Showing posts with label Money & Shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Money & Shopping. Show all posts

Friday, July 05, 2024

5 Important Money Tips for First-Time Job Seekers

Your first job will be a significant milestone and will mark the beginning of an important new phase in your life. But amidst the thrill of earning their own income, many first jobbers get overwhelmed with the prospect of managing their funds for the first time. You yourself may be unsure of how to manage your salary effectively, especially if you haven’t had prior experience budgeting for monthly expenses or dealing with financial obligations such as rent, bills, and loan repayments. Moreover, the allure of newfound financial freedom inevitably brings about the temptation to overspend or to make impulse purchases, which in turn makes it all the more challenging for you to stay within budget and prioritize your savings.

As a new income earner, it’s important to know what to do with your salary and how to set a precedent for good financial habits down the line. Without proper guidance, you may fall into the most common pitfalls that will hinder a new professional’s financial progress. The key to building a strong financial foundation for yourself and achieving your long-term financial goals lies in learning how to handle your income responsibly. You’ll want to avoid costly financial mistakes early on and set yourself up for a brighter financial future as you climb up the professional ladder.

To help you navigate the complexities of personal finance and make the smartest decisions about your hard-earned money, here are some important money tips to consider.

1) Open a Savings Account

One of your first steps towards financial stability should be to open your own savings account. This should be your designated place to store your savings, and it should allow you to build a financial cushion for your future needs.

When choosing a bank and account type, consider factors such as interest rates, fees, accessibility, and additional features like online banking and mobile app access. Your search for the ideal savings account product doesn’t have to stop with traditional banks; why not open an account with Maya, the top digital bank in the Philippines? You’ll be able to enjoy competitive interest rates up to 15% p.a. and a zero maintenance balance to maximize your savings, plus neat features like Maya Personal Goals for allotting your income towards goals like saving up for a new vehicle or your dream vacation. Saving, spending, and earning more wealth across your professional career will be easy from a unified and reliable platform like Maya.

You can also set up regular automatic transfers from your salary account to your savings account. This will ensure consistent savings each payday and mitigate your temptation to spend a big chunk of your paycheck.

2) Be Aware of Your Paycheck Deductions

Once you start receiving your paychecks, you’ll soon realize that your salary comes with deductions. Take the time to review your pay stub and familiarize yourself with each deduction, including the specific amounts and what they cover.

In the Philippines, common deductions include taxes, Social Security System (SSS) contributions, Pag-IBIG Fund contributions, and PhilHealth contributions. Learn about the paycheck deductions you’ll typically receive to better budget your take-home pay and to avoid being caught off guard by unexpected deductions. If you have questions or concerns about your deductions, don't hesitate to reach out to your company’s HR or finance department for clarification.

3) Devise a Monthly Budget

Creating a budget is key to managing your finances effectively and ensuring that you're living within your means. Start by assessing your income, including your base salary and any additional sources of income such as bonuses or commissions. Next, identify your fixed expenses, including rent, utilities, insurance premiums, and loan payments. Then, determine your variable expenses, like groceries, transportation, entertainment, and discretionary spending.

From here, allocate a portion of your income towards savings and investments to ensure future financial security and to work towards achieving your financial goals. Also consider using budgeting apps or tools to help you track your expenses, monitor your progress, and make adjustments as needed to stay on track with your budget.

4) Commit to Controlling Your Spending

It's easy to get carried away with your newfound financial freedom, which makes it all the more essential to control your spending. After creating a working budget for yourself, take time to understand your spending habits and identify areas where you can cut back. You can also set spending limits for each expense category based on your budget and stick to them rigorously.

Try to avoid impulse purchases and unnecessary expenses by practicing mindful spending habits, such as making a shopping list before going to the grocery store and waiting 24 hours before making a non-essential purchase to curb quick impulses to buy.

5) Build an Emergency Fund

Even if you’ve just recently become employed, it’s a good idea to start building a substantial emergency fund as soon as possible. You never know how soon you’ll need a safety net for unexpected expenses or financial emergencies, such as medical bills or car repairs.

One common recommendation is to aim to save at least three to six months' worth of living expenses in your emergency fund to cover these essential costs and to maintain your financial stability during difficult times. You can start small by setting aside a portion of your income each month and gradually building up your emergency savings over time.

