Tuesday, October 04, 2016

10 tips for making meal times easy for the family

This post is brought to you by Jolly Food.

To be very honest, meals—especially dinner—are just the worst time for me as a parent. I tried my hardest to serve healthy meals, spent a few hours over the stove cooking, and then eating time arrives and it's a disaster! Either someone will complain about the food not being their favorite, or that they're not hungry, or that the food is yucky without even tasting it, or insist they'll just eat a few bites before asking for ice cream or for me to cook something else.

Then there's the fact that as parents, we have to not just feed them, we also have to teach them good manners like don't talk when your mouth is full, chew with your mouth closed, sit properly, don't spit, use your napkin, use your spoon and fork, don't climb on the table, stop walking around, don't eat from your brother's plate, stop killing each other!!! You know, stuff like that.

I have lost my temper many times. You don't tell someone who cooked good food to cook something else. My husband has also gotten angry at the kids. If my issue is the food, his issue is the manners. Meal times became a battleground and we just weren't enjoying eating together anymore.

I don't think there's a good parent anywhere who enjoys getting mad at their kids. Vince and I hate getting mad at our kids, especially at meal times, when we should be savoring our blessings of food and family! So Vince and I had many talks on how we can improve meal times. We tried this, we did that, we had to tweak rules, throw out what didn't work, and added new ideas we picked from other parents. Now, meal times are so much better. We are enjoying our meals again. Vince and I are more relaxed, the kids are happier, too. Best of all, everyone's eating!

Here are our 10 tips for making meal times easy for the family:

1. Serve everyone's favorite food.
Not every day, of course, but what's wrong with giving everyone something they like now and then? What we did is we listed down everything everyone liked. Tinolang manok, nilagang baboy, pansit, pork chops, tocino, hotdogs, fish fingers, chicken nuggets, spaghetti, rellenong bangus, scrambled eggs, pizza, and fried chicken. Then we create a meal plan based on that list.

2. Let them do the grocery with you.
I don't like doing the grocery with my kids because stuff like chocolates, chips and candy find their way in the cart. But I also found that the kids get excited about food when they see them before they become ulam. When they help pick out the vegetables, for example, they're more willing to eat it because they feel like they picked it so they have an obligation to eat it hahaha.

3. Serve dessert at snack time.
I used to offer dessert after every meal. It was my prize for finishing their food or eating their veggies. The problem is what happens when one child doesn't finish his food? He gets really upset because his brothers get to eat dessert. The whole thing just dissolves into a terrible tantrum. So no dessert after meals! I found that merienda time is the best time for sweets, cakes, ice cream and chips. They get to enjoy their sweets and snacks, and there's no stressful contests at meal times.

4. Cook in big batches.
Big batches save time, money and mommy's sanity. Do it. When I cook every meal, I'm more stressed out and rushed and definitely exhausted and hungry when it's time to eat. I do not have patience for any whining at the table when I feel like that. So I cook a lot then reheat.

5. Be creative with leftovers.
The problem nga lang with big batches of food is nakakasawa siya. So you recook them in a different way. Leftover spaghetti sauce is tomorrow's pizza pan de sal sauce. Adobong wala ng sabaw becomes crispy adobo flakes-silog. Chopsuey veggies will taste great in pansit!

6. Let the kids cook.
Oh yes, the easiest way to make them eat their dinner is to let them cook it! They get excited and they prepare it just the way they want it, and then they gobble it all up!

7. Try canned and frozen food.
This is for your sanity. Once in a while, you'll need to go for convenience. Instead of making your own spaghetti sauce, try opening a can. Instead of washing, removing stems, and slicing mushrooms, use a can of sliced ones. Instead of peeling and cutting fresh fruit for dessert, try a can of chilled peaches or lychees. All are delicious, easy to prepare, saves you time, and makes you relaxed!

8. Give the kids small servings.
I got this tip from a mommy nutritionist. Kids get overwhelmed daw when they see a full plate. They go, "I can't eat all of that! I'm not hungry!" What's best is to give them a little bit of everything, tell them just have a taste of this and that, no pressure. If they want more, then you can just keep adding food. But if they don't want more, then no food is wasted.

9. Give them healthy choices.
My kids' favorite food is always fried and oily. Their pediatrician says that's okay because my kids are naturally skinny and super likot so they can afford to eat lotsa fatty food. Still, it's good to add veggies or soup as a side dish to their fried food!

