Sunday, May 15, 2016

A big thanks to all who help moms!

This post is brought to you by SMART Communications.

I've been away from this blog for soooo long! The elections took nearly all my attention, stole away my time, and drained me emotionally. In fact, I almost forgot it was Mother's Day last Sunday. That was how consumed I was with the whole thing! But my husband and my kids surprised me with a sweet card decorated with handmade flowers, and added rabbits to the mix!
I don't want to pack it away. The kids made those flowers themselves.
The rabbits are wall hooks. Because I leave my clothes draped on chairs everywhere 

I'm a lucky girl. I know I keep saying that. Someone told me baka ma-jinx. Ako naman, my belief is if you're not acknowledging your blessings, they'll be taken away. So araw-araw talaga, I look at my husband, my kids, my life and say, "Thank You, God! I don't know what I did to deserve them because You know I don't deserve them, and yet You gave me them. Thank you!"

As a mother, I especially want to honor my husband for being my total partner in parenting. What do I mean by "total"? Well, society has clear-cut definitions of what fathers and mothers should do. Fathers provide and discipline. They should never help with childcare. Mothers take care of the kids and the home. They should never have a career.

In our home, however, Vince and I share all responsibilities. There's no shirking of responsibilities just because gender dictates so. He loves the nurturing part—giving our sons baths, feeding them, and teaching them how to read. I like to do those, too! But many times, I'm spent and Vince always swoops in, always ready with a cuddle and a kiss for me and the boys. Some people think that's a mother's job. If that's how they see it, then thank you, Vince, for not shying away from mothering our boys!

I have friends who are single mothers and they are grateful for the family who swooped in and stood as fathers for their kids. Some even stood as mothers for those times when my single mother friends had to be away to be providers. I have friends who are lucky enough to have found yayas who love their kids. Those are the best kind of yayas because they will care for your kids with their very lives.

Motherhood may be a tough job but I'm glad we have help. Thanks so much to everyone who helps us moms with the mothering. Whether it's our husbands, partners, best friends, mothers and mothers-in-law, sisters and sisters-in-law, brothers and brothers-in-law, neighbors and yayas, God bless the people who share the burden of raising our little ones. 

Happy Mother's Day!

Monday, May 02, 2016

Learn how to dress your pregnant self stylishly in Mom 101

Happy Mommy's Month!

It's been a very busy past few weeks for me—I have new blog partners and new endorsements! Mother's Month (hehe because we all know we have to appreciate moms all this month!) is just as busy. The scariest part is I have new speaking engagements! I'm frightened and excited at the same time because with my workshops, I usually just speak to 10-20 people. My talks this month have an audience of 120-150!

The first one is this Saturday, at the Mom 101 & Breastfeeding 101 series of St. Luke's Medical Center. This series is by the OBG Department and this weekend's instalment has a summer theme. I'll be talking about how to dress your baby bump stylishly even when it's so hot!

My segment is sponsored by Elin Maternity Wear. I was the first ambassador of Elin way back in 2014. It was so fun to have all my maternity clothes for free! Thanks, Elin! Actually, I still wear Elin because they have clothes for breastfeeding moms, too. And if you check out their site, they have other clothes that moms and non-moms can wear. Shop here:

I hope you can invite your pregnant friends to come spend the day with us on Saturday! Just register through the number stated on the poster above. See you!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Nabasa niyo na ba ang mga kuwento ni Jollibee?

Tawa muna tayo today, guys. Sobrang init ng social media this week. Grabeng bangayan alang-alang sa ating bayan. I wasn't able to blog about our visit to Kidzania and the two secrets to a happy marriage! Next week na lang.

I'm stepping away from Facebook this weekend dahil di ko na ma-take, lalo na't nakatanggap ako ng mga di kanais-nais na words from some people who didn't like that I wasn't supporting their candidate. But before I logged off, a friend shared this photo from this page:

Haha, a fat joke in this time of political correctness! Much funnier than that notorious non-joke definitely. So I checked out the FB page called Mga Kuwento ni Jollibee (fan-made lang, not by the brand... daw) and sobrang nag-lift ang mood ko because of these:

 Proud siya sa big butt niya!

But Jollibee will do anything to look slim, too.

But not too slim...

The fake Jollibee posts are numerous! Hindi talaga magaya si Bee!

Kasi maraming may crush sa kanya, being the biggest bee in the country:

Jollibee also gets kilig when he meets celebs:

 But we all know Jollibee is the biggest celeb of them all. Na-kidnap tuloy siya.

I like these. He's so landi!

Type ko rin the Throwbacks and Flashbacks:
P2.95 ang Yumburger!!!

And because he can't resist taking jabs at the competition (which I love, btw!):

 Aww. Friends na kasi kayo!

As for the elections, maging friends na tayong lahat!

Ika nga ni Bee, "Happy weekend, everyone!" Wag na muna tayo mag-Facebook unless gusto niyo mapasaya ng Mga Kuwento ni Jollibee!

Monday, April 18, 2016

New year

i like my body when it is with your
body. It is so quite new a thing.
Muscles better and nerves more.
i like your body. i like what it does,
i like its hows. i like to feel the spine
of your body and its bones, and the trembling
-firm-smooth ness and which i will
again and again and again
kiss, i like kissing this and that of you,
i like, slowly stroking the, shocking fuzz
of your electric fur, and what-is-it comes
over parting flesh… And eyes big love-crumbs,

and possibly i like the thrill
of under me you so quite new
- e.e.cummings

Happy 17 years of love and happy 9 years of marriage, my dearest darling Vince. I love our late night chats, with hushed giggles and whispered wonders. I won't share them with my readers, no worries, but I'm really happy you told me what you told me last night. The longer I'm with you, the more I understand love and commitment and life. Thank you for letting me grow bigger than myself. Thank you that every day feels like new, even the days when we're unshowered and elbow deep in childcare—which is more like every day now—every day is still a new adventure because there's always something new to find out about each other and life on this good earth. Even after all these years, we feel new. 

