Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Loving L'Indochine's travel collection

L'Indochine is the baby of my mom pegs Char Carlos and Leona Panutat. I know Leona from her styling days in magazines and she introduced me to Char who knows my husband from college and then I find out her husband is the cousin of my husband's dear friend. Woah. Did ya get that? Nope? Well, all I meant to say is... small world!

And that world Leona and Char have definitely explored! I even featured them in BABY Magazine because they're just so darn jetsetting women! But don't mistake them for tourists. They travel the world for work. They're especially passionate about everything in Asia and they will cross rivers and climb mountains seeking artisanal finds in cultural villages and craft markets. Cross my heart this is the truth!
The background, by the way, is a pouf we bought from L'Indochine. We love that pouf!

Leona and Char say, “We travel for a living searching for the most beautiful pieces to bring home.” Their trips have taught them to adopt a system that works for them, and this inspired them to create a travel collection that might work for us, too. "It was only natural for us to create our own travel essentials. Pieces that we knew we needed but couldn't find elsewhere. We wanted them sturdy, functional yet still very L'Indochine.” 

What Char and Leona came up with are definitely as eye-catching as they are functional. I have a lovely tote from the Ikat-Stripe style which is just love! The L'Indochine ladies say that all the pieces from the Travel Collection are "made of sturdy canvas and tough leather, they have special details like the Hmong pockets and tassels that give them something extra. They're also very limited in quantity and no two are exactly the same.”

“Our customers can expect beautifully made, quality bags and accessories that only get better with time. They are the perfect sizes and styles to take with you everywhere,” Char and Leona conclude. Check them out!

Ikat-Stripe Collection
Add a strap to this Ikat fold-over envelope clutch—et voila!—you have a sling bag. 

This Ikat-and-stripe tote bag is sooo cute! The silky tassels come in blue, pink, green and orange.

Ikat and stripe convertible sling bag.
 Block Print Collection
This Hmong block print sling tote is roomy enough to hold all your travel essentials 
     and lets you be hands free.

Hmong block print Weekender bag that’s perfect for using as carry on.

Travel case organizer with Hmong block print to keep your gadgets, tickets 
      and itinerary in place. 

For Men (and for women who like leather)

Leather card envelopes in chic colors.

George Cable Roll are made of the softest leather.

Leather money clips

Roqui travel case in canvas and leather materials

L’Indochine stores are located at the 4th level of SM Mega Fashion Hall and at the 3rd level of SM Aura Premier.

Like the Facebook page of L'Indochine.

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Saturday, November 14, 2015

A return to blogging

Sit tight. This is going to be a long read. I got a lot to say!

I turned 39 last weekend, on the 7th of November. Big day. Small celebration. Just me, Vince, our baby boys, and my sister who dropped by for a quick visit on her way home from work. Quiet day. Nothing happened much. That's a good day, mind. I LOVED IT! With all the NOISE in my life since having kids (don't have kids if you want peace and quiet!), the best birthday gift was a quiet day, just chilling at home, napping, relaxing.

The nap was the best.

Nap!? Yep. I am old. But I'm happy!

Anyway, it being a quiet day, I had time to reflect on what I want my last year in my 30s to be like. Well, I want to do something more meaningful. Aside from motherhood and marriage, of course, which really are the most meaningful aspects of my life now and forever. It's been a tough year or so, starting from my last pregnancy in 2014 to now, just juggling everything. I'm not good at juggling. What a startling thing to realize when you're almost 40. I mean, I'm supposed to be amazing at everything by now. But, surprise, surprise, I'm not!

Family has really taught me a lot about humility. Strangely, being humbled by my failures makes me happier because I see myself pick myself up after each failure and face another day and say, "I'll do better today. I love them too much to give up trying." As long as I know I'm trying, I know I'm a good wife and mommy. Not the best, I'm afraid, but the fact that I never give up gives me hope, and hope makes me happy because as long as I have hope, I know I'm alive, and that God gave me another chance to make a difference in my family's life!

So I've been busy being—or trying to be!—a good wife and mother. That's enough for today, I always say. But I see a lot of other women around me changing the world, and while I have no grand plans for changing the world, I do want to use whatever influence I seem to have to make it a better place.

