Thursday, September 09, 2010

Body after baby

Quick nonsensical post! After my very serious posts on my mommy blog, I figured we can talk about something a little less serious (but still important!)--body image.

The week after I gave birth was hard not just because I was adjusting to life with a newborn but also because every time I looked at the mirror, I saw a body that still looked pregnant but was much flabbier and with all these horrible discolorations and stretch marks. I looked absolutely awful and that mirrored how I felt. I was very afraid I'd never be attractive to my husband ever again. Of course, Vince assured me I'd always be hot to him but he did ask when can we start on a fitness regimen!

Well, I shouldn't have been so fearful. Because I'm exclusively breastfeeding, I lost all the pregnancy weight in just 2 weeks. Two weeks, people! Yep. I'm now back to 110 lbs. No diet, no exercise. Actually, I'm eating a LOT. Breastfeeding makes you really hungry. As in, kain karpintero. I have to eat a lot and take vitamins because I'm feeding another person and so when the scale says I'm losing weight, I don't see that as a good thing. So eat eat eat I go.

Just another day in the life of a new mom. One week, you worry you'll never lose weight, the next week, you worry about losing too much weight! Well, my body image is now controlled by how it affects the people I love. All I care about now is being attractive to my husband and also being a good source of nutrition for my child. Health is now my top priority, if I haven't spelled that out clearly enough. Geez, for the first time in my life, I care about my body's health. I am old, people. I am old!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs for 2010

Okay, I know I've not been blogging as often but that's because of my little critter, Vito. He's been demanding quite a lot of my time! I may not be writing but that doesn't mean I haven't been reading. So I just wanted to say that today is the last day to nominate blogs for this year's Emerging Influential Blogs and I am rushing to nominate these blogs to the honor roll simply because these blogs deserve some love!

1. Topaz Mommy - this is my brand new mommy blog! Of course I had to nominate it! I started it just last December when I confirmed the biggest surprise of my life--I was pregnant! I chronicle my super duper honest-to-goodness feelings about pregnancy, marriage and motherhood. And I was again surprised that so many people relate to my experiences. It's a true adventure and I'm so happy to find fellow travelers with me!

2. Christian Homeschooler - I've heard about homeschooling in other countries but never did I expect that my own childhood best friend Jennie Aspacio would grow up to homeschool her son, Jed! At first, I was skeptical but as I've watched Jed grow in intelligence, charm and confidence, I now think homeschooling is a wonderful option. Need to know more about homeschooling? Let Jennie tell you in her educational blog!

3. Lucky Janie - Jane Kingsu-Cheng is always on top of the city's hottest news and events, having been a former magazine editor and now holding a top spot in Forever 21 (she was responsible for the viral marketing of its launch and wasn't it the year's most exciting shopping event?!?). She's also a devoted wife and doting mommy. And she does this all while looking so glamorous and stylish all the time! She's truly lucky!

4. My Style Kit - This blog is also by Jane Kingsu-Cheng (yep, the same girl above) but this blog exclusively talks about all the beauty and fashion news any Manila girl needs to know! If you want to find out what's hot and stylish in the city, head on over to this blog!

5. The Painter's Wife - Yes, the beautiful painting on Eli Santiago-Ypon's banner was done by her husband, Orley Ypon. Eli says she's the reluctant muse of the man but what she's not at all reluctant about is sharing her insights on motherhood and marriage! Her blog is filled with her thoughts on breastfeeding, parenting and even reviews on products for the home and baby. Really good read for new mommies like me! 

6. Dainty Mom - Martine De Luna's personality shines through in her dainty blog. She's a sensitive soul who loves everything about her life--and it's a blessed one at that! She's a stay-at-home mom so she can be with her son, Vito (yes, our sons share the same name!), 24/7. She also earns through writing. Perfect life, if you ask me!

7. Here, Tishie, Tishie - New wife and new Good Housekeeping editor-in-chief Tisha Alvarez-Angluben is living the life! Her blog is filled with all sorts of fun stuff--dance, food, sports, prizes she won in raffles--reading Tisha's blog is like reading about the girl-next-door: familiar but she always seems to have more fun than you! 

8. Kat Dy Finds - This is the newest blog on my list and it's by my friend, former Cosmopolitan fashion editor Kat Dy, who's now a fashion merchandising student in New York City! Kat's new blog is about fashion (obviously!) but don't be intimidated! Just because she's in NYC, that doesn't mean she's forgotten her Pinoy cash smarts. Follow Kat's glamorous style adventures on a Pinoy budget in her fab new blog!

9. EMS-Express - It's funny that just very recently, Emily Sia-Koa was telling me about how reluctant she was to become a blogger. She said she was shy and asked, "What am I going to blog about?" Well, her new blog sure surprised me! In just a few short weeks, Emily has written quite a number of posts on fashion, beauty, events, celebs, and has even sponsored a contest!
10. Third World Nerd - Being married to a certified nerd, I am more than a wee familiar with tech stuff and gadget news. And you know what? I have not found a blog that talks about gadgets, games, apps, and what-have-you's quite like the Third World Nerd does! Vince Sales is the only one who can make techie sound fun, witty and clever! Hop on over to his blog to find out what I'm talking about!

There you have it! The new blogs I enjoy reading. I hope you check them out and begin to enjoy them, too. And I also hope that these blogs be included in the final list of the Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs 2010. They truly do deserve it!

This writing project will not be possible without the support of sponsors: Events and Corporate Video, Budget Hotel in Makati, Pinoy Party Food, Copyediting Services, PR Agency Philippines, Budget Travel Philippines, Send Gifts to the Philippines, Black Friday Deals, Roomrent - units for rent, Search Profile Index, and Corporate Events Organizer.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Watch out, Puss!

You've got some stiff competition.

Really. Who can resist that face??? Love ya, Vito!

Friday, August 13, 2010

While I am still lucid...

I just want to say to preggy mommies that you should add bottles filled with water or cold tea infusions to your hospital bag list. Spent the entire day at the hospital today. Thirsty. I had to keep asking for water from the nurses, who would comply with little paper cups of cold water that never quite quenched my thirst. So mental note: Bring your own water bottle! 

Yes. I am in the middle of labor as I type this. I swear the pain is driving me insane. Why am I still blogging? Because I'm waiting for the contractions to become 5 minutes apart--the OBG sent me home. Yes, after I spent the entire day at the hospital with too few and irregular contractions, she decided to send me home! Just my luck, this evening, the contractions are coming and they are fast. And they are painful!!!

It's 1:56 in the morning of Friday the 13th. I always believed Jelly Bean is a lucky child. I had told him to come out on the 9th (so that his birth date will be 08/09/10) or on the 15th (so that his birthday will always fall on a payday) but my son has other ideas and instead has chosen a most curious day to make his debut. Well, dear readers, wish us luck! Include us in your prayers!

Okay, contractions coming at 10 minutes apart. Time to fill that bottle... I don't know when I'll be back in the blogging world but I wish you all well and may the Force be with you!