Friday, April 15, 2016

Ask Frances: Will everything fall in place?

"Ask Frances" is a monthly blog series where I will answer questions from my readers. The chosen question will receive a prize. This month's prize is from Alon Island Essentials, which "pursues the essence of island living, being one with the seas and nature, with its carefully crafted lines." Their lines encompass a whole lifestyle for islanders really. There's Alon Wear, Alon Skin, Alon Mom And Baby, Alon Home, and Alon Pluses, The Accessories. Our chosen letter sender will get a maxi dress from Alon Wear and the Alon Skin Art of Tanning Set, which is made from the purest nature-derived essential oils and ingredients.

Sabine maxi-dress. Wear as a giant shirt for lounging at home, belt it before stepping out, reveal a shoulder for a more feminine look. Versatile, comfy, and comes in many designs.

Before Tanning Oil. Virgin coconut oil drenched in coffee oil and aloe prepares skin for a golden glow.

During Hydrating Skin Mist. Your hot skin will drink up this hydrating and rejuvenating mist of green tea, cucumber and lavender.

After Healing Oil. Calm and moisturize skin with this after-sun and after-shower oil.

Our question this month:

Just wanted to ask for advice for a newlywed like myself. My husband and I were college friends who eventually fell in love (we weren't aware that we had a crush on each other since college) and got married just last month. The long distance ligawan was tough and now, married life tougher because we are still apart because of his work assignment. He's trying to get reassigned to Manila as soon as he can; we've been waiting and praying for the last three years. Money is also tight since we are just starting out and the place I'm training in does not give compensation to trainees like myself. I barely have any savings because I had to support myself for the past three years because both my parents were forced to retire early when their workplaces sized down. 

I'm so anxious about everything ahead like having babies, supporting my family, getting our own place and my career. Do you think everything will fall in place? I'm trying to remain as optimistic as I can but I'm still a tad afraid.


Dear K.D.,

In my 39 years, I think I felt most confident at 13. I was positive I knew how life worked. I was going to be absolutely amazing. I just knew it! I had a life plan, a bucket list, and the brains and arrogance to go for everything I wanted. And I did get everything I wanted and more. I also got knocked down many times, so much so that if there's anything I'm sure of, it's that life has a strange sense of humor.

One day, you're the editor-in-chief of a magazine; the next day, you lose your job. One day, you tell people you're definitely not having children; the next day, the pregnancy test says otherwise. One day, you tell your mother you can't see her because you're working your ass off to give her money; the next day, she's dead. One day, you're smug about your marriage; the next day, you're wondering when was the last time you really talked. One day, you think you're pretty great at this motherhood thing; the next day, you're collapsing in defeat behind the locked bathroom door while your children bang on it with their little demanding fists.

So what do you do? Well, K.D., you have got to stop worrying!

Let me tell you a story. Nine years ago, I was about to get married. I planned my wedding in three months. I heard rumors that I must be pregnant (I wasn't) because who rushes weddings, right? I had the flu the week before my wedding. I arrived late at the church. The cake melted. An uncle started campaigning for his candidate. No one sat where they should sit and so our parents ended up having no seats! What a disaster! Despite all our meticulous planning, despite all the care we put into every detail, things still fell apart. And yet everything also fell into place. My wedding happened the way it had to happen. My wedding is still one of the best and happiest days of my life.

I believe that as long as you've got your priorities straight, things will fall into place. My priority list has always been God, husband, kids, work. Well, God gets forgotten sometimes. My husband, too. And when that happens, chaos happens. It's when I set my priorities straight, that's when things just start lining up and everything starts becoming amazing. Like my wedding. If I had focused on what people will think about me or the wedding (or the fact that my parents lost their seats!), I would be agonizing about what a failure the whole thing was. But I didn't. Priority: Honor God by marrying Vince; honor Vince by focusing on my commitment to him. Nothing else mattered!

So I don't know what's coming your way, K.D. But I do know you're in love and you have high hopes for the future. That's great! Positivity attracts lots of good stuff! Set your priorities straight. Prioritize your marriage. I think spouses should be physically together. Your husband is already acting on making that happen. No kids now so you can prioritize work, too. Money, don't worry about money. As long as you and your husband can work, you can make money. Me, I take in any work—sponsored posts, talks, PR writing, workshops, articles—anything that pays the bills and puts food on the table is good work. Plus, gigs expand your network and you'll be surprised at how much people want to help you as long as you open yourself up to new experiences and say you'll do the job.

Anyway, I guess what's eating you up is the uncertainty of what's ahead. Well, nothing in life is certain except death and taxes! But there's also these I'm certain of: God and love and just how beautiful life can be if you stop worrying. Nothing in life is certain anyway, and I've lived long enough to know that that can be a good thing. I was sure I didn't want children, for example. Thank goodness I was so wrong!

So just make your plans, prioritize what's important, live and love and laugh, and then when life throws you a curveball, reassess, reboot, start again. Things do fall into place. While you're in the thick of it, as you are now, things may just look crazy, but when you look back, things are happening just the way they should. Just ride it out and things will fall in place. They always do. You'll see. They always always do.  

Now email me so Alon can send you your dress and tanning set! Have a great weekend!

Thanks, Alon, for providing this month's prize. Shop Alon via website:, Facebook:; Instagram:; or through their roving pop-up stores.

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If you have a question for me, send an email to with "Ask Frances" on the subject.