10. Always make meals a fun time.
Easier said than done but we try by talking about their day, sharing jokes. We try not to talk about serious stuff at the table. And we also really try not to lose our temper when drinks get spilled, food falls on the floor, and feet find their way on the table. We try! And we've improved a lot! Hooray!

I hope our suggestions helped! If you have more ideas, please do share in the comments below. We parents need to help each other in this great adventure of raising happy, healthy kids!

For more cooking tips and delicious recipes, like Jolly's Facebook page, Jolly Eats.

Monday, October 03, 2016

NEW SERIES! Frances Finds: breakfast goodies

I wanted to do a Frances Finds series for the longest time because I get so many products. Thanks, everyone, for your generosity! A lot of them find their way on my Instagram, and I thought that was enough. But some of the brands that I'm friendly with said Instagram is not Google-able. So even though IG and Snapchat are hotter than blogs these days, the content featured there can't be Googled so... may silbi pa pala ang blogs hahaha.

So let's do Frances Finds every month. Maybe even twice or thrice a month since I really get a lot of goodies. For this month, I'll tell you all about our breakfasts.

Kopiko Kopiccino
If you follow me on Instagram or if you've reading this blog for a while, you'd know I like instant coffee a lot. I like brewed coffee a lot, too, but gone are the days when mornings were meditative moments of freshly ground coffee beans percolating in the coffee maker. With three little kids up starting at the crack of dawn, I need my coffee instant! Hence, Kopiko Kopiccino.

I've been drinking this for 3 years na yata. I've tried other brands but I keep coming back to this one. Masarap siya, guys. Creamy, sweet, foamy, with a touch of bittersweet chocolate. It's sooo good!

Napansin yata ng Kopiko na love ko 'tong kape nila because they sent me a big box of sachets. Like, a year's supply! I'm so happy! Thank you, Kopiko! A mother needs all the help she can get to survive the day and you just sent me hundreds of days!

Quaker Oats
Our favorite is the Instant Oatmeal with Milk. Yes, instant again! Until you've walked a mile in my... er, with my barefoot feet, don't judge. I love instant everything! I do slow cooking every day anyway (fast food on weekends, though) so for the other aspects of homemaking that's been made more efficient by technology, I welcome them with loving and grateful arms. Quaker Oats Instant Oatmeal with Milk, we love you!

Quaker Oats sent us their other instant variants—oatmeal with fruit and nuts, with chocolate, and the old-fashioned, you-have-to-cook-it whole grain rolled oats.

I've tried them and food is food and all food is good, but I still prefer the milk one. It's perfect. These new ones, I'm still trying to understand. Anyone tried them? They're actually okay naman. I guess hindi pa ako sanay sa lasa nila. Who has a different experience?

I grew up on Tang. I love Tang orange juice so much that when I finally became rich enough to buy real freshly-squeezed orange juice, grabe, hindi pala masarap ang freshly-squeezed OJ! Ang asim! At may konti pang pakla na aftertaste. Yack. But now, kaya ko na siyang inumin. In the words of the mayayaman kong friends, my taste has become sophisticated. Hindi ko lang maamin na mas gusto ko pa rin ang instant orange juice! Tang forever!

I especially love it that Tang has lots of new flavors now. There's mango, pineapple, calamansi, grape, strawberry, lemon and melon. Our family favorite is mango. Super good! We also like dalandan. Para siyang orange juice but mas malumanay ang flavor. Very good. My own favorite is the melon flavor. Kulang na lang grated melon and it tastes just like real melon juice served on a hot summer day in a plastic bag! I love all the flavors actually because they all taste like the real thing... but better.

I also like the commercial of Tang, the one that advocates for no judging of parents.

Judgmental people is one of the reasons mommy blogging lost its appeal to me. I got so much hate because I posted a photo of my kids getting NIDO milk or eating chocolate or enjoying McDo. At first, I didn't mind. Hindi naman kayo ang nagpapakain ng mga anak ko so wag niyo pakialaman ang kinakain nila. But after a while, it gets to you. I know I'm a good mom. I'll never win Mom of the Year, but no mother in all the world can love my boys as much as I do, and that makes me the best mommy in the world to them. That's good enough for me!

And that's my first Frances Finds! Breakfast food! How about you? What grocery goodies do you love for breakfast? Please share para ma-try namin ng kids ko. Thanks!

