Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Please, Universe, let me win these prizes!

Power Plant is giving away a Benz. And I want it!
Yeah. But can it fly?

All you need to do is exchange your receipts for a raffle coupon. If you spent P2,000 in any shop in Power Plant, that's one coupon, P3,000 at the supermarket is also one coupon. Because Power Plant is our favorite mall, we got not a few coupons. Yey!

As you can see, there's enough receipts up there to burn out receipt printers! Now, I gather all receipts--yes, even P40 parking fees--so I can also join BIR's promo:

The prizes are phone loads (which we don't need) and cash that range from P25,000 to a million pesos!!! Now, cash I definitely want! If you have receipts lying about, here's encouraging news:

I will digress a bit. Vince doesn't like it that I'm always saying I want money. It doesn't sound nice, he says. It reflects badly on me (as a woman) and on him (as a provider). To clarify, I am not money-hungry and Vince provides more than enough for our family.

It's just that late last year, someone who has always been most selfish took a lot from Vince and me. Financially, emotionally, you name it. I never talked about it in this blog (although I dropped hints here and there) because I was so devastated by this event. My closest friends know the story and they feel very badly for me and my new family. There is impotent fury all around, but it's not something I can share publicly. That's how bad it was.

Vince and I have recovered somewhat from the catastrophe. Evidence: the shopping we enjoyed! We were resolute in the decision that we will not let this person ruin Vito's first Christmas. But, sad to say, Christmas wasn't a very happy time because of the terrible emotional strain.

But it's a New Year! While we can't turn our backs on this person, we've decided to just work super hard so that no matter what happens, Vito's future is secure. But a million pesos and a nice new car will definitely make us feel better!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Weekend report

Well, I am a tired woman right now. Spent all of yesterday listening to my kid's yaya talk about her daughter's disappearance (she took her three sons with her so Ate Marita's worried sick about the grandkids, too). To cheer her up, I told her to go to the mall and shop. She came back excited about--you'll never guess--LCD TVs! Samsung and a Chinese-sounding brand being her top choices. I was, like, "Ate M, an LCD TV is expensive!" Mebbe she wants a raise (again?!), you think?

So I sent her home early because she wanted to hunt down her daughter and grandsons. That left me alone with Vito, which was okay, until Vince came home feeling very much under the weather. Uh oh. We were expecting company, too. Well, everything went well last night but today, Vince felt really awful. Plus, Vito was extra fussy. I tell ya, it ain't easy to take care of a baby and a sick hubby all by my lonesome. But they're finally both asleep and I am nursing a mug of coffee. (Decaf. Sad, I know.)

I haven't had a shower. My hair is all mussed up. My body is aching all over. There are dishes to be washed, fresh laundry to be folded and put away, clutter to sort... I am exhausted. It's hard to be a homemaker!

The trouble with having kids late...

... is I have no more friends who'll get married in the next three to five years. That means Vito won't ever get to be a ring/coin/Bible bearer. It would've been so cute to see him in a little suit or barong, walking most seriously (I imagine him to take his duties most seriously!) down that long aisle. I'd be such a proud momma!
Vince's cute nephews Kevin and Zo at our 2007 wedding
Well, I did propose to Vince that we could renew our vows when Vito's 3 or 4 or 5 years old. That way, Vito gets to be a ring bearer and I get to have new wedding jewelry! Definitely a fantastic plan! Now if only I can fit into my gown again...
Nope. I didn't diet or exercise to fit into that dress.
I was really just thin. Now my birthing hips are impossible! 

And it's a whole new look for 2011!

Readers, I hereby present Topaz Horizon's new look!

I used Blogger's Template Designer and then when I realized that a ton of stuff was disappearing from my blog (widgets, links, Nuffnang codes, the Facebook like button!!!), I stopped in sheer panic!

Vince doesn't like it ("It's mustard. And there are birds. Birds are eeeeevil."). I'm still getting used to it myself. I do like it, though. I like the oranges and browns. I also like the birds since they look like they're flying on the horizon. Get it? I do think the font size is rather huge. It looks like I write for very old people. But, hey, if it makes this blog easier to read, right?

So tell me what you think! I really don't want to mess with the html codes anymore since I am so very afraid I'd delete everything but if some stuff doesn't seem to be working, kindly alert me. Thanks!

P.S. Check out my FAQs page! I finally finished it!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Am about to disappear for some technical updates

I'll be gone for a while. I'm tired of this dreary black thing going on with this blog. I did that because a black screen doesn't consume as much energy as a white screen. So I like to think that you save energy while you read my blog. But if your eyes get stressed, what is the point of reading?!

Anyhoot, I will experiment for a bit. Clean up. I want to be minimalist for 2011. Life is getting really messy lately. As life tends to be. But blogs, hair and houses shouldn't be! Be back sooooon!