Showing posts with label Books & Magazines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Books & Magazines. Show all posts

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Book Review: Mama, Interrupted by Elaine Natividad Reyes

I'm excited to share with you this sweet little book, Mama, Interrupted by Elaine Natividad Reyes. To my dear Loyal Readers, Elaine should be familiar to you because she and I used to be the editors of OK! magazine. She's worked since then as features editor, beauty editor, and freelance writer. 

And now she's added author to that list! I'm so proud of Elaine's new book and I'll tell you why today.

Look at this page from her book (beautifully drawn by Eleanor Bautista). This is how it starts. Elaine lays out the situation by describing the day of a typical mom. I relate to it a lot because that's me every single day. She was describing me! Many women are busy working on something and relying on coffee (or sugar or bone broth) to get them through their day. 

Now, check out the entire page below. If this was an activity sheet for kids, the instructions would be, "Find the object that doesn't belong." (I encircled it haha) For moms like Elaine and me, our desks and minds and schedules revolve around our children. And we try to make everything else - husband, chores, work, friends - fit in. 

Every mom is a working mom, that's what I always say. Doesn't matter if you're working from home or the office, if you're a housewife or the mom everyone at church/school/neighborhood counts on. If you're a mom, your hands are full. More full than anyone's hands. More full than anyone's heart, too. And I guess that's what makes moms such amazing people. Distracted, stressed out, exhausted, sleepless, yes. But amazing nevertheless.

Elaine writes -

This is how her days usually go,
full of stops and starts, rarely a smooth flow.

On top of all the things we have to do, Elaine touches on how we're desperate for help. For many of us without household help or family to rely on, we turn to that dreaded device: the TV, or the iPad, or the smartphone. Sometimes we have to feed the always-hungry kids instant noodles, or hotdogs, or chips. Because we don't always have the time to cook. Or sometimes because it's just easier dammit. But ease seems to be something mothers shouldn't enjoy, and there is a poignant pain that twinges my heart as I read Elaine's plea for understanding. 

And then Elaine writes the words every mom says to herself at the end of another chaotic day.

Ain't that the truth.

In her Lithub article, The Heartbreaking Ingenuity of the Mother-Writer, Olivia Campbell writes, "Women writers have always been up against the expectation that they can do it all, all at once. Male authors are lauded as disciplined recluses for closing themselves away to write; women are praised for juggling writing and family simultaneously. But you can’t have it both ways. Either writing is a laborious, worthwhile craft requiring time alone or it’s not, no matter the writer’s gender. 'How does she do it all?' society muses while staring at the bedraggled mom-author clutching her book in one hand and her baby in the other. By having no work-life balance or boundaries. Losing sleep. Hiding in pantries. Getting increasingly angry by the lack of support. By nearly drowning." (italics mine)

No sleep, no rest, no time alone to collect oneself. And yet we persist in doing the work that separates us from the roles of wife and mother. For me, it's my work that saves me from the drowning. It's my writing that convinces me I am my own person, even if I love giving myself to others. It's what stops me from screaming into the void of duty. It's what takes my eyes away from the despair of exhaustion.

Don't worry, the book isn't all desperation. After that page where the mom in Elaine's book is undone by all her unfinished tasks, the book takes on a tender realization. 

Daddy to the rescue! I love how dads never seem to be worried. I guess that's how amazing moms are haha! Because moms are so focused on the tiny details, dads can see the big picture and know that we're doing okay, that this won't last, that this is actually the sweetest days of our life.

(On that note, not gonna lie, I am SO GLAD that stage is over. True, it was so sweet but I am in a much better place now that I can breathe. And read. And spend more than 5 minutes in the bathroom.)

And that's what I love about Mama, Interrupted. The book describes a mother's day - the chaos, the desperation, the wish to do her best - but it never shows resentment for the adorable interruptions. Having kids is difficult and the book doesn't shy away from that. That's why I urge everyone to give a copy to friends who just got married and are dreaming of babies. The book tells you it's going to be hard. But... It is what it is but it's not that bad as long as mama has support from her husband.

I appreciate that the book also brings attention to the role of dads. They're important, of course, as a father, but the mama also needs him as her husband, the one who anchors her when she's spiraling from all the drudgery of motherhood, the one who calms her down with his strength and logic, the one who assures her that after all this craziness, she still has him.

Mama, Interrupted is actually a book for moms disguised as a children's book. It's a love letter to her. It's an assurance - "I see you, mama, and I see all that you do. You're doing an amazing job." And isn't that what we mamas need? Not exactly gratitude because this is our duty. But it's ever so nice to be acknowledged. 