You could also set up a separate savings account specifically for your emergency fund to prevent it from being used for non-essential expenses and to ensure that it's easily accessible when needed.

And just because my friend Trixie Esguerra Bugia is behind this video, I'm going to share it so you can #GetBankedWithMaya! 

In the first few months of your entry into the workforce, remember that managing your finances effectively is a skill that takes time and practice to develop. Follow these essential money management tips, and you'll be on the right track toward financial independence and prosperity.

*Photo by Resume Genius on Unsplash

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Our LEGO haul from Rustan's!

Whether it's summer time or school time, sunny or rainy, day or night, it's always LEGO time for my family! And when it comes to gifts, I can't emphasize enough how amazing LEGOs are to give! Here's my gifting spree to my boys at Rustan's Shangri-la! 

Piero fell in love with the Super Mario sets. We watched The Super Mario Bros. Movie and it's really fun and entertaining. And I speak from total ignorance of the game. I thought I wouldn't like it because I have no idea what it is. But I loved it. So imagine how much my boys LOVED it! Naturally, when Piero saw the Luigi LEGO sets, he grabbed them immediately.

Another movie the kids enjoyed this year was Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse. I'm not a fan (all the flashing lights and the malikot na paikot-ikot gave me vertigo and a headache) but my husband and sons LOVED it. So Vito just had to have this Miles Morales spidey.

IƱigo had a harder time choosing what he was going to get. There are SO MANY kinds of LEGOs, you see, not just TV and movie merchandise. Although he did end up getting a Harry Potter Hogwarts set anyway hehe

Here's another movie haha Yep, we just couldn't get enough of our favorite movies in our favorite toy! And our absolute favorite place to shop for LEGO sets is at Rustan's Shangri-la. My husband and kids always head over to the toy section to check out what's new whenever we're at Shang. So while I'm picking out clothes, socks, undies, and shoes for the boys, they're just a few steps away fully immersed in all things LEGO!

I also love how Rustan's has the nicest staff. They're so helpful and great with suggesting sets we might like. But they don't hover. They even obliged us when we asked for a family photo! Moms and dads, buy your LEGOs from Rustan's! Ganda ng stock nila and mababait pa ang mga tao. We've been buying LEGOs from Rustan's Shang for a decade or so!

Anyway! Before I go, here's a little peek at the LEGOs my kids got:

Yeah, I should show more pics but my kids won't let me borrow their sets long enough! So anyway, if you're still looking for gifts to give your sons and daughters, nephews and nieces, grandkids, husbands, brothers, and boyfriends, grab them some LEGOs!

Monday, October 30, 2023

How to pay off your credit card and other useful tips

It's Halloween but you know what's scarier? My credit card bill. 

I'm about 5 digits in debt. It's actually not that bad but considering my history with credit cards (read: I Was a Credit Card-aholic But My Marriage Saved Me), I have really painstakingly made sure I always paid my bill in full. But I didn't have an income late last year and then this year wasn't good for me, mental health-wise, so I slipped and charged a lot of food orders on my card to buy some happiness. And so here we are - fat and in debt!

Again, it's not that bad, but with all the things I pay for, I still can't pay off the full amount every month. A friend told me to take out a loan with a smaller interest rate because our credit cards here in the Philippines charge an astronomical rate of 3% interest a month. I'm still considering it. 

I found this useful tool online called when I was looking for help on how to manage my credit card bill. And the Credit Card Payment Calculator told me if I'm very, very good and very, very disciplined, I'd be able to pay off my debt in 9 months. 

Nine months. Gosh. That's a long time. Not a whole year thankfully, but still a long time. I need to make more money so I can pay this credit card debt sooner!

To empower me with this daunting task, I asked my dear Loyal Readers for some credit card advice. I've collected them all into a list. Hopefully, if you're in the same boat as I am, you'd find these tips on how to pay off your credit card debt useful, too!

1. Acknowledge Your Debt Situation
Before diving into debt repayment strategies, understand your current financial situation. Whether it's due to unforeseen circumstances or a history of credit card misuse, recognizing your debt is the first step toward financial freedom.

2. Explore Debt Consolidation Options
Consider consolidating your credit card debt with a loan that offers a lower interest rate than your credit cards. This can help reduce your overall interest payments, making it easier to pay off your debt. Like what my friend advised, I should explore options for loans with lower interest rates in the Philippines.

