She's Galadriel, named after the elf queen in Tolkien's
Lord of the Rings. She's almost 7 years old, a grandma in rabbit years. This was taken two years ago, when she was perky and plump and fast. Yes, she's 2 feet long with a 17-inch waistline. Fat wabbit!

This was taken when she was first brought home. What a fist of fur! Oh, how she skidded about the parquet floors and nosed about every nook and cranny, jumped high over any obstacle, and basically was super adorable.

She's slow now, preferring to lie quietly in the sun. She still loves her cuddles though. When Vince and I are anywhere near, she'll hop slowly to our feet and nudge us, demanding to be petted and loved. And then we'll oblige of course and she will sit quietly, happily, content. I get sad sometimes, afraid that my darling baby will leave me, too, just like
little Alice in the photos below, taken almost a year ago.

Oh, how we love our baby bunny! She's our darling dearest. Vince and I adore her to bits!