Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Tips to select the skirt that suits you best

Anyone who ever followed my old blog series, Fashion Fridays/Topaz Fashion, would know I love wearing skirts. I like long skirts, pleated skirts, pencil skirts, full skirts, skirts with deep pockets—I love skirts! They make me feel pretty. So when I got a guest post submission today about selecting the best skirt for you out of the many skirts for sale, I just had to publish it!

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GUEST POST - A skirt is never just a skirt. Like any piece of clothing, it should not just be functional but also express who you are. It needs to make you feel comfortable while serving the needs of the day. It should make an impression on others, and that impression should be positive. Here are some ways to select the skirt that suits you best.

Your skirt and your body should go together. 

Long doesn't have to be boring. Just get a fit that hugs you in all the right places. Only P1,553.42!

Skirts come in several shapes to suit every kind of body. The skirt you choose needs to look good and feel good on your body. So choose a shape that flatters your figure. Some skirt selection decisions are obvious for that reason. For example, a form-hugging pencil skirt is perfect when you want to highlight your tiny waist and wide hips. Very sexy!

If you want to show off your legs, a mini is great. The shorter the skirt, the longer your legs look. At the same time, however, a short skirt might not be an ideal choice when your legs are already long. It throws off the proportion of your body. Often, a skirt of a mid-range length is ideal because it shows some leg while keeping your look proportional. 

Choose the fabric that suits your needs.

Denim—the working man's fabric—is comfy and versatile. It can be sexy, too. This skirt is just P931.53!

Knowing the fabric you need or want also makes buying a new skirt far easier. When picking a fabric, you need to think about things like general comfort and how well the fabric allows airflow. A denim skirt or denim blend, for example, offers a high level of comfort. Certain blends also have additional ability to stretch, which may be important to you, especially if you intend to buy a tight skirt. Some fabrics like silk, chiffon, or lace are very pretty but can be flimsy or too high maintenance. Those would be great for a special occasion but not for your everyday needs. 

For daily wear, denim skirts are a popular choice. Denim—or the material used for jeans—is among the most long-lasting and low-maintenance fabrics. It's a safe bet for repeated use because they are comfortable and easy to care for. That's why there are so many denim skirts for sale today. Denim isn't suitable for every occasion and place (like a wedding or at the office), but if you choose a dark color and simple line, it can look formal enough to wear to a lunch out with family or a date. 

Don't be afraid of patterns and colors!

Give off a tropical vibe in this cute mini. Only P1,190.95! 

When choosing a skirt, look at color for inspiration. First, check what colors are already in your closet. Plan to buy skirts that will go with the shirts, accessories, and jackets you have to make the best and most number of combinations. This is a solid plan so you can make good color combinations ahead of time. 

Another thing you have to figure out when buying a skirt is whether you want a solid color or a pattern. Both options are fine, with some exceptions. For example, a solid white skirt will be harder to keep clean. Also, some patterns may make your butt look flat or your belly more rounded. 

Make your skirt work harder.

This bright pink skirt can be used for many OOTDs. And it's just P879.23!

When you finally choose a skirt, it's important to make the best use of it. Having a skirt you love is not enough. You have to know how to wear it in many ways. Don't be afraid to change up how you accessorize it. That way one skirt can help you create many excellent outfits. Pair this bold pink denim skirt with a statement tee and sneakers for a fun day with your girlfriends. Go high-low with a luxe silk blouse, blazer, and pearls for a creative work environment. Liven up an all-black outfit (black turtleneck, black tights, black boots) with this loud pink. 

* This is a guest post, with my edits. To place a guest post, email frances@topazhorizon.com. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Dreaming of India: 7 Must-See Places

My favorite book in all the world is The Far Pavilions by M.M. Kaye. It's all about the love story of a British soldier and an Indian princess. However, it's not as simple as that. This love story is set in the period of the British Empire and it's an eye-opening look at oppression, religious conflict, slavery, colonialism, and patriotism with beautiful stories of lifelong friendship and brotherhood all woven into a massive epic that is, lest we forget, an unforgettable love affair. 

That's why India's always been on my travel bucket list. Just to see all the places described in Far Pavilions. I've always wanted to see the majestic Himalayas (they're always described as majestic), the temples and palaces, Rajasthan (literal translation: The Land of Kings), the vast deserts, the women, the men. So when I was asked to publish this guest post on the 7 must-see places in India, I agreed! And now I want to go see Incredible India!

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GUEST POST - Life has changed for everyone since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. While it is not the most important thing that has changed by any means, one of the most common things I’ve talked about with friends and family that we are feeling right now is the shift in summer plans. Summer is a popular time to go on holiday and it is just not safe (nor allowed) to travel internationally right now. However, there is no harm in planning long-term or talking about places you’d like to go once all this is over! Plus, it’s a great way to stay positive and have something to look forward to. 

