Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Public service announcement!


Sept. 30, 2009

Music Museum

8 PM

Guests/Performers: Denise Laurel, Maja Salvador, All Stars, Young JV, Marcus Davis, Jay-R, Kris Lawrence, Carla & Nikki Guevarra, Salamin, Kjwan, Kaye Abad, Archipelago, Pupil, Imago, Severo, JP David, Akafellas, Saab Magalona, Top Junk, Techy Romantics, Sessionroad, Dingdong Dantes, The Pin-UpGirls, Caren Mangaran, Baron Geisler, Dice&K-9/Mobbstarr, Hi-C, Stick Figgas and more!

Hosted by Sarah Meier, Mo Twister, Grace Lee
and Mojo Jojo.

Tickets are sold through Ticket World and at the Music Museum gate (P300, P500, P700). Buy your tickets now and make Mio's cancer go away with very loud music! And you get something fab in return, too: a night of dancing, jumping and singing loudly--you'd have expended so much energy, you'd feel like you just consumed the best weight loss supplements! So attend the concert, have fun, see some stars, dance the night away and raise money for Mio's chemo!

If you're not the musical kind, just shop for beauty products for Mio's benefit here!

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Good bye, Michael Jackson. You will be missed.

I'm still crying. I didn't sleep last night because I was up since 10 PM just watching the memorial ceremony for Michael Jackson. I had CNN, CNN Live-Facebook and Fox on all at the same time. Until the ceremony and I just watched it all on CNN until 4 AM.

Then today I had radio tours and, while I promoted my magazine, what we really all talked about was the memorial and how moving it was. I never considered myself a big fan of Michael's music but I grew up singing his songs, as if they were the soundtrack of my life. His music accompanied all the stages of my life and I know practically all his songs--Ben, Give Love on Christmas Day, Heal the World, I Just Can't Stop Loving You, We Are The World, The Way You Make Me Feel, Billie Jean, Bad, Thriller, Black or White, They Don't Care About Us... And while the memorial for the man who was all about the music had but just 11 songs, it was fit for a king. And he was indeed a king.

For me especially who had just buried my mother, the memorial was heartbreaking. It brought me back to Mama's own wake--with songs and dances, laughter and tears. The love and celebration helped ease the loss. I can't even begin to describe how a death feels like. It is beyond any pain imaginable. And seeing those wonderful people talk and sing and pay their respects to a man who devoted his life to music, dance, love and a better world, just drove home the fact that we must make use of our very very brief time here on earth.

I won't go describe what happened at the memorial since you can find that anywhere and everywhere. But I do wish to share the words that touched my heart:

"He is simply... He is simply the greatest entertainer that ever lived." Berry Gordy

"I just want his three children to know: There was nothing strange about your daddy. It was strange what he had to deal with but he dealt with it anyway." Rev. Al Sharpton

"I'm glad I lived in an era to see the greatest living entertainer of all time." Smokey Robinson

"Ever since I was born, Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine. And I just wanted to say I love him... so much." Paris-Michael Jackson

"But even now the King of Pop must bow his knee to the King of Kings." Pastor Lucious W. Smith

Amen to all that indeed.

To the Jackson family and especially to his three beautiful children, you are in my prayers. It never gets better, but it gets easier. God bless you.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Rest in peace, MJ.

I still can't believe Michael Jackson is dead. He died from a heart attack but speculation is rife. It must be all the preparations for his concert tour next month in London. Concerts are so exhausting physically, hence performers train every day so that their stamina and strength will be at an all-time high. Just look at Madonna, Fergie, Gwen Stefani, the Pussycat Dolls... even Britney shed the weight fast when she started her Circus tour.

Reports say that Michael, after years of inactivity and ill health, had been training for the tour. Maybe he overdid it? He was not a healthy 50 years old. And he was also allegedly taking prescription drugs for back pain. Maybe drugs and a suddenly active body just don't mix. We'll know soon since the autopsy is scheduled tomorrow. For updates, go to TMZ.

I feel so sad. He was reportedly going to debut a new dance move! And I was looking forward to his comeback (see my post here where Britney and Michael drive an audience crazy--amazing performance!).

His poor kids, too. Recently, paparazzi got a photo of his kids without their masks. We were going to run it in OK! but--since it's such a rare photo--it was incredibly expensive. Anyway, just look for it online and you'll find it.

Today is a sad day. For Michael's fans, music history and the entertainment world. What's even sadder is I can already imagine the distasteful circus and battle that will most definitely happen over Michael's property and kids as soon as he's laid to rest.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

My Juicy appearance

I start every month with a promoting blitz for OK! magazine. So tomorrow you may want to watch Juicy on TV5 at 11am (here's hoping my spot doesn't get bumped off again!). Here are some pics from the taping yesterday (yey, I finally have photos where my red hair looks red!):

Hello to all the viewers of Juicy!