All that in a little book? Yes! It's a tender book with many hard truths. Easy to read and digest because of the rhyme, and a wonderful gift to give the moms in your life to tell her, "I see you. I love you. I honor you."  

Get your copy of Mama, Interrupted by Elaine Natividad Reyes. It's only P399 but you save more if you buy more! Order here.

* * * * * * *

I review books written by Filipinos. If you're a mom, I'll prioritize it! 

Follow me on Threads, @francesampersales

Sunday, July 07, 2024

10 best Wattpad stories on my reading list

I've been waiting to write a best Wattpad stories post for years! So this post is dedicated to dear Loyal Reader Sharon, who wrote: "Do you still read fiction? I used to read voraciously until the start of my 40s and then my appetite for fiction just waned. The few books I read these days are comfort reads."

Hi Sharon! Yes, I'm reading fiction. It's all I read now and as much as I'd like to say I read only award-winning literature or classic tomes or books that elevate the mind or the soul, I'm going to be shamelessly honest and say my literary tastes now lean towards novels that make me giggle with kilig or stimulate the nether regions. 

And my favorite place to get these stories is from Wattpad. Yes, I'm addicted to Wattpad. My husband doesn't understand it. I don't think I do either. Many of the stories are crap. Nearly all of them are unedited, grammatically tragic, and poorly constructed... but they are addicting! Just this year alone, I've already read 37 books, 32 on Wattpad! But, don't worry, not all of them are smut haha 

Another thing I like about Wattpad is the comments. You can comment on every paragraph which makes reading a community thing. My husband doesn't like that. Reading is a solitary pursuit, he says. Well, Wattpad changed that for me. It's just as addicting to see everyone's reactions and thoughts to the story as it unfolds!

My guiltiest pleasure is werewolf romance. I can't stop reading those! But while it's a genre that is staggeringly popular, I know that's not everyone's cup of tea so I'll also share the werewolf novels that are not so steeped in the lore. They're the most human-like love stories so you won't get too weirded out haha. I'll share my top 3 faves at the end of this post. Lemme start my best Wattpad stories list with with the sweet human stories...

#1 The Player Next Door by BabyInACorner is my super favorite! It's hilarious! You MUST read it! This is the book that inspired me to write a novel! In fact, my main female character is named Millie, too. 

So anyway, The Player Next Door is all about ordinary Millie who lives next door to school celebrity athlete Luke. A comedy of errors finds them stuck in the same cabin in summer camp and one thing leads to another and they become... friends. Haha! This is such a sweet, slooooow-burn romance that when they finally kiss, my goshness, it's so satisfying. 

52.5 million reads

But! This is just Book 1 of a trilogy. The second book, Play No More, explores their relationship as a new couple. It's so funny, too! The third book, Play the Part, is still being updated. I haven't started reading it. I'm waiting for Natalie (that's the author's name) to finish before I start. And also I kinda don't want to start it because then the Luke & Millie love story will end. I can't say goodbye yet!

#2 Love, Anonymous by Liz Plum is such a sweet, sweet book about Reagan who thinks she's nobody special. In fact, obnoxious Hayden keeps annoying her as a hobby. But she can't get bothered by him too much because she's consumed by the fact that she keeps getting letters from a secret admirer. Who could it be?

Super cute and super readable! Makes me want to get love letters again!

10.8 million reads

#3 Silently Falling by Liz Plum is a story about healing from trauma. Raine has selective mutism, a coping mechanism when she was raped at age 14. Family and friends form a protective wall around her so that it never happens again. But it also prevents her from finding love. Until really persistent West makes it loud and clear he wants to know everything about the silent girl. 

This is such a good story. At first, you're scared for Raine, especially since West has a bad-boy rep. But the slow wooing, the way they're so delicate around each other, the way they protect each other, really wins you over.  

44.2 million reads

#4 The Upside of Falling by Alex Light explores what happens when shy girl Becca who's never had a relationship and Brett the school hottie who can never keep one pretend to be a couple. At first, it was just a mutually beneficial arrangement. But when the line between fake and real blurs with all those kisses and deep conversations, what's a guy and a girl going to do? It's really sweet! So so cute. This is also available on Amazon already so if you want a paperback instead, order now!