3. Utilize Online Tools
Online tools like can be incredibly helpful. The Credit Card Payment Calculator, for example, can estimate how long it will take to pay off your debt with disciplined payments. Knowing your timeline can be motivating.

4. Set Clear Goals
Establish specific and realistic goals for paying off your credit card debt. Determine how much you can afford to pay each month, and create a timeline for becoming debt-free. Having clear objectives will keep you focused on your financial journey.

5. Cut Down on Credit Cards
Consider reducing the number of credit cards you hold to prevent further accumulation of debt. Having only two credit cards is a manageable approach, ensuring you can handle your expenses without relying on multiple cards.

6. Choose Fee-Free Credit Cards:
Opt for credit cards that don't charge annual fees or waive these fees if you meet certain monthly payment criteria. Saving on annual fees can help you allocate more funds towards debt repayment.

7. Negotiate with Your Bank
If you've been a responsible cardholder, contact your bank to negotiate annual fee waivers or lower interest rates. Banks often reward loyal and responsible customers.

8. Leverage Reward Programs
Use credit cards that offer rewards for your spending. Accumulating rewards can provide some financial relief or extra perks while you work on paying off your debt.

9. Create a Budget
Establish a monthly budget that covers essential expenses such as groceries, utilities, and phone bills. Stick to your budget to ensure you have enough funds for debt repayment.

10. Pay More Than the Minimum
Always pay more than the minimum amount due on your credit card bills. Paying only the minimum prolongs your debt repayment and increases the interest you owe.

11. Opt for Interest-Free Installments
When making significant purchases like appliances, choose installment plans with zero interest. This way, you can spread the cost without incurring additional charges.

12. Prioritize Debt Repayment
If you have multiple credit card debts, prioritize paying off the one with the smallest balance or the highest interest rate. Focus your efforts on one card at a time.

My goal for 2024 is to wipe out my credit card debt. I've stopped using that card and I plan to pay more than the minimum. Hopefully, that would lessen the time estimated it would take for me to be debt-free. Their Family Budget Calculator can also help me with managing my finances, and soon maybe I can start saving again (their Savings Calculator is cool, too).

Wish me luck! 

Monday, September 04, 2023

7 Essential Financial Skills Every Aspiring Small Business Owner Should Have

Last week, a co-worker asked me what I was doing before I joined the company. I said, "I'm still doing it. For the last 10 years, I worked as a professional blogger, freelance writer, and editor. It's a real BIR-registered business. And she was surprised because apparently, she doesn't know anyone who owns a small business. And it was my turn to be surprised because Filipinos have an entrepreneurial streak, especially when the pandemic hit. Online sellers, freelancers, sari-sari store owners, etc etc. So she asked me how to start a small business and what are good home-based business ideas. Click the links to find out!

My small business is writing! I enjoy being a writer and interviewing celebrities.

Meanwhile, I also think aspiring entrepreneurs in the Philippines are facing a dynamic business environment that demands a solid understanding of financial principles. Don't just start a business without thinking of the financials! To maximize your chance of success in such a competitive environment, soon-to-be business owners like yourself need to develop sound financial skills.

A clear grasp of different financial processes and best practices empowers you to make well-informed investment decisions and confidently negotiate with clients and stakeholders. If you're thinking of starting your own small business or startup, here are seven essential financial skills you should hone to build a strong foundation for your ventures and increase your chances of long-term success and sustainability:

1. Debt Management

Understanding debt management is vital for an aspiring entrepreneur who may need to apply for a business loan to start their venture or support its growth. Developing this skill enables people to assess their borrowing needs, choose suitable financing options, and manage debt responsibly.

In a business context, effective debt management helps entrepreneurs avoid overleveraging, minimize interest expenses, and maintain a healthy credit profile. A startup company, for instance, might be presented with the option to apply for a business loan Philippines banks are making available to their commercial clients.

A startup or small business like yours may find a good fit in the Maya Flexi Loan, a business banking loan that offers low fees and enables entrepreneurs to divide Php 2 million worth of funding into separate loans. Someone with excellent debt management skills will be able to use this flexible financial product to grow their venture and create a repayment plan that aligns with their business's cash flow.