Sunday, October 02, 2016

Topaz Talks to Nichole and Stacey of Honeycomb Children's Clothing

I'm so thrilled about this month's Topaz Talks because I get to share with you, my dear Loyal Readers, two of the most hardworking mothers I know. Meet Stacey Lato and Nichole Mercado, sisters, stylistas, and the women behind the brand for all things cute and chic, Honeycomb Children's Clothing.

Honeycomb is all about fun and stylish clothes for kids 9 months to 7 years old. The styles are inspired by Nikki and Stacey's own kids, their love for fashion, and the shopping they do all over the world. But the clothes aren't just all about looking good, they feel good, too. Comfortable and durable, these outfits will be enjoyed by kids whether at playtime or at fancy affairs.

Today, I have a little chat with Nikki and Stacey so we can get a little peek into their lives as moms in fashion retail. Although Nikki is my good friend, we hardly ever talk about work! For example, although I celebrated Nikki's business venture last year, I actually didn't know why she did it. I just simply accepted it as part of the amazing things my amazing friend does. I really ought to set aside time from my crazy kids and spend an afternoon with my friends again! Our lives are passing by so fast and I'm not fully aware of what's happening in their lives!

Anyway, here's my little chat with these inspiring women. Listen in!

The shopping has improved a lot in Manila. Why did you start a clothing line for kids?

Stacey: My sister and I have always wanted to work on something together. We’re both moms who enjoy dressing our kids up in stylish and unique outfits. We decided to have clothes made for our own children and share these styles with other kids as well.

Nichole: We also really wanted to create interesting pieces that were suitable for playtime but had more flair. Clothes that are fashionable, but still very youthful and practical.

How's it like working with your sister? What is your position and what do you do?

Stacey: Working with my sister is the best! There’s a feeling of security knowing I can trust my partner in the business. 

Nichole: It can be crazy, but also crazy wonderful! I completely trust my sister, and that’s very important in business. Plus, we’re both moms and we get that our kids will always come first no matter what. We get to schedule our workday around our children’s schedules, and that’s definitely not something I’d be able to do if I were working with someone else. No one else would understand that I could only take meetings during school hours or that I could only go fabric sourcing while my son’s napping. I’m very lucky to have her as my business partner.

As for our positions in the company, we just like to call ourselves co-owners. We really aren’t into fancy titles. Our company is still fairly new so it’s important to us that we learn the ins and outs of this business together so we could properly set the direction of the company together as well.

What are the challenges of being a working mom? What do you enjoy about it?

Stacey: What’s difficult about being a working mom is that there are inescapable instances when I have to be out and leave the kids. I sometimes feel left out when the family did something fun without me. Another challenge is lack of sleep. I usually work late at night, when the kids are all asleep. 
But what I enjoy about it is seeing the products of our hard work. I’m so happy when I see our designs worn by beautiful children, knowing that our clothes became part of a memorable event in their lives. Lastly, I enjoy working with my sister, Honeycomb is my excuse to call and see her.

Nichole: Trying to stay focused on one thing is definitely challenging. I work from home most of the time, so there tends to be a lot of interruptions. I try my best to give my full concentration when I’m working, but when my son’s begging me to play with him I just don’t want to ignore him either.

What I love about being a working mom is the life balance. I have time with my child and my adult time, too. I find that working allows me to maintain and nurture my sense of self.

You are both so stylish. How do you plan your outfits considering you're working women and moms?

Stacey: Getting ready in the morning is something that I look forward to every day. Whether I have plans of being out of the house or not, I make sure that I pick out an outfit that will make me feel good, put on some make-up, and fix my hair. To make outfit planning easier during weekdays, I usually put out all possible outfits for the week during the weekends. This gives me fewer options to choose from on busy weekdays.

Nichole: There’s not a lot of pre-planning on my part. I just wear whatever I feel like wearing for that day. It could be a silk skirt or a pair of jeans, but it’s important that I always look polished! Even if I’ll just be working from home that day or running errands, I always make it a point to slip into something nice and put on makeup. It makes me more inspired and energized to be productive.

What are your plans for Honeycomb Children’s Clothing? 

Stacey: We have a lot of upcoming styles scheduled for release. We are also starting to add children’s accessories in our shop. Plus, bazaar season is just around the corner.