A place that is on my bucket list is India. It is such a fascinating place, with a rich culture, history, and tradition. 

Here are 7 must-see destinations in India: 


Chennai is a gateway to the south of India and it has a gorgeous city landscape and diverse population. It is a unique city in India due to two primary things: its local culture is based on Tamil traditions, and it will be among the newest megacities with the highest population density. 


Bangalore is the capital of the state of Karnataka and is known as the Silicon Valley of India. Even as a megacity it is one of India’s most livable cities with large, green spaces and continued development, and is actually India’s most livable city. 


Jaipur is the largest city in the state of Rajasthan. There are a number of palaces, castles, and temples to explore here, including the Amber Fort, Nahargarh Fort, Palace of Winds, Water Palace, and more. 


Varanasi is a gorgeous and spiritual city located in the north of India along the left bank of the Ganges River. It is a sacred place for Hindus and Jains, and more than a million pilgrims visit the city each year. It is also famous for its production of silks and brocades. 


Udaipur is a gorgeous city in the state of Rajasthan that is famous for its gorgeous lakes. It is a romantic city filled with gardens, forts, temples and palaces, while being situated up off the lakes and gorgeous views at every turn. If you plan on visiting, check in to see if there is a festival around the time you’ll be there, as it is a city that hosts them all year round. 


Delhi is the capital of India, and it offers so much in regards to arts, history, and culture. Must-see sites in the city include the Red Fort, the Baha’i Lotus Temple, and Jama Masjid. This is a city where dining out, visiting sites, walking around markets, and enjoying the nightlife will keep you busy and you’ll instantly pick up on the liveliness of the city. 


Mumbai is the largest city in India and the most popular to visit. Located on the west coast of India, it is a city on the sea with countless places to explore. A must-see is the Gateway of India as well as the Haji Ali.  

India is a fairly large country and there are beautiful towns and cities to discover on every corner. So this list is definitely not complete, but just some of the must-see destinations! 

* This guest post was written by Mary Davis, a freelance editor and copywriter. To place a guest post, email frances@topazhorizon.com. 

Thursday, June 11, 2020

We love the man that cooks pancakes in our house

I know there's a big box of Maya Pancake Mix in the photos. It's only there because my youngest boy likes reading packaging while he eats. So while that's the only brand we do buy, this isn't going to be a pancake post. It's going to be better. It's going to be about the man who cooks pancakes in our house. And I happen to be married to him.

There are many things I can do, but cooking pancakes isn't one of them. It's easy enough but I decided early on in my mommy life that I don't want to cook pancakes simply because I wasn't good at it. It's a selfish thing, I know, because I could've practised till I got perfect at it. Especially since it's so easy when it comes in a box, right? I get guilty about it sometimes because my kids love pancakes. But I do so much already, you know? Do I have to be good at everything? Does motherhood demand that?

Well, maybe it does so I'm beyond grateful that my husband swooped in and saved me from this expectation. I didn't see myself as a damsel in distress. I was just a tired mama. How many tired mamas are there in the world? And how many of us have a husband who says, "Go back to sleep. I got breakfast." Not many of us, sad to say, but I do. And he doesn't know how nice that is but I do.

It's not just breakfast, too. He's like the instant pancake chef. When the littlest boy asks for pancakes, his Papa drops everything and whips up a batch. Breakfast. Brunch. Lunch. Merienda. Dinner. Not all the time and not all day because my kids may love pancakes but they don't want them every day. So when they do ask for pancakes, their Papa is happy to give them that.

The boys are always happy when their Papa is in the kitchen. As feminist as I am, I must confess that I'm still the one who cooks. Thankfully, it's not because my husband thinks women belong in the kitchen. It's simply because I was raised to be a housewife so I'm just better in the kitchen than my husband. We're trying to teach our kids differently. Mama cooks, Papa washes up. Papa is learning to cook more dishes, too. Japanese is his thing now. He's spending more and more time in the kitchen and getting the boys to help him out. So now we have 2 sons out of 3 who want to cook. Ladies and gentlemen, we are succeeding in this thing called parenting!    

Parenting is not easy. We all know that. Even something as simple as cooking pancakes can break you. My sorry story was the kids complained that my pancakes were too thick and chewy. How I was able to fail so miserably even though I used that same box of pancake mix broke me. I was in the middle of my postpartum blues when this happened years ago. And I snapped. That's it! I will never cook pancakes again!

It was just a tantrum. I got over it soon enough. But instead of telling me to stop being immature, my husband just decided he'd take over pancake duty. He saw beyond the anger and saw my despair. Such a small thing to be upset about, right? Anyone would've told me to snap out of it. Anyone else would've dismissed me. But my husband didn't. And that is what makes him special.

"Look! It's Papa's heart, Mama!"