2. Budgeting

Aside from being able to manage business banking loans well, aspiring entrepreneurs should also aim to develop strong budgeting skills. Knowing how to budget your finances and the funds that you’ve received through loans allows you to effectively plan and control your resources.

If you know how to create a well-structured budget as a small business entrepreneur, you can estimate your income and expenses, allocate your resources strategically, and avoid overspending, thus ensuring your business remains financially stable. You’ll also be able to identify cost-cutting opportunities, make informed decisions about investments and marketing campaigns, and set realistic financial goals for your organization.

3. Financial Forecasting

Financial forecasting refers to your ability to predict future revenue and expenses based on historical data and market trends. When you master financial forecasting (a skill I have sadly not mastered, hence here I am, an employee again - sigh!), you can anticipate potential challenges and opportunities and make proactive decisions to stay ahead of competitors.

Business owners who’ve developed the skill of financial forecasting can play a pivotal role in creating strategies, setting achievable targets, and guiding inventory management. It’s possible to build up this skill by analyzing historical sales data, conducting market research, and employing financial modeling and scenario analysis to project different outcomes.

4. Cash Flow Management

Effective cash flow management is essential for the survival and growth of any business. If you master this skill (again, a skill I failed at because of the pandemic), you’ll likely always have cash on hand to cover daily operational expenses, manage debt, and seize growth opportunities.

The skill of effective cash flow management also helps entrepreneurs avoid shortages that may lead to missed payments or disruptions. During periods of positive cash flow, on the other hand, this skill enables businesses to invest in equipment, hire skilled employees, and fund marketing campaigns.

5. Record Keeping

An accurate and organized financial record should serve as a solid foundation for your business decisions. It’s a must, then, for aspiring entrepreneurs like you to make a habit of keeping clear records of all your business transactions, including profits, accounts receivable, and the loans for businesses that the establishment has acquired. Doing so will allow you to get a clear overview of your business's financial health at any time, thus enabling you to assess its performance in the most accurate manner.

Proper record-keeping simplifies financial statement preparation and supports evidence-based decision-making, and it also facilitates smooth audits and financial reviews. Consider learning how to use accounting software to streamline record keeping and ensure that your business always has consistent and accurate records.

It’s also a sound habit to regularly reconcile bank statements, receipts, and invoices. If you aren’t confident about your current abilities, invest in financial training or hire an accountant to ensure that your records are accurate and up-to-date.

6. Pricing Strategy

Pricing strategy refers to the ability to set the right prices for products or services, and it’s also something aspiring entrepreneurs should learn or pick up. Business owners who are able to master this skill can maximize their profitability and maintain their competitiveness. This is because a well-crafted pricing strategy can attract customers, create perceived value, and boost sales.

You’ll be able to determine optimal pricing schemes by understanding production costs, competitor pricing, and customer demand. Boost your capability to optimize pricing, and strike the right balance between profitability and customer satisfaction, by conducting market research, analyzing competitors' pricing strategies, and considering customer feedback.

7. Financial Analysis

Lastly, entrepreneurs should also be able to assess the profitability, liquidity, and overall financial health of their businesses. This skill is called financial analysis, and it allows business owners to gain valuable insights into their venture’s performance.

Financial analysis informs decision-making by helping entrepreneurs identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement. In a business setting, this skill aids in evaluating investment opportunities, measuring financial efficiency, and formulating growth strategies. Go into your new business venture with the desire to improve your financial analysis skills over time.

By developing these skills, entrepreneurs can create strong financial foundations for their businesses, make the most responsive business decisions, and navigate future financial challenges and growth opportunities with confidence. Knowing that continuous learning and applying these financial skills will be instrumental in achieving long-term success and sustainability for your business, aspire to hone these in your journey as an entrepreneur.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Do’s and Don'ts sa iyong unang small business

I'm a sole proprietor of my writing and editing business. I had no idea how to start a small business but thanks to my friends in Taxumo, they helped me. So if you're dreaming, hoping, and wanting to start your own negosyo, research, ask around from entrepreneurial friends, and take the leap! Here's a guest post that I'm sure will be of help!

Let your money grow!

Ikaw ba ay nagpaplano na magbukas ng iyong small business ideas? When it’s your first time starting a business, it is better to start small. Lalo na kung limited lang ang iyong puhunan, magandang panimula ang small business ideas para matuto sa paghandle ng iyong negosyo.