48.1 million reads

#5 When It Rains in Ocala by WriterBug44 is a sweet whirlwind romance between Maggie and Evan. I can't talk about this book because I'll give everything away. I can't even say what it made me feel because I'll spoil it. But please read it. But don't read the comments section because the spoilers abound there. It's just the sweetest romance. Evan must be the most perfect guy in the world. This love story is breathtaking in its tenderness. 

3.4 million reads

Are we ready for some hot sex? Well, #6 Sleeping with My Best Friend by Shelly Titan is the book for you. It's about Berkley who's oh so ready to get rid of her virginity, but every guy she knows is a douchebag. So who better to do it with than with the guy who loves her but not in a romantic way? The guy who can teach her things and she'll feel safe to explore her sexuality but with no strings attached? The guy that's her best friend since birth, Dean? But Dean thinks sleeping with his best friend is a bad idea. However, after circumstances convince them it's a good idea, they finally give it a go. And woah, what a go! 

What I really like about this is the sex was how my husband and I have sex. I mean, we have fun. All the erotica I've read is overly passionate but the sex scenes between Berkley and Dean are so fun. They chat, they giggle. I think that's what sex should be like! Fun! Read it!

2.7 million reads

#7 Pirouette by The Biblical Sinner is a fast-paced romance that develops between Fiona, a ballerina, and Adam, a boy who dances to escape his hellish world. I like this story because usually in romance novels, it's the guy who's aloof and cold. Adam is a total sweetheart. He's so friendly and wonderful that his tragic backstory hurts. Seeing Fiona warm up and relax and then fall in love with him is totally believable because Adam is worthy of love. And some hot sex! And again, I like the sex here because it's between two people who love and trust each other. It's safe and sweet. Read it!

1.7 million reads

So now let's get to my favorite genre, werewolf romance. Okay, here's what you need to know. Werewolves are soul-mated to one other special creature by the moon goddess. It's a bond that is so strong that when you finally meet your mate, it's love at first sight forever. That means the best werewolf stories are about those who fight that bond!

Which is why #8 Monster by KrystleLight is my favorite werewolf romance novel! It's not too werewolf-y so if you want to give this genre a try, start with this. This story is about Kaea who doesn't understand why Kyle, the heir to the Alpha position, hates her so much. He has bullied her constantly for years, making her resolve to leave their pack as soon as she finishes school and be rid of this monster. Only to find out that her mate is none other than Kyle!

Okay, this is a bullying story and Kyle is really an asshole. But the author does such a wonderful job of redeeming him. His change is believable. In fact, you'll fall in love with him at the same time Kaea does! And when she gets confused between her future outside the pack or by Kyle's side as his Luna, even you'll feel anguish at what choice to pick! 

1.8 million reads

#9 The Wallflower Mate by Leila Vy is cute and also steamy. I don't know how the author did it. There's a perfect balance between the passionate attraction of newfound love and the sweet ordinariness of a couple. Mary wants to find a mate (yep, no moon goddess destiny here) and she takes matters into her own hands by kissing a stranger at a mating ball. Unfortunately (or fortunately!), that stranger is the fearsome Alpha Ryker, who was so surprised at the kiss that he just had to have more. And oh boy, did he get more!   

4 million reads

#10 Finding Home by AE Bennet explores what it feels like when a second chance at love presents itself to Paige and Nathan. Many things have changed in the 5 years since their romance ended, but is the love the same? Spoiler alert: No. It's even better! I love how the story takes time to work through all their issues and heal their heartbreak. The reconciliation is deserved. 

3 million reads

Aaaaand that's my 10 best Wattpad stories list! I have a gazillion more books in my Wattpad reading list and I wish I could do a book review of them all. But anyway, this was so fun to write! Lemme know if you read Wattpad, too, and if you do, drop your recommendations in the comments! 

Friday, September 15, 2023

Book Review: The End of All Skies by Vincent C. Sales

This weekend is the Manila International Book Fair! That means it's the anniversary of The End Of All Skies by Vincent C. Sales! Here are a few pics of us at his book signing today at SMX. Plus, I'm finally making a book review... after one year!

One year ago, the entire family trooped to SMX, and even while we were still clutched in the claws of a pandemic, we all decided that this book launch was such a monumental event, that we all had to be there. When a dream comes true, you have to bear witness! Here's a couple of photos from that day a year ago today:

The boys were still so small! In just one year, they're nearly as tall as me!
Vince getting interviewed by the NBDB

I wanted to share this joyful event with you, my dear Loyal Readers. This was such a happy day. It took Vince years to write his Filipino fantasy novel. It took years of shopping it around. It took years of prayer! And how wonderful that when the fullness of time came, his novel was published by the biggest publisher in the world, Penguin Random House

Vince's publishing journey is not my story to tell, however. I can only tell some of it and only from a wife's point of view. 

