Sunday, May 12, 2024

I'll always be special

I love this video of an experiment involving blindfolded kids picking out their moms in a lineup. Using just touch and smell, the kids all accurately picked out their mamas.

I remembered this documentary I watched a long time ago, on emperor penguins coming back from the ocean, their tummies full of fish. On a vast expanse of ice, thousands of baby penguins wait, and they're all the same kind of fluffy and white, and I thought there's just no way the parents can find their baby. But they do, they do. They find their very own!

I love how special each mommy felt. How unique and how loved!

But did you also feel each mommy's apprehension that their child won't recognize them? I did. I felt the real fear behind the worry. How many of us moms think that we're all taken for granted, pushed to the side, hidden in the background, always in the supporting role, forgotten, unappreciated, unseen?

I feel that sometimes! But that's silly really. I must never forget that I'll always be incredibly special to three precious boys and their Papa. And that's more than enough for me. Really. That's more than I deserve, and I am grateful.

Happy Mother's Day, mamas! Thank you for all that you do. We're not invisible. They know what we do and they love us. Remember that!

*This is a repost from my now-unpublished blog, Topaz Mommy!

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