Kung ikaw ay desidido na magbukas ng iyong small business, ito ang mga tips at mga do’s and don’ts when starting your small business!

DO: Research your market

Ang pinaka-mahalagang step when starting your business is to research your market. Mahalagang alamin kung ano ang wants at needs ng iyong mga customer. Ang mga tanong na mahalagang sagutin ay “Sino ang iyong target market?” “Ano ang mga kadalasang needs at wants ng iyong target market?” at “paano mo maaaring punan ang mga pangangailangan na ito?”

This first step is the important part when making the decision on whether to open your business, what services or products to offer, at kung ang iyong posibleng branding.

DON’T: Skip business planning

Never skip business planning! Mula sa market research, ang sunod na step ay to plan your business and have an outline. It is important to specify your goals and vision for your business, para rin iyong malaman ang possible steps and methods kung paano mo aabutin ang iyong mga goals.

DO: Get your business permit

Common misconception sa mga small business owners na hindi na kailangan ng permit para magsimula ng negosyo. Pero alam mo ba na mahalaga itong step para sa iyong negosyo?

Bukod sa makakaiwas ka sa komplikasyon dahil legal ang iyong negosyo, isa rin itong mahalagang factor para mapalago ang iyong negosyo sa future. If you want to expand your business in the future, kailangan mo ang mga permit na ito to get your loans and fundings sorted out.

DON’T: Be shy when promoting your business

One of the traits you should have is confidence and trust in your business. Huwag ka dapat mahiya na ipakilala ang iyong bagong negosyo sa iyong mga kamag anak, kakilala, at mga kaibigan! Sabi nga nila, ang tunay mong mga kaibigan ang siyang susuporta sa iyong business venture.

Mahalaga rin na gamitin mo ang social media to promote your business. Hindi mo agad kailangan gumamit ng paid ads, mahalaga lang ay alam mo ang kiliti ng iyong mga customer.

DO: Keep track of your financials

A small business is still a business. It is important to respect your hard work and your goals by keeping track of your finances. Make sure to take note of what goes in and out of your finances. Dito rin makikita kung tunay na mabenta ang iyong mga produkto, malaki ba ang losses, o kung anong specific products and services ang pinaka gusto ng iyong mga customer.

DON’T: Give up easily on your plans

Owning a business is no walk in the park. May mga panahon na hindi mo mare-reach ang iyong goals, o may challenges na makakasalubong. Pero ang mahalaga ay maniwala ka sa iyong goals at ang iyong pangarap. Do not give up on your small business dreams!

Are you ready to start your small business? Milk tea business man iyan o sari-sari store business, your first negosyo is the start of your big dreams!

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Tuition fees are going up. Good luck to our budget!

I went back to the corporate world this year after 10 years as a freelancer/business owner and I got asked a couple of times if I got tired of the hustle culture. Partly yes, but mostly because I have 3 kids to educate and tuition is crazy expensive and needs to be paid quarterly. Unfortunately, when you’re a freelancer, the income is erratic. Sometimes, it pours when it rains. Most of the time, it’s dry season. And that's the real reason I got a regular job with a regular income. It allows me to create a budget for their education. 

I wrote an article for Wyeth ParenTeam, 5 Steps to Save for Your Child's College Tuition. It has an equation there that predicts tuition years and years from now. It’s all estimates but you get a good idea of how much you’re going to suffer and for how long hahahaaa huhuhu.

The equation goes: Current tuition multiplied by 1 plus Interest [P x (1+I)] raised to number of years (N).

In my article, the financial expert I interviewed said, “On your phone, just type 300,000 x 1.10 then press the equal sign 8 times. We have just projected that if tuition fees increase by 10% a year for 8 years, then Php 300,000 today will be around Php 644,000 in 8 years, or around Php 778,000 in 10 years.”

That's where I spent 4.5 years of my life, the College of Arts & Letters

Boy. Almost a million pesos for one year in college. A short-term financial solution is to get a loan. My mother got tuition loans from her job all the time so she could send our eldest brother to school. My and my younger brother’s education was free (thank you, Philippine taxpayers!) while my younger sister’s education wasn’t that expensive either. All our college was subsidized because we went to that state university in Diliman (thank you again, Philippine taxpayers!) so Mama didn’t have to borrow so much anymore.

