Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A peek into my sister-in-law's new home

Last weekend, Vince's sister and her family invited us to their fabulous new home for a housewarming party. I do want to respect their privacy so I'm just going to post a few photos here:
This is Anj and Lit Onrubia in their dining room. They now live in a spacious 3-bedroom apartment in a gated community, which will be great for raising their precocious son, the adorable Zo! While the place looks fantastic already, Lit says they're still not done. One of the things they're still looking for are good patio chairs.

The house was designed to look very Zen. Unlike what most people think, Zen doesn't mean as little furniture and as little design possible. Zen is peaceful, the sort of decor that won't invite clutter and stress. That's me and Vince's nephew Tom (who is love in a little package) and behind us is an indoor stone garden with a water feature. Quite relaxing!

We totally love the lighting! All our photos in this apartment turned out great! That's what Vince and I wish we had invested in--lighting. It really makes a ton of difference. It's just that it's soooo expensive! When we're very rich, we'll definitely plan some fab lighting!

Oops, PDA! After more than 11 years, we still can't keep our hands off each other. That's what got us pregnant!!! Sorry, Anj and Lit, for making out in your gorgeous living room!

Monday, August 09, 2010

Magta-Tagalog muna ako, ha?

I'm not supposed to write in Tagalog in this blog because I have an agreement with the paid blogging network I belong to to write only in English pero since wala namang paid link etong post na ito, I will exercise my freedom of speech, or at least, my freedom to speak in whatever language na feel ko. Kebs na kung kebs.

Okay, napansin ko lang na ang dami nang nang-aaway sa akin sa comments section. Heller. Reminder lang: Blog ko ito. Kung di niyo feel ang mga pinagsasabi ko, wag niyo basahin. Really. We don't need to aggravate each other. Win-win siya, mga sis (or bros, whatevs)--I don't get stressed, you don't get stressed. Masaya tayong lahat!

Kung hobby niyo ang mainis sa akin, well, thanks, that actually flatters me but ano buzz, maawa naman kayo sa akin ngayon kasi buntis ako and over sa exaj ang levels ng hormones ko so affected ako, ha, and baka affected na rin yung baby ko. If you won't do it for me, do it for my child. Please.

Anyhoot, I've tried na nga to make this blog as shallow and as silly as possible--no more controversial ek-ek from me, no more strong opinions, no more pa-smart chuva. Para masaya tayong lahat! Pero bakit meron pa rin kayong nahahanap na dahilan para mam-bwisit? Really. I am amazed. Where do you find the time? How come you can zero in on stuff to attack? Why are you so mean and nasty? How did your parents raise you?

Geez. Actually, di naman ako galit. Sabi nga ng isang friend ko, "Yan ang hirap sa mga blog-blog na yan. Samu't sari ang mga nagbabasa. Wala kang control." Well, to be honest, mas masahol pa yung mga natatanggap kong mail minsan about OK! magazine. Fans kasi get very... fanatical about their idols so let's say di nasama si RPattz dun sa Hottest Hunks list, naku, sigurado yan, hate mail to the max. So sanay na naman talaga ako. Siguro nga lang buntis ako ngayon kaya naiirita ako.

Oh well. My dear readers, put up na lang your own blogs if gusto niyo mang-away ng tao. Tulungan ko pa kayo mag-set up. And kind advice--blog because you want to do something productive. In my case, I blog because I not only like sharing my finds and fun life but also because I earn money from blogging. Pero kung puros nega stuff lang, haaaaaay. Ika nga ng mga parents natin, "Don't say anything if you have nothing nice to say."

And puh-leeeeze, wag naman anonymous comments. Attack mode na nga kayo, pero duwag naman mag-reveal ng identity. I'm nice naman. Pag-usapan na lang natin, ha?

Okay, back to regular programming.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

My belly button behaved itself!

Remember when I talked about missing my belly button?
Pinky is 34 weeks along while I'm 38 weeks!

Well, a couple of days ago, my dear old friend from Assumption, Pinky Jacob Ileto, kidnapped me so we can have a lovely mommy-to-be chat over dinner. She gave Jelly Bean a fabulous Darth Vader button-down shirt (to the immense delight of the baby daddy!) and then she dragged me around Rustan's Shang to shop for all things baby--bottles, nipples, baby clothes, etc!

Now, in our photo above, you can see that my 38-week-old pregnant belly is stretched to incredible proportions... but my belly button is nowhere to be seen.

Yep, folks, the button decided it won't become a third nipple. So despite the stretch marks, the huge bloated feet, the weird skin discolorations, and everything else happening to my body, I'm happy one part of me decided to behave itself. Thank you!

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Lovely ladies lunch at East

Last week, Rustan's Anna Go invited me and Nikki (and several other editors) to a lovely ladies' lunch at East Cafe. We were one of the lucky few to sample the new menu that features even more exquisite dishes inspired by the many flavors Asia has to offer. And you know how huge Asia is! So we just had to drop by and eat! These are just some of the dishes we tasted:

Kalbi Jim
Salmon Belly Lollipops with Cilantro Salsa
Steamed Lapu-Lapu with Taoso Sauce
Wasabi Fish with Glazed Pili Nuts

My favorite actually was dessert. I forget the name, though! Although it's called a maki-something, this dessert I love is very Pinoy--it's sticky rice rolled around a stick of rich chocolate and smothered in dulce de leche ice cream. It is to die for! I'm actually going to go back and order it again just before I give birth. I literally do dream about it! 

Anyway, do try out East's new offerings. I've always loved Asian fare--so rich and flavorful and every dish appeals to all our senses--sight, smell, touch, taste, emotion... So yummy! East is at the second floor of Rustan's Makati, that'll be the ladies' clothes and accessories floor. For reservations, call 812-0233. 

Thanks, Anna! I had such a lovely time with you and everyone else!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

I need some advice, girls

My hubby has a really fantastic tech blog called Third World Nerd and in it he writes about game, software, apps, phone and digital camera reviews, new gadget launches and events, and how to order stuff from all over the world. That's the good news.

The not-so-good news is all his followers are girls! Nothing wrong with that, of course, since technology is not strictly for the male species, but I guess I'm just being jealous, especially when this one girl commented that my hubby is so cute. Like, wow thanks, but how is his face related to anything tech?

So... I was thinking of promoting his blog to men. Problem with that is I don't really have a lot of male blogger friends. Do you? Or is your hubby/boyfriend/brother into phones, gaming, cameras and stuff like that... and are they bloggers, too? Because I was thinking of sponsoring another contest to get you girls to get your guys to follow Vince's blog. I just don't have a gadget-y prize! All I have are beauty products.

So help! If you have suggestions on how I can stop these girls from creating a Third World Nerd fan club, I'd super appreciate it!