This influence I was made to realize this year when I appeared on lists like 15 Filipino Moms We Love, 7 Most Inspiring Pinay Mommy Bloggers, and 28 Engaging Filipino Mommy Blogs to Follow. My husband and I were invited to be part of The Asian Parent's parenting council. Brands like Bobbi Brown, Philosophy, Powerbooks and Enderun partnered with me to hold workshops. What an incredible year for me as a blogger!!!

Whether that influence is big or small, real or perceived, I don't know. I always said that I just blog because I want to share stories, that I'm not interested in being inspiring. Numbers and influence don't matter to me. If they did, I'd be more serious about blogging! I'd blog every day, I'd attend all the events, I'd make myself a brand! But no. I've often said here and to anyone who pushes me to build "my brand" that I'm a storyteller. I just want to tell stories. So if I don't feel like telling a story, I'm not going to blog. I'm just going to live my stories and maybe I'll share them one day and maybe I won't. My prerogative.

Thing is the past two years I haven't been wanting to tell stories. Mostly because the past two years have been crushing as they have been exhilarating. I'm living a glorious life as a work-at-home mommy to three healthy, beautiful kids. At the same time, I'm desperately trying to survive each day without failing as a wife and mother (and yet I fail, not every day but many days). And while I'd love to share all my triumphs, I realize I'd have to share my trials, too. Balance, you know! But I want to keep those ugly stuff to myself. So I retreated from blogging. Until I figured out what blogging should be for me—whether to tell my stories, to just become a lifestyle blog of fun finds, to earn money, to be a "brand"—I just kept blogging as an income-generating activity.

But I missed blogging. Real blogging. I still love it. Many of my friends now are because of my blogging. Many of the people who hate me now are also because of my blogging but who cares about the haters, right? Well, I do, sometimes, but am I really going to let them stop me from doing what I love?

LOVE. That's why I blog. I love it. I love it. I love it. I LOVE BLOGGING!

I hate that I have haters because of it. I hate that bloggers now are in it just for the fame and the freebies. I hate that bloggers have a bad reputation. I hate that I've had to stop myself from publishing posts because I worry about being bashed. I hate that there's so much competition and backbiting and gossiping when I've always believed that blogging is so beautiful because it's so personal. Everyone is unique and so every blog is unique. Why the need to compete and malign and besmirch?

For all the stress blogging has put me through the last couple of years, I realize now I still want to do it. I miss the old days when blogs were intimate and inspiring and relatable, when they electrified me with their thoughts and dazzled me with their pictures. I miss blogs where I found someone who thinks like me, who understands what I'm going through, even when they were from the other side of the world and spoke another language. I miss blogs where everyone bared their hearts and souls and didn't give a damn about what people (or brands) thought, blogs that made me stop and think and feel. I miss these disembodied voices that shouted out or whispered to the vast space of the Internet and spoke to me because they are astonishing in their authenticity and boldness to say what they think and share their story. They were relentless in saying, "This is me! Listen to me! I am proud to be me!" and they were never stylized, put on, pretentious. They were real.

I think there are a lot of those that still exist today. I just haven't been reading blogs lately. Big reason: Motherhood takes up all my time. Smaller reason but just as important: Many of the blogs I followed stopped being relevant, got boring, or they became avenues for press releases (and they don't even try to add their personalities to the press release or the sponsored post). Or perhaps, like mine, they simply stopped updating.

There are many reasons for the slowing down of blogging. I gave mine—I wanted to understand what I was going through before I blogged about it, and I was intimidated by the haters. I mean, really. Is a blog post worth the vitriol? Is there no such thing as respect these days? But I also have more reasons why my posts have lessened. These are Facebook and Instagram. I felt sharing my thoughts with my friends on Facebook was safer, and Instagram made daily updates fun and easy. Why go through the agonies of giving birth to a blog post when a cute photo and a funny caption will do the trick?

Readers have also migrated from blogs to other social media platforms. My readers (yes, you!) prefer to leave comments on my Facebook page rather than fill out all the blanks in the comments form that Blogger requires. I do that with the blogs I follow, too! It's just easier. Even I prefer chatting with my readers on Facebook. People are also on their mobile gadgets more and because of those small screens, they don't want to scroll through paragraphs and paragraphs of words. (If you've gotten to this point, thanks for sticking around!). Everyone wants fast content and blogs are not fast content. At least, the content that matters, the content that draws people in, the content that invites you to "Come sit with me a while and let's talk about our life," that asks you to think and feel and dream, that demands a response. Readers now don't like content like that. It just takes up too much of their time.

So why did I want to return to blogging then?