So I'll do a book review instead!

I read the book while waiting outside our youngest boy's chess club.

The End Of All Skies is a unique novel. The world building is gorgeous and it takes time to do this so be patient at the start. It's unlike any fantasy world but it's not wholly invented because if you remember all the alamat (myths) we studied way back in elementary school, it's our ancient Filipino stories, our mythical creatures, our old gods. This is why it felt spectacularly imaginative and yet familiar for me as a Filipina, but I think global readers will find it all very new.  

The End Of All Skies is about how dreams big and small dreamt by people big and small can achieve something great and terrible. It's told from many points of view and the ancient Filipino names are hard to remember and there are many. It's best to read it in one sitting so you can follow all the stories. And there are many! 

The destruction of the city Sun Girna Ginar is coming and we see it unfolding from all these characters affected by this great and terrible sultanate and the cruel tyrant who rules it. Whose story is real? Whose story matters? All these stories, vignettes of many lives, all fuse in the middle of the book and then, with the settings and characters established, the plot now moves very quickly. In the end, I realized each story is important because each one, no matter how short or fleeting, contributed to the downfall of Sun Girna Ginar.

The story resonated with me deeply as a Filipino. I think people who were colonized, who struggled with dictators and corrupt governments, who dealt with an alipin (slave) mentality, and who have forgotten their greatness will have a more profound connection with the story. 

I was moved to tears a few times, when I read about heroes who believed the people are worth dying for, about the downtrodden who finally realized they too have power inside them then rose up and overthrew a powerful tyrant, about ordinary people who cleverly faced mythical creatures like tikbalang and gigante to achieve their goals. 

It's a fascinating read! A few reviews said they found it challenging to get into, especially when they're used to just one point of view. I also think people who've never been in a position where imperialists and traitors stole everything from your country will find it fantastical. Sadly in the Philippines, this is still a frighteningly true and relevant story.

The End Of All Skies is worth reading if you're up for something new and different. And powerful and true. 

The language is so beautiful, too. I am a lover of words and the words are so gorgeous, almost poetic. Sometimes I would pause and reread the sentences because they're just so pretty.

I highly recommend! Proud of this #FilipinoNovel. Proud of the Filipino story. May we #NeverForget who we are!

More reviews here at Goodreads! 

If you're going to the book fair this weekend, all Penguin books are at 20% off at the giant Fully Booked booth! Buy 5 Penguin books and you get a cool Penguin umbrella!

Follow Vince on Instagram and like his Facebook page!

Buy The End Of All Skies by Vincent C. Sales from Fully Booked bookstores and Acre's Lazada. It's also available on Amazon, Kindle, Barnes & Noble, Waterstones, Blackwell's, and other global booksellers. 

* * * * * * *

I review books written by Filipinos. If you're a mom, I'll prioritize it! 

Sunday, December 11, 2022

My favorite Lazada finds (plus: a peek at my cart!)

Last huge sale of Lazada tonight at midnight and tomorrow kasi 12.12 na! Hindi 'to sponsored post (I wish!) but I'm on the shopping site right now, adding stuff to cart like crazy. 

So, andito na rin lang ako - and bet ko kayo rin hehe - share ko what my favorite Lazada finds are. Sorry, no actual pictures of the products I have. This post is kinda spontaneous kasi. If you like, leave a comment if you want me to do a review of a specific item. Basta lahat ng fave finds ko, I really bought and I recommend as great gifts for yourself or your loved ones. 

Here they are!

I bought a lot of colors because for only P220 a set, okay siya! Very stretchy and yet I feel na contained lahat ng flabs ko. Love the wide waistband. It doesn't roll down kahit malaki tummy! Very comfortable! Sulit sobra lalo na kung araw-araw ang exercise niyo. Buy one set for every day!

My one dislike: Yung light-colored sets, wag niyo bilhin kasi kita kaluluwa niyo. As in. Kaloka, parang hubadera ako. But the dark colors (black, navy blue, forest green), yan, buy those.

Okay, so I bought two of these fans (that black one sa picture and the pink jeep one) because I'm perimenopausal and I am overheating like crazy. Even if I'm in a room na naka-aircon, init na init pa rin ako so lagi akong may dalang pamaypay. To avoid looking like a donya, I got these kasi cute ng designs nila, hindi pang-matanda. And patriotic. And sobrang good gift idea this Christmas! 