Alex Gonzaga and IC Mendoza browse the June ish.

They like it. They really like it!

I don't remember what this laughing was all about
but I think it had to do something about sex!

So much fun! Also tomorrow I'll be on the following radio shows:
Listen in if you like! I have a very squeaky voice but I'm smart and funny so you can expect to be entertained. And please please grab a copy of the June issue of OK! magazine.

Better yet, send me a photo of yourself with my magazine! Here's my email: My favorite photo wins a prize!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A very happy second wedding anniversary

This weekend, Vince and I celebrated our second wedding anniversary and the 10th anniversary of our first kiss!

We had a very simple day, which started with me cooking a big brunch. Then... I won't go into specifics! Later on, we went to Power Plant for a haircut (yes, a haircut!) because Vince's last haircut was in December and his long hair was really annoying him. Pardon the pics--we took them with the iPhone because I didn't want to lug around my huge camera.
We're both sporting short hair again! Now, if I can only get Vince
to color his hair platinum blonde... but he says if he colors
his hair, it will only be in Oscar the Grouch green. Yikes!

Then we had dinner at Myron's. Oh, but that was a lovely dinner that left us dizzy. I had a crisp salad and a glass of Chardonnay; Vince had a juicy steak and a Shiraz. We also had two orders of these huge baked oysters that were each as big as my hand. I had 7, Vince had 5! We were so full and round, Vince joked that we could just roll ourselves home!
We were supposed to watch Fast & Furious (we are fans of The Fast & The Furious because hot cars and hot stars are a deadly combination) and watch Ferrari parts fly but I think the movie was all Mitsubishi, Nissan and Mazda and no one gave good reviews so we decided to drop by the bookstore instead. I know I never mention books in this blog because I try to keep this blog light and silly but Vince and I adore books and we do believe we've spent a small fortune on Fully Booked.
Outfit details: a BCBG Max Azria LBD with sequined details
that I bought from eBay, a silk clutch I got as a press gift
and black Nine West slingback heels (not shown).

Then home we went for rich Batangas coffee and Selecta strawberry ice cream. We parked ourselves in front of the TV for a marathon of Pushing Daisies and Chuck and a truly bad movie The Day The Earth Stood Still, which we delighted in demolishing. And that was our anniversary!

Anyway, this whole weekend, I've been singing "A Whole New World" from Disney's Aladdin. It was the song I was singing when Vince and I started going out in 1999, and what I hummed as I prepared for our wedding in 2007. You know, even after 10 years, I still feel like I'm in a whole new world. With the one I love by my side, it is indeed still a thrilling chase, a wondrous place for Vince and me.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

All the single ladies, watch this!

When I said I looked to the '80s for hair inspiration, well, Beyonce went a few notches higher and created a whole video inspired by the '60s.

Here she says that her uber popular "Put a Ring on It" vid was inspired by choreographer Gwen Fosse (oops, posted a wrong vid! Here's the real one!):

And here's the incomparable Mrs. Fosse and her backup dancers shakin' their booty:

Wowza! Whoever said white folks can't dance clearly do not know the Lady Fosse! Here's Beyonce and her backup dancers paying homage:

Can you believe the lithe muscles on Beyonce and her girls? They must've been taking some HGH to get that strong! And those moves aren't easy, mind you. I can imagine the endless practice sessions and training. Anyway, here's the Philippines' very own Dancing Queen, Lucy Torres-Gomez!

I will give Lucy a big A for effort. I tried dancing it and looked pathetic so I won't even dare say anything against the lovely Lucy... But please feel free to comment!

Monday, March 23, 2009

And here's vintage Britney for y'all

OMG, Britney at the height of her career and her sexiness. "Toxic" is one of my favorite Britney Spears songs and when I found this on YouTube today, well, I just had to dance and sing along!

Note: If you're very conservative, then please skip to the next post.

Didn't that make your jaw drop? I hope pants didn't drop, though! I'm trying to learn the dance moves and Vince just laughed away. I guess I need a sparkly nude costume then!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

This really saddens me

If People magazine were to be believed (and they're usually credible), Chris Brown and Rihanna are back together.

I am horrified but I'm not surprised. I was also once in an abusive relationship. Everyone gets shocked when they learn this about me. Apparently, abuse doesn't happen to smart girls. Not so. Abusive men start off being really wonderful—they shower you with so much love and attention, gifts and flattery. Really, you won't know what hit you. Pardon the pun.