I believe strongly that some things need to be said and they need to be explained. It doesn't matter if only one person reads it but if it changes that person's life, then that is everything. I don't need to change the world but I need to tell my stories and if those stories made someone laugh or cry or think or make a change (whether to a recipe or in their relationships), then sitting down in front of my computer in the dead of night to write my story and share it was less of a lonely activity. It was an act of community, friendship, fellowship, love.

And if love is the motivation, then why stop doing it? The numbers won't matter anymore. The haters, the sponsors, the number of followers and likes—they won't matter! They will affect content now and then but if love affects everything, then content—whether it's a personal post, a funny post, a sponsored post, a silly post—content remains fresh, relevant, real.

Blogs are real when you see that the person behind it is passionate and unafraid, and I want that back, if not for every blog then for mine at least. Rest assured I've been very real all these years. I've said no to brands (and to lots of money) because I don't believe in the brand. I've been vilified for being "picky." I've gotten into arguments because I insisted that I'm going to give an honest review of the product or service, no matter if it's a paid review—"You bought the space, not my opinion," never goes down well with anyone.

But while I've been unafraid when it comes to the business side of blogging, I've paused with my personal stories because I was concerned about being judged or hated by readers. Why haters will want to loiter here, I do not know, but the hate has affected me. It's not fear of them I feel (I've faced worse); it's more of I just don't want the negativity in my life. So I watched my blogs' content become increasingly sponsored as I retreated from personal blogging. I've thought a few times of letting the blogs die a slow, natural death, but something stops me. "Ten years of blogging," I think. "My sponsors!" Now I know it's really because of love. I love blogging and if I love something, I shouldn't give up on it.

And I'm glad you haven't given up on me either, dear Loyal Reader.

For you, I'm going to make some changes here:
  • I'll be merging my two blogs, Topaz Horizon and Topaz Mommy. Easier for me to update, easier for you to follow! 
  • I will blog regularly. I can't promise an update every day (a lovingly made blog post takes time!) but definitely I won't allow weeks to pass anymore before I publish a story. 
  • I'll balance the sponsored content with personal content. 
  • I will talk more about topics that mean a lot to me but I was shy to share—my faith in God, feminism, women empowerment, raising my sons to be feminists, the joys outside of motherhood that moms are always feeling guilty about (for example, a fulfilling career), awareness of sexual and domestic abuse, and women writers.
Topaz Horizon will have more meaningful content. It will be the meaningful act that I will start to do before I hit 40. This isn't a little blog anymore so I'm going to use this blog for the better. I love blogging too much to give up trying. As long as I know I'm trying, I know I'm a good blogger and from now on, I'm going to make sure this blog makes a difference in someone's life!

Thanks for reading, Loyal Reader. Thanks for the birthday wishes, too, and for telling me how my stories have inspired you, helped you, changed you, entertained you. You inspired me to make this change! Thank you for your love all these years. God bless you all!

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Friday, November 13, 2015

Event: Ayala Malls holiday schedule announced (plus, my photo with Piolo!)

Last week, I had such a lovely time attending the Ayala Malls party that announced their holiday activities for all shoppers at their malls all over the country. We had a preview of what to expect (songs! dances! celebrities! oh my!) and then shopped from the goodie buffet. I even got to have my photo taken with my college crush, Piolo Pascual!

My haul from the shopping buffet!
Heehee that cake wasn't for me but let's pretend!!!

Anyway! Where was I? Holiday schedule. Yes! The festivities had already begun last week so I'll give you a rundown of what to expect from today till December at an Ayala Mall near you:

Daryl Ong from The Voice
Celebrities and songs!
The Sound of Christmas, a concert series featuring top singers together with the well-renowned Manila Symphony Orchestra and special celebrities like Piolo Pascual, Daryl Ong from The Voice of the Philippines, Sam Milby, Yeng Constantino, Erik Santos, Nikki Gil, Kyla, KZ Tandingan, Richard Poon, Angeline Quinto, Jay R and Marion Aunor (not all stars will be at the same date and venue).
November 14 - Fairview Terraces 
November 22 - Ayala Center Cebu 
December 6 - Market! Market!
December 13 - Alabang Town Center

The kids from Steps Dance Project
Ayala Malls partners again with Steps Dance Project to bring back Frankly Speaking, a jazz musical inspired by the famous hits of the legendary music icon, Frank Sinatra. This musical concert will also feature the talented dancer, musician and entertainer from New York, Omar Edwards. 
November 14 - MarQuee Mall Angeles, Pampanga
November 20 - Centrio Mall, Cagayan de Oro
November 22 - Abreeza Mall, Davao

