Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Look at these adorable Signatures of Love!

Remember this little video of my cutie patootie bunso baby?

I love the song, too. Sing with me!

"It's gotta be love love love
It's just between us two
Only for me and you
It's our signature of love
Every day, this is how we say I love you
It's not just a sign of love
It's a signature of love!"

The signature of love that I share with both my sons, Vito and Iñigo, is Tickle Time. Only I get to do this with them. (With Vince, it's reading books and playing video games.) They may still be very small but I know they know I love them because of our little rituals and games (especially Tickle Time!) that we do every day. These assure them of my love and these also strengthen our bond.

Now I also asked you to share a video of your very own signature of love. Well, if you did, you've been very good because you and 200 other moms from all over the Philippines shared their cute videos! Johnson's Baby is so excited to show you a compilation of the cutest Signatures of Love!

Aww! That really made me think about how special our time is with our kids and that they do love love love being with us! Even the tiny babies looked really loved and happy whenever their mommies tickled, kissed, hugged, played, sang, danced with them. Just goes to show that it's the quality of time that we spend with our kids that matters. 

Did you like the video? Hope you can share it with your fellow moms and dads on Facebook! Here's the Facebook page of Johnson's Baby Philippines. Like and love! 

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