Monday, November 10, 2008

We're going to Disneyland!

My wonderful parents-in-law are celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary this month and they're bringing the entire clan to Hong Kong Disneyland! I'm soooo excited!

I've never been to any Disneyland. Vince was in deep shock when I told him this when we first started dating. He said, "It's the happiest place on earth!" And I, feeling romantic, insisted his arms were the happiest place on earth. He exclaimed, "Oh, but you have to see Disneyland. And Vegas! Vegas is the grownup people's Disneyland!" Okaaaay, if you say so!

So Disneyland and Las Vegas have been on my to-visit list for a few years now (plus New York, Napa Valley, L.A., Tokyo, New Zealand, and the Scottish Highlands). Well, by the end of this month, I'd get to tick one off the list!

Romancing the topaz stone

This blog isn't called Topaz Horizon for nothing. November is my birth month and the yellow topaz is my birth stone. When I was very small, my favorite grandmother, Lola Auring, also a November-born lady, showed me her favorite ring--a huge chunk of deep yellow topaz and told me she would give it to me when she passed on. When she died, well, you know how friends , neighbors and distant relatives descend onto one's home to offer sympathy? Well, let's just say that after all the confusion, Lola Auring's jewelry box and linen closet were empty. So a part of me is always looking for that topaz ring.

I've begun a modest collection of topaz jewelry. Yes, just 6 pieces: a brooch, 2 pairs of earrings, 2 huge rings and a delicate bracelet. It's strange but I love how warm topaz makes me feel. I remember Lola a lot, just looking at the stones. At the same time, the deep yellows and oranges remind me of the sun.

Topaz comes in a variety of colors--white, gray, green, blue, pink, yellow. My favorite ones of course are the pale yellows, deep yellows, vibrant oranges and smoky browns. Those are pretty rare. It's a good thing topaz is a semi-precious stone, unlike diamonds, rubies and sapphires. Even the rare ones are inexpensive. I've gotten really pretty pieces for very little money. Topaz is so pretty but cheap, you can practically buy them by the bulk from wholesale fashion jewelry stores!

Right now I'm eying this fabulous set from Ocampo's--earrings, ring and a pendant. The brilliant yellow stones are about the size of a pinky fingernail, surrounded by diamonds on a yellow gold setting. It dazzles like the sun! It's PHP 30,000 (USD 618) but they're willing to give me a considerable discount. What do you think? Shall this be my Christmas present to myself?

Friday, November 07, 2008

Today, I'm 32!

And I'm lovin' every minute of it!

Thank you, all of you who have made my life fantastic. I've had a pretty good 31 years, all things considered, so you can bet I'm giddy to be 32 and I can't wait for more and more years to pile up on me. God is ever so good and faithful to me. All the blessings in my life--small and great--I do appreciate. Well, the fact that I don't look 32 despite my laziness to slap on moisturizer is enough to give Him all my thanks and praise!

Now, my friends, please excuse me from blogging for a few days while I go celebrate!

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Photograph by Willy Saw, makeup by Mimi Bautista for L'Oreal Paris, hair by Ogie Rayel, dress and belt by Mango, jewelry all mine!

Special thanks to Dimensione High Street for graciously allowing us to shoot at their spectacular store.
Their staff is ever so helpful. All the photos from the shoot at Dimensione came out fabulous. The light was amazing (yes, that's natural daylight so, Lord, thank You for the bright cloudy day--the kind of day all photographers and editors love).