Peppa and George!
Peppa Pig!
My kids will love this one: British animated series Peppa Pig comes to life at Ayala Malls! Together with her family—little brother George and Mummy and Daddy Pig—Peppa Pig will entertain kids with songs, dances, and snorts of laughter!
November 13-15 - Glorietta
November 21-22 - TriNoma
November 27-29 - Ayala Center Cebu
December 4-6 - Alabang Town Center
December 11-13 - Market! Market!
December 18-20 - Ayala Malls Solenad

Arts & Crafts at Glorietta!
December 12 - Artwork T-shirt Printing

Fairs & Sales!
Alabang Town Center introduces the holiday spirit with back-to-back toy fairs and sale events before its weekly Community Christmas Cantata during the whole month of December with special participation from Lyceum Orchestra, Lighthouse Bible Church, San Beda College, SAT Music, Christ Commission Fellowship, and many more. 

Food Fair!
December 11 to 13 - Weekend Market by The Clean Plate at UP Town Center
December 20 to 22 - Awesome Food fair co-presented by lifestyle blog Our Awesome Planet
All weekends of December - Greenbelt Christmas Market

Goodies for everyone!
More Christmas activities every weekend at every mall! 
Meet-and-greet events with Santa Claus
Fireworks displays
Booths for holiday treats
Simbang Gabi 

 (L-R) Ayala Land President Bobby Dy, Ayala Corporation Chairman Emeritus Jaime Zobel De Ayala, 
Steps Dance Studio director and Steps Dance Project founder Sofia Zobel- Elizalde, Lizzie Zobel, 
Ayala Land VP and Head of Operations and Support Services, Commercial Business Group Rowena Tomeldan, 
and Ayala Land Senior Vice President and Commercial Business Head Junie Jalandoni
(L-R) Ayala Land executive’s Junie Jalandoni, Joseph Reyes, Bing Jose, Ruby Chiong, 
and Myrna Fernandez, Manila Symphony executive director Jeffery Solares, 
The Sound of Christmas director Raymond Lauchengco, Piolo Pascual, Daryl Ong, 
Sam Milby, Ayala Land’s Javi Hernandez, AC Legarda and Mark Sablan

Season for Giving 
Glorietta will hold the activity, “100 Christmas Wishes” to encourage shoppers in sponsoring wishes of 100 less fortunate children from November to December. 

Since Filipinos love to go to the malls (nothing wrong with that!), Ayala Malls have definitely made their shopping centers a fun place for family and friends. I should know—I'm always at a mall! And not always to shop. My family eats, plays, meets with friends, watches movies, be entertained, be together! We're definitely looking forward to meeting Peppa Pig and Santa Claus!

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Monday, November 09, 2015

How to get the 2015 Coca-Cola Glass Collection from McDonald's

Hooray for two of my favorite things in the world—Coke and McDonald's! This year, they've partnered once again to offer the 2015 Coca-Cola Glass Collection. That's the drinking glasses up there. I don't know if this news will actually excite you, because, you know, baso, but we started collecting these glasses with the Olympics 2008 collection and, well, we like collecting things! 

Now on its 8th year, the 2015 Coca-Cola Glasses is also called the Coca-Cola Signature Glass Collection because this is inspired by the evolution of the iconic Coca-Cola contour bottle. Even the green tinge is because the first bottles of Coke were greenish! Why? The first bottles were made by the Root Glass Company (yes, I did some research for you!). Now glass is basically melted sand and Root got its sand "from 160 acres that Root purchased west of Greencastle in the Fern Cliffs area of Putnum County, Indiana." I like how that sounds like a setting for a good romance story! Anyway, this sand had copper and other minerals which created that distinct green tinge. Instead of thinking of that as a bad thing, Coke thought, "Hey, it can be our signature glass color, just like our sexy contoured bottle!" Coke didn't say that exactly. I did. But you know what I mean!

The Coca-Cola Signature Glass Collection is available at all McDonald’s restaurants nationwide now. As in now na! To collect the limited-edition glasses, all you need to do is add P29 to any McDonald’s meal and you get one glass. There are six designs to collect, and each glass is embossed with the Coca-Cola logo. Each is also date-stamped with 1899, 1916, 1955, 1961, 1994, and 2015. So six glasses times P29... That's just P174 total! Well, on top of your meal, of course!

