Thursday, May 28, 2009

Robert Pattinson's abs and kiss are good enough reasons for me!

I know I said I didn't like Twilight the movie but after seeing this video, I'm willing to watch New Moon. Oh my, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are so hot! Did they paint on Kristen's clothes? And Rob's abs--are they for real??? And that kiss! I literally felt my cheeks go warm when I saw these stills!

SPOILER ALERT! If you want the movie to be a surprise, do not watch!

Swoon! Now let me look for my own vampire and beg for a bite...

More good news!

I know this news is a week late but Chuck is back for a third season! After all the emails and petitions of fans, the beloved spy comedy romance is returning to our TV screens on March 2010. I am so happy! Thanks, NBC!

2010 is many months away so I'm glad I still have The Tudors to keep me riveted. This is one of the best shows ever! It's history, politics, sex, scandal, religion, lavish excess, intrigue, style, love and passion all rolled into one! Right now, King Henry is disenchanted with his new wife, Anne of Cleves. Anne is played by Joss Stone and she's actually good--who knew that singer can be a good actress, too?

Showtime really has fantastic shows; aside from The Tudors, they also have Dexter--the serial murderer series. I love this one! It's funny, dark and bloody, and just chilling! I love the marketing promo, too (see above)--very clever, very sophisticated, very Dexter. The fourth season is set to debut this fall in the US so I have that to watch when The Tudors is done. I think I mentioned this somewhere in my blog before but I must confess that of all the fictional characters I've ever met (in a book, a story, a movie, etc), I relate to Dexter Morgan the most. Now that's something that scares even me...

Fringe is another show I love. It's all about the supernatural and mysterious, kinda like The X-Files but I kinda like Fringe better. I adore Olivia Dunham so much I want to name my daughter after her character! The no-nonsense Olivia is played by Aussie actress Anna Torv--that's her floating up there. She is unconventionally beautiful and she gets lovelier with each episode. The first season just ended and there's no word from Fox yet when the second season will be but I'm happy to note that there will most definitely be a new season!

Well, judging from the shows I watch, you can tell I'm not a fan of the silly, fluffy and frivolous. Yeah, I like my entertainment raw, strange, mind-boggling, bizarre, even frightening. Then the delightful Chuck (and the sadly discontinued Pushing Daisies) happened and I have never been more in love with such a sunny, happy character! And despite Chuck's sunniness, the show ain't dumb and silly at all!

Monday, May 25, 2009

We won the book fight!

My blogger friends Zemirah, Sippinslow and JenAspacio have alerted me to what is possibly the most wonderful news this summer! The Great Book Blockade, which levied taxes and other duties on imported books, is now over!

Just this morning, newspapers happily reported that President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo ordered the Department of Finance to immediately lift "the customs duty on book importation," Press secretary Serge Remonde said. “The President wants books to be within reach of the common man. She believes reading as an important value for intellectual formation, which is the foundation of a healthy public opinion necessary for a vibrant democracy,” he added.

Well, thank you very much, Madame President! And thank you, too, to Robin Hemley, who made us all aware of this distressing fact (and who mentioned my post about this issue on his blog. Yey!).

Thank you to all the Filipinos who stormed the government with their protests, done intelligently, I'd like to add.

Thanks to the media for giving this issue proper attention.

And thank you to the international communities led by UNESCO who helped trash this law in such a short time!

For the latest Philippine news stories and videos, visit GMANews.TV

Democracy is well and alive in the Philippines. I now know this and my heart lifts with fierce pride and glorious hope! We didn't even need to stage rallies and violent protests. No one died, no blood was shed. The strength of bloggers amazes me. I didn't know we were this influential! As Oasis sang, "I'll start a revolution from my bed." We started it and now we won. What else can we achieve?

Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!

Read my blog post on the issue here.
Read more about the developments, as reported by Robin Hemley, here.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Happy little fat wabbit

Nope, the fat wabbit's not me! Anyway, a few days ago, L'Oreal Professionel launched its wonderful new line, the Nature Serie, at the elegant M Cafe just across the Ayala Museum (see above). I wore my utterly fab eBay find--my BGBG Max Azria sequined LBD with my sequined black flats and Gucci shoppers tote.

The bags behind me are the giveaways--filled with shampoos, conditioners, masks and other lovely hair stuff that's so organic and gentle, you can use them on your kids!

In keeping with the nature theme, the event featured organic produce which we guests can take home. It was such a delight to shop for fresh veggies! But while the other guests were thinking of salads, I was thinking of my bunny wabbits, Galadriel and Matilda (pictured below in our kitchen).Obviously, the bunnies were ecstatic with what Mommy brought home. Mommy was more ecstatic with the delightful products--each guest brought home a huge tote bag filled with the entire line!
So so happy! I'll be doing a more thorough review of the products in Beauty For A Living, where everything from makeup and lotions to strange treatments and diet pill liporexall reviews are featured! Watch for it within a week, okidoki!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

An open love letter to my OK! staff

Dear Lana, Sonny, Joanna, Elaine, Nikki, Kabbie, Jay and Astro Girl,

OK! magazine was one of the best performing titles in 2008. We exceeded all our targets except for circulation which has slightly dipped due to, I am sure, the global economic crisis. However, congratulations are in order, and I want to thank each and everyone of you for helping OK! be what it is today.
I also want to thank you for many other things that aren't tangible or measurable.

Thank you for your hard work despite the not-so-fabulous pay.

Thank you for coming in to work even on days you don't have to, for staying late, for keeping company those who have to stay late just to offer moral support--unlike other staff who, even when their editor-in-chief is looking for them, refuse to come to work.

Thank you for never missing your deadlines and for not sacrificing the quality of your work just so we can meet those deadlines. This tells me you are all dedicated, passionate, considerate, and proud of your own talents and abilities without having an ego about it--unlike some staff who think they're so good the entire magazine can wait for their work, thus delaying everything.

On that note, thank you for your passion. Your meticulous attention to detail--whether in spelling, grammar, fact-checking, layout, price points, budget, the perfect picture!--convinces me that I work with the very best people an editor can ever dream of--unlike some magazines who are plagued with lazy, stubborn and egotistical idiots. Sometimes when I can't summon the energy to go to work, I just remember how conscientious you all are and I am inspired.

Most of all, I want to thank you for your loyalty to me. I know I am not the easiest person to work with--my temper and my demands can't be wonderful. And yet you give me your best and you never squeal--unlike some sissies who always run to HR just because an editor called them a name and can't face and resolve conflict within the staff instead. I never hear any reports of backbiting from you guys; in fact, I know without a doubt you have my back. Thank you for your respect, even if I know sometimes I don't deserve it.

It isn't easy to lead, especially in these troubled economic times when much is demanded from me by my own superiors and then I am given less to work with. But because I have you, your passion and your unflinching loyalty, this job is a piece of cake. Thank you.

Live long and prosper, my friends.