Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Give me some leg lovin'!

My darling friend Kate Torralba just came out with the sweetest thing--a line of stylish stockings! At the exclusive launch at posh hotel Manila Peninsula, tall, leggy goddesses walked in Kate's signature colorful outfits paired with the fun stockings. I swear, we all put down our dessert spoons and gaped.

At just PHP 299 (USD 6) for the solid colored pairs and PHP 399 (USD 8) for the printed ones, I want to collect them all! Here are just a few of her designs:

I love these prints! Legs look delicately tattooed.

Vibrant legs! Kick 'em high!
An alternative to the ubiquitous fishnetLayer 2 stockings!
Head on over to Chuvaness' blog for more photos and a video from the show. Totally hot!

*Leg Love by KT stockings are available at her Greenbelt 5 store and at all SM department stores nationwide.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Coffee means less cellulite!

Over the past couple of years, I've been trying out various cellulite-removing creams. Yes, I'm thin but if you're a woman reading this, you know that cellulite happens on anybody, no matter the size and weight. And I am an unhappy victim.

There are many active ingredients in these creams that are said to be effective in reducing the dreaded dimply skin. These are L-Carnitine, AHA, Retinol, chocolate, gingko, cayenne pepper and caffeine. So far, the ones that have worked on me are those that have the fat-burning L-Carnitine (Nivea Good-bye Cellulite) and the circulation-increasing caffeine and coffee berry (L'Oreal PerfectSlim).

I stopped drinking coffee years ago but when I heard that caffeine is a major slimming ingredient (used in diet pills like Fenterdren, for example), sweetheart, I just started drinking that stuff again! Of course, my insomnia is also back with a vengeance but hey, I can sleep when I'm dead!

*image used with permission from FreeFoto.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Black invitations on my wall

This is my magnetic wall at work. Those are just some of the events I'm going to this month. I wonder why all the invites I get now are black. They all look alike, I have trouble remembering which is which. Sigh, old age is catching up with me. I like different colors--they help me remember better!