I don't know if my kids know this, too, how special it is to have a papa who loves their mama so very much. I grew up with a mother who would cry to me because my father ignored her needs all the time. So I learned to harden my heart and keep quiet about mine. My husband has to figure me out. Sometimes he gets me wrong, but just the fact that after 22 years he still keeps trying is more than enough to convince me that this marriage is not like the marriage I grew up watching, that what I have is magical and special and truly the stuff that fairy tales are made of. Except mine is real.

Maybe my husband and my kids don't know how nice that is. But I do. Oh, I do. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Beyoncé is Crazy in Love

Is this possibly the sexiest video I have ever watched. My goodness. I think I got pregnant just watching it.

Thursday, June 04, 2020

"Mukhang pera" LOL

Nagsumbong ako sa asawa ko at sa mga kapatid ko about a little issue that was niggling at me. They weren't happy with my kwento but thank goodness they are wonderful people who just gave me good advice. So eto siya: I have this relative - and I love her very much - who's been saying strange things lately. The worst was, "Hindi ko nahalata na maganda ka nung bata ka kasi lagi kang nakayuko." 

Then she said that my head was always down because I looked like I was always looking for money. Then when I grew into a woman, she said, "Buti naman na nahanap mo yung perang hinahanap mo," implying I got rich through marriage.

First of all, I am not rich. Guys! I wish! I don't even know where that comes from. My friends said this relative says nasty things dahil sa inggit. Inggit siya saan? Sa yaman ko? Kelan naman ako nag-flaunt ng kayamanan?? 

Dear Loyal Readers, I know you love me because of what I write - not my affluent lifestyle, my fashionable OOTDs, my extensive travels, my Instagrammable home, my gourmet menu or restaurant reviews, my shopping extravaganzas. Wala kasi akong mga ganyan that's why I know you guys are here for me, not for what I have. 

I'm so cheap now that I cut and color my own hair! What do you think of my new bangs?

My husband says all the time I should go shopping. He'd say, "Please buy something new. Please!" Kasi when he looks through my blog and my Instagram, I wear the same old clothes again and again. My kids wear hand-me-downs or bigay ng mga brands. My things are bought second-hand on eBay or dahil may mega sale. Sabi ni Vince minsan naaawa siya sa akin haha

This doesn't bother me really, if I look poor. Kasi hindi naman totoo—I'm not poor. Cheap maybe haha Yes, I commute. I walk everywhere to save money. I use things until they're falling apart. But I can buy groceries without looking at price tags. I pay good money for good food and good service. And books and my kids' education and future. That's it. Everything else I have can look dilapidated. I just don't see the point of spending money on things I don't care about. So all this time I'm thinking na hindi ako nagyayabang ng kayamanan, right???

So who in their right mind would feel envy towards me? So it can't be envy.

It's condescension. That's what it is. 

I have a great life. I know I do. I'm so happy. My marriage is great. My kids are amazing. My dreams have all come true. I'm blessed beyond words! But instead of all these good things seen as rightfully mine, rightfully deserved, some people think I got all of them just because I married a rich man.

And that bothers me very much.

Vince will be the first to say he isn't a rich man. I find it amusing actually when he tells people, "I have a rich wife." Damn right. I work hard on my writing, editing, PR jobs, my blog, and every project that comes my way. Kung mukhang pera ang pagiging excited ko to finally cash my checks then, fine. But I deserve those checks. I earned all my money and I love it. I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want that power that comes from earning an honest income!

Vince said that he finds it so disrespectful that people assume we're living on some fictional inherited money just because writers and editors like us could not possibly live the way we do (but we live so simply?!). It's disrespectful to him and disrespectful to me. We have our life because we worked damn hard for it. 

This isn't a new issue. I talked about this in an old blog post 9 years ago:

"But people don't see beyond my nice life. They don't see that I spent 1999 to 2009 working my ass off, working 24 hours sometimes, eating very little or skipping meals altogether, skipping doctor check-ups and maintenance meds for my asthma and endometriosis, carefully using and cleaning clothes and shoes so they will last longer, scraping together every peso and enduring the glare of bank tellers while I count out coins I saved up to deposit to my bank account, and delaying marriage and kids because I wanted to have a better life first."

I'm still working my ass off, by the way. Three mouths to feed ain't cheap. But just because I make it look easy doesn't mean I'm not working hard. I've had jobs I hated and you better believe I was miserable and I looked it. Things are different now. Because I love my work, I love working, and I love that my husband supports my career, I guess it does look like this is all a piece of cake. It isn't, but I'm happy anyway. And no one has any right to take this joy away by putting me down every chance she gets.  

I deserve everything I have. Every tiny bit. Every single thing I worked hard for—piso per fucking word. 

So I still love you, dear cousin, but this is good-bye.