Mine are actually silver, not gold, but out of stock na the set I bought so I'm featuring this golden one. If you follow me on social media, you'd know I learned to cut hair during quarantine. No choice! After endless YouTube video tutorials, I got brave enough to try it and I've been cutting my hair and the hair of my husband and sons for the last 2 years. #proud #achievementunlocked #supermama #levelupskills

Try it! Laking tipid. Hindi pwede ang basta-basta na scissors. Kailangan barber's scissors talaga. And I highly recommend this set. 

Oh, I left a review for this purchase on the listing so I'll just copy and paste my photo and review:

I love how the serum pads soothed my skin, which was inflamed by maskne. I even used the pads all over my body (after I used them on my face, there was still so much product left). And my skin felt so hydrated. 

The stretchmark cream is thick and creamy but easily absorbed. Not too sticky and very moisturising. I don't know if it works yet since I just started, but I like it so far. I'll do a review on the blog soon!

This is soooo nice! Lakas maka-shala ng phone case na ito. I swear, every one who has seen it comments na napaka-yaman ng dating niya and I always trill, "Mura lang yan!" Best of all, di na nahuhulog sa mukha ko yung phone ko dahil may bracelet sa likod. 

Yun ang pros. Yung con? Kailangan naka-manicure ako para bagay kamay ko sa kanya haha 

I just did a review of this! Click here: OMOGS Women's Probiotic supplement for weight loss?! 

A lot of people bought this and emailed me how happy they are with the results. This is possibly my favorite find of 2022!

This is another great find for my health. I've been feeling exhausted and yet sleepless for a couple of years now. One of the changes I made was to take a daily supplement. I chose Kirkland Daily Multi kasi kumpleto talaga siya. As in lahat-lahat-lahat! After a few weeks of taking this, I didn't feel so tired anymore (must be the iron), my skin improved (biotin, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C and E), and I just felt healthier and stronger.  

LifeFood EstroG-100 (oh, this was gifted!)

I love this drink! It did so much for my sex life!!! Yes, since we're all friends here, we can talk about how perimenopause makes women dry up down there. Which makes sex uncomfortable, diba. Yes, even if you use KY, dropping estrogen levels makes women lose interest in sex anyway. Then there are the hot flashes, the anxiety, the insomnia... What fresh hell. Ang hirap maging babae!!!

LifeFood EstroG-100 acts like phytoestrogen. So aside from my perimenopause symptoms easing, I also found myself suddenly super interested in sex again! And dry vagina? What's that??? Thing of the past. This drink has saved my marriage! Try it!!!   

Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall

This is such a good book! It's just maps but explained so well that I had a vast new appreciation and understanding of culture, why countries behaved in certain ways (in war and peace), and why we should worry or not worry about certain countries invading others. It doesn't read like a textbook at all. Very friendly and conversational. I just wish the maps were in color!

So there it is! My list of my favorite Lazada finds this year! Highly recommended. Just click the product names for the affiliate links to buy!

And in case you want to buy stuff for me (hehehe), here's a sneak peek at just six things that are in my cart (I have 138!):


This is actually a rip-off of Meghan Markle's favorite Aquazurra heels. I can't afford the original but I super am obsessed to own this pair!

Because it's a classic. This comes in seven colors and I want them all!


Because I like classic styles and polka dots.

I actually have a similar dress that my Mama had in the '70s. It holds good memories for me and Vince (I was wearing it the week we fell in love). I still have it but it's very fragile now so when I saw this, I have to have it.


I want to read about how Roxane Gay's reshaping her feminist views. I can totally relate because I was raised in a toxic masculine/toxic feminine household and so I know I have very traditional views in here somewhere. Becoming feminist is the greatest thing to happen to me, but I realize that it's an evolving process. I have to arrest thoughts from my upbringing and mindfully change them. I think this book will help me!  

I have heard so much about this book but I've never read it! It's all about the Wild Woman - the woman who is passionate, instinctive, creative, wise, and courageous. Basically, all girls are born wild but society tames us ruthlessly so that we become meek and silent. My gulay. Uso pa ba yan??? This book is all about reminding women to claim back their power, to not be ashamed of their passion and love, to trust their instincts and innate wisdom, and to be proud to be women! 

Gosh, just writing that gave me goosebumps (or horripilation - did you know that's the technical term? It sounds horrible haha). I have to read this book! 

Anyway, shopping starts at midnight! What's in your cart???