Some schools accept credit card payments but that’s something I want to stay away from because I was a credit card-aholic (but my marriage saved me). Plus, credit card interest rates are jumping this March! College tuition is just too big an amount to put on a card.

I’m not going to think of college because we already have a college fund for them (that’s another solution: invest in a mutual fund or an insurance policy with regular endowment payouts!). Also, I’m hoping my boys go to my alma mater and be a scholar like me.

So let’s just compute for high school since my kids are 12, 10, and 8. Let’s do my eldest son’s tuition. So his Grade 6 tuition now is Php 150,000. So if tuition increases by 10%, I’ll need to pay Php 165,000 for 7th grade. That means my tuition budget is Php 13,750 a month for a year. Doable!

But then I have 2 more kids. That means Php 495,000 a year. That’s okay. I just need to set aside Php 41,250 every month. Thanks to my new job, this is still doable.

Now my kids go to a school near our place so we don’t spend a lot of money on the school run. Not a lot of time on the road either. It’s a big deal because they used to go to another school just 5 kms away and the school bus service cost me an additional Php 9,000 a month (or Php 90,000 a school year). Plus an hour and 2 hours in traffic, morning and afternoon respectively. Transferring to a nearer school made such a huge difference in time and money saved!

But then here comes the crazy part: We’re thinking of sending our boys to that boys’ school in Katipunan. We have our reasons although they pale after I tell you this: That school is almost 12 kilometers away from our home and difficult to get to because traffic to and fro is hellish. Since my husband also has a full-time job, he won’t be able to do the school run (he can do this now because our current school is very near).

So if the boys go to that boys’ school, we’ll have to get them a bus service. I asked my friend who lives near me how much she pays for her son’s bus service from our city to that school. A whopping Php 10,000 a month! That’s Php 100,000 x 3 = Php 300,000 a year just on the school service!

I don’t think I can afford Php 495,000 tuition + books + uniforms + baon + Php 300,000 bus service, mommies. It's just illogical. 

So we were prepared enough to save for college but I don’t know if we can even get them there because grade school and high school are so damn pricey! 

Lots of thinking to do.

*Photo by Kat Fernandez on Unsplash

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Calculating what I need to save for emergencies, college, and retirement!

We're done with homeschooling this 2023. We had to choose homeschooling during the pandemic but now that the boys are vaccinated and the world seems safer (fingers crossed!), we're going to send all of them to a brick-and-mortar school again. Meet new people, learn different world views, learn to navigate society. It's very exciting!

Of course, homeschooling is much more affordable than school-school. That's why I went back to the corporate world so we can pay the tuition and save money for college.

I've been doing a ton of calculations recently because a good education in the Philippines is so expensive. 

Well, it doesn't have to be. I'm proud to say that half of my education was spent in public schools (thank you, Filipino taxpayer!). And I just want to put this out there: many people I know who studied in exclusive private schools have atrocious grammar. My fellow public school classmates? Never made a grammar mistake. It's not the school. It's the student. I'll leave it at that.

So why am I intent on giving my kids a private school education? For the connections? The prestige? The hope that going to an international school will give them a foot in the door to a life out of here? Sigh. I'm still figuring it out. 

Anyway, I've been playing around with these tools on They have a calculator for savings goals, college savings, and retirement planning. You can change the currency. The site says that the calculation for figuring compound savings is the same almost everywhere, especially as their calculators allow different compounding frequencies. 

So I tried them out. They look like this:

I want to save 500K just for, well, nothing. I just want it there. For emergencies like medical (I had to have surgery last year, remember?) or deaths (both my parents' deaths were a surprise expense). The saving goals calculator says I need to set aside just 8K a month. Doable!

Hehe sorry, this college calculator is empty. I can't show you my figures! But I also realized I didn't have enough information like the annual school costs inflation rate and the tuition fees of the colleges I hope my kids will go to. Well, I want my kids to go to just my alma mater, UP Diliman. And since it's a state university, it's very cheap! 

We actually have insurance policies for their education. So college is pretty much in the bag! 

We're also already setting aside money for retirement via insurance policies. But I still wanted to try out their retirement calculator. I made a mistake and wrote 3% as our inflation rate. But actually, it's...
Good luck, Pilipinas!!!

