This post is brought to you by Biogenic Alcohol.
Hi everyone! I wanted to ask—because it's a Saturday today—what do you do on weekends? I know people usually unwind on weekends, go to the mall, visit family, watch a movie. In my home, we clean. Yes. We clean. Especially my husband. He goes on a crazy cleaning blitzkrieg on weekends.
Why do we clean on weekends? First, we don't have an office job so we're home pretty much all week long so we do maintenance chores every day. On weekends, that's when we do the deep clean. Second, our household help goes home on weekends so we really have no choice but to clean the house ourselves. Plus, we like it that she's gone so we can really inspect the house.
If I'm giving off this impression that our house is squeaky clean, well, no. With three kids aged 5 and below, a spotless house is impossible. Impossible!!! But we try, we try. Most days, we keep the mess at bay. But we do have certain rules that must be followed so that our home is clean and happy and healthy. Here are my 10 rules:
1. Go barefoot. Most Asian homes practice leaving shoes at the door. This is a good way to prevent dirt and germs picked up from the outside world from entering our home. We have shoe cabinets by the hallway so that shoes are packed away as soon as we come home.
2. Wash hands. We wash hands as soon as we get home. I even wash hands before I hug my kids. Although that makes them feel a bit bad, that I go to the washroom first instead of hugging them when they greet me at the door. So now, while I'm in the elevator zooming up to our floor, I get my Biogenic from my purse and sanitize my hands just so I'm germ-free before I knock on our door.
3. Clean as you go. Life with small children inevitably means there will be sticky, cruddy, smelly and yuck-what-the-hey-is-this?! surfaces everywhere. I have learned that instead of falling into deep despair over the state of my household, I should equip every room with wet wipes and alcohol and attack said mysteriously scary surfaces.
4. Wipe switches and door knobs with alcohol. These are usually forgotten and neglected parts of our home. But if you really think about it, light switches and door knobs are frequently touched; therefore, they are breeding ground for germs and bacteria. Wipe with alcohol!!!
5. Use alcohol after washing butts. I learned this the hard way. I usually just wash my hands quickly after washing poop from my kids' butts. It's my husband who is more meticulous. He'd not only wash his hands thoroughly, he'd also sanitize with alcohol. But when we were toilet-training one child and poop was everywhere, I must've not cleaned my hands well because I suffered two weeks of debilitating stomach nightmares. I have been more careful since!
6. Wash food before storing. Here's a tip: Before putting away the grocery, wash the fruits and vegetables first. This way, when your kids raid the fruit basket and you're not there to wash the fruit they want, you can rest assured that the apple they're munching on is already clean.
7. Wash hands before, while, and after cooking. Especially while cooking! I used to just throw a towel over my shoulder and then wipe my hands on it after I peel something, mix marinades, chop veggies and meat. But when I became a mother, there are now many occasions where I need to go out of the kitchen to inspect a crash or to separate little boys fighting and wrestling. I really cannot touch my sons if my hands have oil, garlic, or—worst of all—blood on them.
8. Colorful meals. I'm really trying to add more color to our meals. Pediatricians and nutritionists say there should be at least three colors from the rainbow at every meal, with an emphasis on greens! I've added salads and soups and while my kids are resisting the vegetables, they like soups and don't protest too much when their Papa and I mince veggies and mix them with their rice. Yey!
9. Encourage lots of fun. My husband and I love giving our children with our 24/7 presence and lots of presents, too. The toys, books, games, and experiences are necessary because we spend soooo much time with them. We need to fill the days with fun. A happy heart does good for the soul and for the body!
10. Hugs! I have three sons and I want them to be hugged and kissed so much, their hearts will be so full of love. Loved-up boys will grow up to be secure, peaceful, emotionally strong men. And that's all I really want them to be,
There you go! Ten rules! Well, I have more tips and tricks but I gave you 10 because this week, my blog turned 10 years old so I'm a bit obsessed with the number. If you have more tips on how you keep your home clean and healthy, do share in the comments below. My favorite ones get a Biogenic gift pack from me!
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