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Blood, books, boys, and my birthday: A busy life update!

Hello, my dear Loyal Readers! I disappeared! My last post here was early October and lookie here - it's almost December! What did we miss???

Well, I missed you, that's for sure. I've always enjoyed sharing my stories here on the blog because you share your stories, too! And then I don't feel so alone. Thank you! But since I've been quiet, we haven't been talking. And I miss you all!

So let me tell you what's been up with me. I'm sharing some posts from my Instagram because I do a few life updates there. So follow me @francesampersales! But I'll do a summary here as well. 

First, some of you emailed or DM'd to ask about my literally bloody predicament in my last life update (School, Sex, Blood & Books). Thanks for asking! I'm better now. Not bleeding anymore. Huge relief considering I was bleeding profusely from August to October. What hell! I had to have a D&C so that the gynecologist can rule out scary diseases. 

Thankfully, I'm just perimenopausal. My reproductive system is okay, just acting up because I'm an old woman. What a relief! But it was a truly stressful week worrying about cancer. I switched birth control and after a few weeks adjusting to the shot, I'm sooo happy. No more blood!

Then right after I got out of the hospital, I was busy supporting my husband and the launch of his novel, The End of All Skies. It's gotten good reviews on Goodreads, Instagram #TheEndOfAllSkies, and blogs.

We're happy fellow Southeast Asians love the book. I'm hoping it also finds an audience globally. Our mythology is very different from the West, which is familiar with East Asian stories. But Filipino, Indonesian, Malaysian, Vietnamese, Thai, and the rest of the region? No. Even Moana was strange for many people in the West. We need to talk about our own stories because ours is so rich and wild and spectacular!  

Please buy a copy of Vince's novel! If you want a signed copy and a FREE copy of his first book, Children in Exile, order from me! It's P1,050 plus shipping. 

Send me an email - Now na! Thanks!

You can also get a copy from Amazon for $24.90 or download the ebook from Kindle for $13.99.

Anyway, it's not all happy news. My sons' hamsters died. It's been sad and sweet, saying good-bye to the cute critters that made the last 2 years so bearable. We thought we'd have one more year with them (tame hamsters can live up to 3 years), but apparently, their sole purpose was to keep my quarantined kids happy while the COVID-19 virus raged outside our home. And now that we're all vaccinated and better equipped to face the world, our hamsters went over the Rainbow Bridge, their task done.

Let me tell you that our hearts were so heavy the weeks we waited for the hamsters to pass away. They were old and slow, spending the days just sleeping. The kids were stressed, wondering, "Is this the day?" Finally, the dreaded days did arrive. My boys were so sad. I was sad, too, because I was the main caretaker of those hamsters! We comforted each other. And it's been 5 weeks but my youngest boy just told me as I'm blogging, "Mama, I miss Chocnut."

Gosh, we love you and miss you, Choccy and Spoody. Thanks for the joy! 

Then I turned 46!

I didn't do anything special. I was recovering from my health scare, neck-deep in homeschooling, trying to write my werewolf romance novel, looking for a job (which means no budget for any big celebrations!), and being a mom and wife. I was exhausted! 

But grateful. Always grateful. Thank you so much for the love! Maybe when I turn 47, I'll have pictures to share! 

Oh, another thing that I appreciate is I found out my blog turned up in these lists by Feedspot:

#26 in 80 Best Philippines Mom Blogs and Websites 

#32 in 100 Best Asian Mom Blogs and Websites

#22 in Top 80 Philippines Mom RSS Feed 

Thanks, Feedspot! I didn't even know I had an RSS feed. I'm kinda bewildered by this all since I was never on these lists when I was one of the top mom bloggers in the country way back from 2008 to 2016. Now that I'm hardly blogging and my stats have understandably gone down, my blog gets recognized. And on 3 lists, too!

I'm thankful. That tells me that despite the sporadic posts, I'm still writing good posts. 

That also tells me to blog again! 

I know everyone's on Tiktok now. Apparently, people don't read anymore and just want to watch people dancing and pointing to floating words while smiling and shaking their heads. But that shouldn't stop me from blogging because I'm writing for the ones who do still read. And you are my favorite people. The best kind of all - readers!

I have sooo many stories. Plus, some of you suggested topics or sent questions about my life and marriage so there - more stuff to blog about! So I'll get to that.

Hey, thank you for sticking around. There are so many other blogs and vlogs and social media accounts to follow, yet here you are. Thanks for caring. It means the world to me. You mean the world to me! I love you all!