Anyway, if you're in the mood for figuring out the future, check out! It's helped sober me up haha Boy, I should stop buying books and ordering food! There's a lot of money we need to save!

Friday, February 10, 2023

Frances Finds: A game on managing a grocery store!

I've been using our grocery trips as part of our homeschool lesson. It's math, home economics, social studies, and health! Plus, I think they're old enough to learn how to feed themselves. And they should know about the prices of the food they eat and so they'll not waste food. So to make it more fun, we've made grocery shopping a game! Like I'd tell them "Here's your budget. You have 30 minutes. Go!" They love it!

With all the skyrocketing prices on just about everything, however, let me tell ya that it's not been fun to go grocery shopping lately. Having to see my kids' faces when they go, "These cookies are more expensive than those cookies if you compare them by weight!" is just sad. But it's also gratifying when they go, "Let's buy this brand of fresh milk, Mama. They all taste the same anyway!"

Teaching kids about life. What an experience!

So when my boys saw me playing a game called Tap Supermarket, they were intrigued. "Are you doing the groceries, Mama?"

"Nope. I'm managing the supermarket!"

And that's how my boys took over my game and learned about supply and demand, customer service, replenishing stocks, making money, and figuring out what to do with that money! 

Check it out:

So this is basically what it looks like. You have a supermarket and you have 1K and half the store stocked to start.

It's super simple. You need to make sure the shelves are stocked well and the lines at the cashier moving. But it may be simple but it gets really complicated!

You have lots of customers coming in, they're emptying your shelves, demand for new products is going up, and you're understaffed --- ahhhhh!!!

My kids LOVE it! 

Depending on your attitude, it's either so exciting or stressful haha

There are lots of other games on this online games site if Tap Supermarket proves to be too exciting for you. It's a money and finance site and they use fun games to make money and finance more fun and not so intimidating. I was quite impressed with my kids' mental math skills!

Here are a couple more games we like to play:

LEGO City Adventures Build & Protect teaches the kids about running a city by collecting taxes! They don't understand why we need to pay taxes and I always say, "Well, the streetlights need electricity, the roads need to be maintained, the garbage needs to be collected. We pay for those with our taxes." This game illustrates that practicality well.

Mahjong Solitaire is a great memory and matching game. Plus, the mahjong tiles show famous landmarks all over the world, like the Eiffel Tower, the Hollywood sign, Mt Fuji, Merlion, Stonehenge... and I'm ashamed to admit I don't recognize the others!!! 

Anyway, if you aren't doing anything this weekend or you'd like your kids to play online games that will teach them about math and money, check out! Happy weekend of fun and learning, mamas! 

Sunday, December 11, 2022

My favorite Lazada finds (plus: a peek at my cart!)

Last huge sale of Lazada tonight at midnight and tomorrow kasi 12.12 na! Hindi 'to sponsored post (I wish!) but I'm on the shopping site right now, adding stuff to cart like crazy. 

So, andito na rin lang ako - and bet ko kayo rin hehe - share ko what my favorite Lazada finds are. Sorry, no actual pictures of the products I have. This post is kinda spontaneous kasi. If you like, leave a comment if you want me to do a review of a specific item. Basta lahat ng fave finds ko, I really bought and I recommend as great gifts for yourself or your loved ones. 

Here they are!

I bought a lot of colors because for only P220 a set, okay siya! Very stretchy and yet I feel na contained lahat ng flabs ko. Love the wide waistband. It doesn't roll down kahit malaki tummy! Very comfortable! Sulit sobra lalo na kung araw-araw ang exercise niyo. Buy one set for every day!

My one dislike: Yung light-colored sets, wag niyo bilhin kasi kita kaluluwa niyo. As in. Kaloka, parang hubadera ako. But the dark colors (black, navy blue, forest green), yan, buy those.

Okay, so I bought two of these fans (that black one sa picture and the pink jeep one) because I'm perimenopausal and I am overheating like crazy. Even if I'm in a room na naka-aircon, init na init pa rin ako so lagi akong may dalang pamaypay. To avoid looking like a donya, I got these kasi cute ng designs nila, hindi pang-matanda. And patriotic. And sobrang good gift idea this Christmas! 