In the first few weeks of being together, he would wait outside my classes and bring me to the next one. He was always around. He brought me home. Then he called as soon as he got home and we would talk on the phone for hours. I was flattered no end. Everyone said, however, that his constant presence was suffocating. I didn't see it that way. He was my constant. Full stop.

After a while of this ceaseless attention, I remember he started saying, "You shouldn't be friendly with your ex-boyfriend. It's not proper." So I stopped talking to the ex-guy since I thought the current one had a point.

Next he said, "Don't be too friendly with other guys. People think you're a flirt." So I stopped seeing my guy friends.

Then he said, "Your friends are such a bad influence on you. You really should stop seeing them." This one I resisted, but he wore me out with his constant nagging that I finally did stop seeing my friends. It was a two-way street. My friends, disgusted with me, turned away, too.

All alone now, I was vulnerable when he moved in for the kill. He started with little insults—"Only nerds wear glasses," "Your pimples are gross," "You're so flat-chested, you must be a guy." My confidence completely eroded, I believed him when he said, "I don't know why I'm with you when I can do so much better." He made me feel grateful that he chose to stay with me—ugly, pimply, flat-chested nerd that I was.

By the time we celebrated our first anniversary as a couple, I had no friends. This really didn't bother me since I had his love, and I believed with all my 19-year-old heart that that was all I needed. Never mind the daily insults or the smothering attention. Never mind the jealous rages or the crazy suspicions. After all, I not only believed I was ugly (and therefore deserved to be insulted), I was a hot-head myself so if he got angry at me, I must've provoked him. He sure made sure I knew that.

On our first anniversary date, we had argued over shawarma. He had wanted beef. I came back from the food stall (yes, our anniversary dinner was at a food stall) with chicken. He got angry. I got angry back. It became a shouting match. Unfortunately for him, I'm lethal when it came to words. Unfortunately for me, he fought back with his fists.

Then he fled—in his car, at 11pm, with my bag and wallet and asthma medicine inside. I was all alone in the dark streets, no money, no way to get home. 

After my initial shock and horror, I approached people for help. Everyone avoided me—skinny girl with a bloody lip, asking for money for a pay phone. Finally, a guy tossed me a P20 bill. It was enough money to get me home. In the jeepney, I didn't realize I was shaking violently until a guy offered me his jacket. When he wrapped his jacket gently around my shoulders, only then did I start crying. He asked if I needed help. I said no, I just wanted to go home.

I slipped into my room quietly. The bleeding had already stopped. The bruises will appear in the morning, although I didn't know that yet. I just crept into bed, exhausted and in shock. I swore I'd never see him again. Of course, when he turned up on my doorstep with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and the most repentant look on his face three days later, I took him back. He said sorry. He said it would never happen again. When I hugged him, he said softly, "If you only got the beef... Why do you have to be so inattentive?"

I stayed with him for three more years. I didn't tell anyone about the abuse. I was scared people would break us up. I told myself that loved him and that he loved me. I thought my love was big enough to change him. Yes, despite the many many terrible fights and bruises, despite the girls he had on the side, I stayed. I believed that if you loved someone, you don't walk away. Besides, I didn't have any friends. I was terrified of being alone.

When did I leave? We were at a mall and I saw him staring at another girl. I teased him that I could stare at other guys. He responded by hitting me so hard on my back that I lost my breath. He started pulling me to I really don't know where. We were in a public place so I began shouting at people for help. "Help me! He's going to hurt me!" People looked, paused... and then they all walked away. I heard them say repeatedly, "Don't get involved. It's just a lover's quarrel."

Despite the years of his abuse, it was only on that day that something in me truly died. I was alone, and no one was going to help me. At the same time, something in me—the old me—awakened. The old me had a nasty temper, the old me had pride, and the old me would never allow this asshole to treat me like shit. I stopped wasting my time asking for help and turned on him. He finally had to let me go because his scratches were bleeding. He ran away.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the end of it. We still saw each other. Less and less. We still fought, but now I fought back. Strangely enough, when I fought back, he stopped. He began seeing other girls. I took this not as a betrayal but as a relief. I also began seeing my friends again, who formed a fierce protective wall around me. Finally, we just didn't see each other anymore.

Do I hate him? No. Not anymore. It's been a decade. I'm no longer that scared little girl who allowed an insecure little idiot to terrify and abuse her. I'm also not stupid anymore. No one tells me I'm ugly or worthless. No one tells me what to think or do. No one can have that power over me again. I don't allow that kind of shit from anybody anymore.