Collect all six designs only at McDonald’s via Dine-In, Drive-Thru, or McDelivery via 86-2-86, www.mcdelivery.com.ph, or the McDo PH app, all day, including breakfast hours. Have fun collecting... and drinking Coke!

Share your collection at McDonald’s official Facebook page, or by tagging @McDo_PH on Twitter and Instagram.

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Thursday, October 15, 2015

It's huge! I visit MANGO's Eastwood branch to shop!

This post is brought to you by MANGO.

I missed the opening of the bigger and better MANGO store at Eastwood a few weeks ago. Eastwood is not my stomping grounds but because I saw fellow bloggers talking about how they absolutely loved the new store, I went to check it out.

Boy, it's really big! Look!

This is the MANGO Kids section:

My photos can't seem to do justice to the wide aisles, the well-spaced clothing items, and the high ceilings. I loved that there's space to shop. The only place in the store that felt masikip was the fitting rooms. 

Anyway, the MANGO store in Eastwood is right in the garden area. I don't know what it's called, basta it's where the fountains and ponds are. Just across Bread Talk, right beside GAP. I like that when I was shopping and I look past the windows, it's all nice and green trees and bushes. Super refreshing. Dangerous, too, in my case because nakakagana to shop!

Here's what caught my eye in the store:

Jeans! Jeggings! Pants!
I love anything with roll-up sleeves.
Military-inspired jacket.
I almost bought that dress but my tummy was too big! 
Little black dress to the left and little red dress to the right.
An adorable outfit! Almost got it but was afraid I'm too old for it haha.

Of course, since I'm a mom, I went through the racks of MANGO Kids, too, and found these:
For my mini heroes.
If they had a bigger size sana for my husband!
This camel jacket! Why not in my size???

I also liked MANGO's Autumn/Winter 2015 Boho Collection showcased by supermodels Kate Moss and Cara Delavigne. 

I was born in the 70s so I have a soft spot for gorgeous prints, chiffon kaftans and maxi dresses, bell-sleeved blouses, flared jeans, fringe, flower power, embroidery on everything. Here are my Boho Collection outfits:

Really loving the dress that Cara wore! Cara and Kate are part of MANGO's #somethingincommon campaign, which emphasizes that Kate may be born in the 70s and Cara in the 90s but their love for free-spirited fashion is their common denominator. Aside from being supermodels, of course!

“MANGO is great,” says Cara. “When I think about what to wear every day, I like to be creative and MANGO is a perfect brand to play with the range of styles there are nowadays. This is the first time I have worked with MANGO and having Kate as my partner in crime is ideal! We are a lethal combination. I admire her personally and professionally, she is a true fashion icon. It is a privilege to learn and to share this experience with her.”

Kate has been part of the MANGO family for while now, starting with her collaborations with the Spanish brand in 2011 and 2012. Kate says, “It's so great to be working with MANGO again; it is such a fresh and modern brand.” Of Cara, she says, “Cara and I always have fun together and you really can see that in this campaign.” 

I had fun just shopping! I may not be a supermodel but what I have #somethingincommon with Kate and Cara is a love for looking fantabulous! Look at what I bought from MANGO Eastwood:

Not near Eastwood, like me? You can still shop for these pieces and more at these branches:

MANGO РRobinsons Ermita, Shangri-La Plaza Mall, Power Plant Mall, Gateway, SM Mall Of Asia, Alabang Town Center, SM Megamall, SM Davao, SM Clark, Ayala Center Cebu, TriNoma, SM Cebu, Greenbelt 5, Eastwood, Marquee Mall, Newport, Abreeza Davao, Lucky Chinatown, Bonifacio High Street, Robinsons Magnolia, Centrio, Harbor Point, Glorietta 2, Ayala Fairview Terraces, SM BF Para̱aque

MANGO MAN – Power Plant Mall, Alabang Town Center, Bonifacio High Street, Glorietta 2, SM Mall Of Asia, Ayala Center Cebu, Abreeza Davao

MANGO TOUCH – Robinsons Ermita, Power Plant Mall, Robinsons Magnolia, SM Megamall, SM Mall Of Asia

MANGO KIDS РSM Mall Of Asia, Ayala Center Cebu, SM BF Para̱aque, TriNoma, Glorietta 2, Eastwood