Mine are actually silver, not gold, but out of stock na the set I bought so I'm featuring this golden one. If you follow me on social media, you'd know I learned to cut hair during quarantine. No choice! After endless YouTube video tutorials, I got brave enough to try it and I've been cutting my hair and the hair of my husband and sons for the last 2 years. #proud #achievementunlocked #supermama #levelupskills

Try it! Laking tipid. Hindi pwede ang basta-basta na scissors. Kailangan barber's scissors talaga. And I highly recommend this set. 

Oh, I left a review for this purchase on the listing so I'll just copy and paste my photo and review:

I love how the serum pads soothed my skin, which was inflamed by maskne. I even used the pads all over my body (after I used them on my face, there was still so much product left). And my skin felt so hydrated. 

The stretchmark cream is thick and creamy but easily absorbed. Not too sticky and very moisturising. I don't know if it works yet since I just started, but I like it so far. I'll do a review on the blog soon!

This is soooo nice! Lakas maka-shala ng phone case na ito. I swear, every one who has seen it comments na napaka-yaman ng dating niya and I always trill, "Mura lang yan!" Best of all, di na nahuhulog sa mukha ko yung phone ko dahil may bracelet sa likod. 

Yun ang pros. Yung con? Kailangan naka-manicure ako para bagay kamay ko sa kanya haha 

I just did a review of this! Click here: OMOGS Women's Probiotic supplement for weight loss?! 

A lot of people bought this and emailed me how happy they are with the results. This is possibly my favorite find of 2022!

This is another great find for my health. I've been feeling exhausted and yet sleepless for a couple of years now. One of the changes I made was to take a daily supplement. I chose Kirkland Daily Multi kasi kumpleto talaga siya. As in lahat-lahat-lahat! After a few weeks of taking this, I didn't feel so tired anymore (must be the iron), my skin improved (biotin, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C and E), and I just felt healthier and stronger.  

LifeFood EstroG-100 (oh, this was gifted!)

I love this drink! It did so much for my sex life!!! Yes, since we're all friends here, we can talk about how perimenopause makes women dry up down there. Which makes sex uncomfortable, diba. Yes, even if you use KY, dropping estrogen levels makes women lose interest in sex anyway. Then there are the hot flashes, the anxiety, the insomnia... What fresh hell. Ang hirap maging babae!!!

LifeFood EstroG-100 acts like phytoestrogen. So aside from my perimenopause symptoms easing, I also found myself suddenly super interested in sex again! And dry vagina? What's that??? Thing of the past. This drink has saved my marriage! Try it!!!   

Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall

This is such a good book! It's just maps but explained so well that I had a vast new appreciation and understanding of culture, why countries behaved in certain ways (in war and peace), and why we should worry or not worry about certain countries invading others. It doesn't read like a textbook at all. Very friendly and conversational. I just wish the maps were in color!

So there it is! My list of my favorite Lazada finds this year! Highly recommended. Just click the product names for the affiliate links to buy!

And in case you want to buy stuff for me (hehehe), here's a sneak peek at just six things that are in my cart (I have 138!):


This is actually a rip-off of Meghan Markle's favorite Aquazurra heels. I can't afford the original but I super am obsessed to own this pair!

Because it's a classic. This comes in seven colors and I want them all!


Because I like classic styles and polka dots.

I actually have a similar dress that my Mama had in the '70s. It holds good memories for me and Vince (I was wearing it the week we fell in love). I still have it but it's very fragile now so when I saw this, I have to have it.


I want to read about how Roxane Gay's reshaping her feminist views. I can totally relate because I was raised in a toxic masculine/toxic feminine household and so I know I have very traditional views in here somewhere. Becoming feminist is the greatest thing to happen to me, but I realize that it's an evolving process. I have to arrest thoughts from my upbringing and mindfully change them. I think this book will help me!  

I have heard so much about this book but I've never read it! It's all about the Wild Woman - the woman who is passionate, instinctive, creative, wise, and courageous. Basically, all girls are born wild but society tames us ruthlessly so that we become meek and silent. My gulay. Uso pa ba yan??? This book is all about reminding women to claim back their power, to not be ashamed of their passion and love, to trust their instincts and innate wisdom, and to be proud to be women! 

Gosh, just writing that gave me goosebumps (or horripilation - did you know that's the technical term? It sounds horrible haha). I have to read this book! 

Anyway, shopping starts at midnight! What's in your cart???