Rihanna took Chris back because she loved him. She may also believe that it was her fault he hit her and that she deserved it. She may also believe that she can change him, that they can work it out. She also reportedly got a diamond bracelet as a gift—I tell you, these abusive men, they know how to give gifts. It doesn't mean a girl can be bought but a nice gift sure does soften you up. Will it end well for Rihanna and Chris? I really doubt it. But I'm not going to condemn her; I know exactly where she's coming from. She needs help, but until she realizes this, she's going to continue being abused and I hope to heaven that she comes out of this alive.

If you are in an abusive relationship, please get out now. No matter what he says or what anybody says, it's not your fault he hit you. Love never involves belittling, insulting or hurting. Please read this story and know that you're not alone in this fight. Please get help.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


You are the reason that I breathe
You are the reason that I still believe
You are my destiny
Jai Ho!

No there is nothing that can stop us
Nothing can ever come between us
So come and dance with me
Jai Ho!

I love this song! Now if I can only learn the dance steps...

"Jai Ho" by The Pussycat Dolls, Oscar-winning song from Oscar-winning movie Slumdog Millionaire

Monday, October 27, 2008

Shoulda Woulda Coulda

This is for Mama who passed away exactly a month ago. I miss you dearly.

I don't believe in dwelling on things that I should've done, shouldn't have done because at that time, that was my truth and I needed to live that truth. I lived the way I lived and I did what I had to do to be happy, to grow up, to find me. Still, when the silence becomes deafening I can't help but feel sorry I put you aside so that I can be me.

I know I'm right where I belong
But sometimes when I'm not that strong
I wish I, wish I'd done a little bit more
Now shoulda woulda coulda means I'm out of time
Shoulda woulda coulda can't change your mind
And I wonder, I wonder what I'm gonna do
"Shoulda woulda coulda" are the last words of a fool.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Britney's sooo back!

Please watch the first few minutes of the video in this MTV VMAs link.

When she walked to the stage to her tune, "Baby, One More Time," my eyes all but fell out crying. My baby's baaaaack! And in a big way, too. Britney won Best Female Video, Best Pop Video, and the biggest award of all--Video of the Year!

Just proves to all and sundry that everyone deserves a second chance and we can all rise from the deepest darkest pits of hell. Welcome back, Britney!

*image from

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Britney and Michael--Bring them back!

OMG. You've got to watch this video of Michael Jackson and Britney Spears singing "The Way You Make Me Feel"!!! Two superstars on stage, singing live, feeding off each other's energy--it's electrifying.

Really makes you long for the good ol' days when real singing sensations entertained us. Not the crap we get these days. Well, at least Britney's back in the studio recording an album again. I really liked Blackout, and the critics hailed it, too, as one of her best. Sad that she wasn't able to promote it because her life was in such turmoil last year. But she's much better now, healthier, hitting the gym trying to get back her old shape. And she'll also be part of Madonna's big tour next month. And her video for "Piece of Me" just got nominated for the MTV VMAs. People really still believe in Britney!

Now if only Michael will also come back...

Anyway, here's another video that I love. At least Madonna, Christina Aguilera and Missy Eliot's still in the scene. That's quite a comforting thought really!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Why we love Britney

Three facts about me:
1. I'm an editor of an entertainment mag.
2. I'm a blogger.
3. I'm a huge Britney Spears fan.

Now bear with me a bit while I tie those things together.

This week, Britney appeared in a small role in How I Met Your Mother. And for such a tiny stint in an American sitcom, it made headlines and was talked about in blogs. Well, Britney can just chew gum and it still gets real estate on any news outfit. She's in every issue of the magazine I edit. I always get letters from readers asking me to feature her, and I do. And it's not just because I'm a huge fan so I'm glad to oblige but because, one, her life is so bigger than life that I can't not put her there and, two, she sells the mag.

So since I mentioned it already, let's talk about her life. From the romance with Justin to its ugly breakup, the quickie marriage to Jason Alexander, the whirlwind romance and short-lived chaotic marriage with Kevin Federline, the pregnancies and the cute sons, the wild partying, the panty-less excursions, the nervous breakdowns, the rehab stints, the custody dramas, the humiliating VMA performance, et al... Britney's life is one magnetic theater that's better than any soap opera out there.

Many people wonder why everyone's still so fascinated with the fallen pop star. Well, beyond the tabloids, we have to realize that in her nine-year career, she did sell over 83 million records worldwide. She's the only female in music history who can boast that her first four studio albums debuted at number one in the U.S. charts. She's an amazing dancer and choreographer. She's extremely pretty but not in a scary way. She's sexy. She's always controversial. And she's so popular that anything she endorses--from pop music to soda pop--sells. She is, quite simply, a star. Honestly, I think the superstars of this world are Elvis, The Beatles, Madonna, Michael Jackson--then a host of upstarts came along--and then there was Britney. No one has really replaced her yet.