Nichole: Right now, we have a pop-up store in Power Plant Mall, but we’d love to have our own shop eventually. It’s great that our web-shop makes us accessible all around the world, but having a physical store will help our customers appreciate the products even more.

Thanks so much, Stacey and Nikki! 

Honeycomb Children's Clothing is currently on sale. I love these marked-down dresses. I wish they made them in my size! (Please make them in my size, Nikki!)

Georgina dress, P650

Lily dress, P650

Ramona skirt, P380
Riley shorts and jacket, P750

Buzz on over to their online beehive (www.honeycombkids.com.ph) to shop shop shop! You can also follow them on Instagram and Twitter (@honeycombkidsph for both accounts), and like their Facebook page, Honeycomb Kids Ph.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Ask Frances: How should I use my inheritance?

"Ask Frances" is a monthly blog series where I will answer questions from my readers. The chosen question will receive a prize. This month's prize is the Avon Anew Retroactive line because our letter sender is a bride.

The Anew Retroactive products are the latest innovation in Avon's multi-awarded anti-aging skincare brand. It repairs visible and invisible damage with its patented Focus Repair Technology that uses the power of ocean pearls. It also prevents future damage with its antioxidant ingredient that provides up to eight times skin protection. You can see results in just seven days!

Anew Retroactive Youth Extending Cleanser, P399 for 125g; Anew Retroctive Youth Extending Toner, P399 for 100ml; Anew Retroctive Youth Extending Day Cream SPF 20/PA++, P699 for 50g; Anew Retroctive Youth Extending Night Cream, P699 for 50g

Our question this month is very long and detailed so please read carefully. I feel ill-equipped to answer her question so if you have better advice (preferably legal advice!), please leave your advice in the comments. Thanks! Anyway, here is our question...

When my Dad died years ago, he left us, his children, some money and some properties. He and my mom were not married. The money were in accounts under our names, but the properties were either named after our relatives or still after the owners he bought them from.

Three of the properties were left to me. One is the family home, still named after my aunt who owned the lot, and my Dad bought it from her. Another is a condo named after my cousin, but that project didn't push through at dahil fully paid na, until now we're still waiting for the kapalit. The third one is a former preschool na dilapidated na ngayon, still named under the original owners kahit nabili na ng Dad ko. The owners are both dead and I don't think the kids are aware the property is still under their parents' names. 

The titles were with my mom because I was still young when my Dad died. Through the years, my mom blew through my inheritance and developed a gambling problem. Ang ending sinanla niya yung titles for the family home and the preschool. Matagal na rin di nababayaran yung amilyar (10 years). 

My relatives are telling me sayang yung mga property kung mapupunta lang dun sa mga pinagsanlaan since they could easily hire someone to fix the titles and change it to their names. I can pay the taxes and penalties, and have the properties developed and rented out later on. Yun talaga ang gusto kong mangyari. Plus the thought that My Dad worked hard for those properties. 

Now this is my dilemma. I still have some money left from my inheritance. But I'm going to use some of it for my upcoming wedding, and it's in a mutual fund that's earning a good dividend. Nanghihinayang ako to withdraw a huge sum from it para lang pambayad ng penalties na hindi naman ako ang may gawa (my mom should've paid them). I also have to spend to transfer the titles under my name. Tapos wala rin akong funds to destroy the structure in the preschool at magpatayo ng apartments, and improve on the family home that's long been abandoned. So di ko rin mababawi agad yung pera. Wala rin akong mahiraman from my relatives, I won't qualify for loans because I don't have a regular job now, and wala rin ganun kalaking halaga si fiancé. 

I've made a lot of bad financial decisions in the past and I'm scared of making one again.  

But if I don't do it, mawawala naman ang properties na iniwan ng Dad ko. 

What should I do? :( 


Dear R.P., 

You have to do the math. You only have X amount and you need Y amount to pay for the transfer of titles, pay penalties, and renovate the school. Plus, you need Z amount for your wedding. The math will tell you if you can do everything you want, but I think you already know that you can't do all of the above.

I don't know the legalities of the issue but it sure sounds like you have a complicated case. Please consult a lawyer as soon as you can. Or do I have a reader who can advise R.P. about her case? Please help us!

