so stylish?! She's super nice and super smart pa. =)


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