But what makes her most appealing, at least in my book, is actually what she's best at: her music. Yes, her music is always catchy, has mass appeal, very marketable. But the most special thing about her music is its diary-like feel. Her songs are always so personal, revealing her most intimate thoughts to the world. She opens up to her fans like no other star ever has and always in the realm of her music. To this generation of tabloid lovers and bloggers who are always too willing to expose their thoughts and lap up others, Britney is a gift from the gods of gossip. Before stars had MySpace, there was Britney's music.

Though she was a superstar, we were surprised when she sang this: "If there's nothing missing in my life, then why do these tears come at night?" - Lucky

After she and Justin broke up, Britney wrote this heartbreaking song:
"Every time I try to fly, I fall. Without my wings I feel so small. I guess I need you, baby." - Everytime

And with the insanity that's happening in her life, I'm sure this is what she has to say:
"They say I'm crazy, I really don't care. That's my prerogative... Some ask me questions: Why am I so real? But they don't understand me... Everybody's talking all this stuff about me. Why don't they just let me live? I don't need permission, make my own decisions. That's my prerogative." - Prerogative

Yup, Britney doesn't seem to care that she's living her life in front of all us:
"Cameras are flashing my way... and they keep watchin'... I just can't control myself... They want more... Well, I'll give 'em more." - Gimme More

But she's shrewd. She knows exactly how we see her:
"I'm Mrs. Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous... I'm Mrs. "Oh my god, that Britney's shameless"... I'm Mrs. "Extra! Extra! This just in!"... I'm Mrs. "She's too big, now she's too thin" (you want a piece of me)." - Piece of Me

And yet she confesses that
"I need to make mistakes just to learn who I am and I don't wanna be so damn protected. There must be another way cause I believe in taking chances but who am I to say what a girl is to do? God, I need some answers." - Overprotected

But what I really want her to be thinking right now is this:
"I'm not a girl, not yet a woman. All I need is time, a moment that is mine while I'm in between... But if you look at me closely, you will see it in my eyes, this girl will always find her way." - Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman

Indeed, in this age of ravenous voyeurism, Britney is the ultimate star.

Find your way, Britney. We'll still be here waiting for you to come back to the top where you always belonged.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

I got everything I need

I grew up listening to country songs. Though I never really liked country music, my life seemed to have been made for country music. Today I heard a country song that made me think of how complete my life is and made me think of the two people in my life who I wish were still here to share my happiness.

I grew up with my grandparents and I love love love them so much. Lolo Manong, a policeman, was the first man I went to for love advice and Lola Auring, a housewife, was the first woman I went to for... well, everything. They encouraged me to pursue my passions, they cooked and cleaned for me so that I'd have all the time to do my homework and write my stories, they loved my friends and advised me on the "friends" I should get rid of. They also carefully guided me on matters of the heart and, though the guys I dated never met their expectations (Lola: "He's all right, but you can do better."), they loved them anyway.

So when they died nine years ago, my world just never felt the same. Not long after they were buried, I met Vince. I wish they'd met Vince--the realization of everything they wanted for me.

Lolo and Lola, I know you're looking down from heaven and I know you're very happy for me, and I know you love Vince the way you always always loved me. I also know you're proud that I've fulfilled all my dreams and more! But most of all, I know you're proud that above all these, I've learned to treasure what you always taught me to treasure: four walls, three words, two hearts, one love.

by Randy Travis

My Grandpa farmed for a livin',
Content to live the simpler kind of life.
My Grandma worked in the kitchen,
Awfully proud to be that farmer's wife.
They used to say that they'd got everything that they need,
Each mornin' they wake up:
Four walls, three words, two hearts, one love.

Here I am, ring on my finger:
Grandpa's little grandson, all grown up.
I found my rock and I plan to keep her.
I wish they were here to see the two of us.
They'd be proud to know we've got everything that we need,
Each mornin' we wake up:
Four walls, three words, two hearts, one love.

With the highway twice as wide,
And the farmland sub-divided.
It's good to know that some things never change.
I'm still lovin' an I'm still livin',
By those simple words of wisdom:
Life an' love come down to just four things.

My Grandpa, Lord knows, I miss him,
An' the way that he and Grandma looked at life.
And each day, I count my blessings,
To have that kind of love here by my side.
No matter what, we know we've got everything that we need,
Each mornin' we wake up:
Four walls, three words, two hearts, one love.

Yeah, we've got everything that we need,
Between the two of us:
Four walls, three words, two hearts, one love.