Anyway, what I observe are these:
  • You have not needed those properties all these years so this isn't an urgent issue. If you've waited for so long, what's a few more years?
  • Your relatives are the ones making you kulit about the issue. Why? I'm concerned that you said, "They could easily hire someone to fix the titles and change it to THEIR names." Why their names? Why not yours kung sa iyo naman yung mga ari-arian? 
You know, I may not have smart advice because I'm not aware of the laws on inheritance and properties, but I'll say something anyway (because you asked!) and this is driven by sentimental reasons.

You're getting married. You don't have your daddy to walk you down that aisle but you do have his generous provision. He provided well for you and I'm sure he would have loved the thought that he helped pay for your wedding. Every good father would be proud to say that he paid for his daughter's wedding. Your father still has that ability! So I think you should invest in your wedding. You don't have to use all of the money. No need to be extravagant; you want to stretch that money out for as long as you can. But it's a nice sentiment to know that your father helped with your wedding even though he's no longer around. It would be like he's still around, right?

As for the properties, you'll make a better decision about those after you've talked with a lawyer, and when you have all the money to do what needs to be done. Till then, there's really nothing to do but get married! 

I hope you use the Avon Anew, R.P.! Don't let the stress of real estate, inheritance, and wedding preps dull your glow. Now, email me your address so I can send you your prize.

Avon Anew Retroactive is exclusively available through Avon representatives. Visit www.avon.ph. Like Avon Philippines on Facebook. Download the Avon Brochure app from Google Play or App Store.

* * * * * * *

If you have a question for me, send an email to frances@topazhorizon.com with "Ask Frances" on the subject.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Where do mommies go walking?

Everywhere! Especially me because I have three little boys and tons of errands. With the terrible traffic, I don't like using our car. I commute and walk, even run, everywhere. That's why I've ditched my heels a long time ago for comfy but chic footwear. Any moms here traded in their six-inch heels for flats and sneakers? High five, right? Haha.
I chose Skechers because they're the No. 1 sneakers brand in the U.S.

So where do you go walking? I walk around the city a lot. I may not be visiting the gym lately but I feel like all the walking I do helps keep me trim. Here's a peek at where I've been walking around this week:

Going out with the family. I'm learning how to wear color on my feet again. My husband, Vince, says that because most of my clothes are either black or white, I should have more fun with my shoes and bags. So I'm trying it out with my new purple Skechers GOwalk! I love the material and the print—almost like a Missoni print!

Shopping. Oooh, I love wearing my Skechers GOwalk when we shop. It's so lightweight that my feet never feel tired or painful even after hours of walking around the mall and chasing after little boys!

Fetching kids from school. Because the traffic jams are horrible around my son's school, I usually tell Vince to drop me off a block or two from the school gate and then I just walk to school. Many days, when the traffic is especially bad and we're late, I make a mad dash! Never a problem because my sneakers have these things called Goga Pillars that make me bounce with every step.

Running errands for work and home. I'm a working mommy so I'm always out and about, paying bills, doing the grocery, bringing my kids to the pedia, attending meetings and events, collecting checks. I seriously wish I had an assistant who can do all these things for me! Since I don't, I'm just grateful that I have comfortable shoes to carry me through the day. I love the Goga Mat insoles of my Skechers GOwalk because I feel like I'm walking on pillows all day long.

My latest GOwalk shoes (yes, this is my second pair!) are purple. Like I said, I'm learning to wear color on my feet again. My kids picked them out for me. I usually pick just neutrals for my footwear but my husband teased me about that, you know, like how I should add more color to my mommy life. Because all I wear now is really black, white and gray! And navy. And red. Well, there you go—I still wear color!

The Skechers GOwalk collection comes in many colors. And in many styles for men and women, too, like slip-ons, lace-ups and sandals! Check them out:

You can check out Skechers GOwalk at Glorietta 2, TriNoma, Ayala Fairview Terraces, SM North Edsa, The Annex, SM Mall of Asia, Robinsons Galleria, Robinsons Place Manila, Gateway Mall, Lucky Chinatown, Market! Market!, Alabang Town Center, Festival Mall, SM Fairview, SM Dasmariñas, Paseo Sta. Rosa, Ermita, Ayala Center Cebu, Marquee Mall, SM Pampanga, SM Bacolod, SM Clark, SM Davao, SM City Cebu, SM Seaside Cebu, Centrio Mall CDO, and LimKetKai Mall CDO.

To learn more about Skechers, visit their Facebook page and follow @SkechersPH on Twitter and Instagram.