Over the past couple of years, I've been trying out various cellulite-removing creams. Yes, I'm thin but if you're a woman reading this, you know that cellulite happens on anybody, no matter the size and weight. And I am an unhappy victim.
There are many active ingredients in these creams that are said to be effective in reducing the dreaded dimply skin. These are L-Carnitine, AHA, Retinol, chocolate, gingko, cayenne pepper and caffeine. So far, the ones that have worked on me are those that have the fat-burning L-Carnitine (Nivea Good-bye Cellulite) and the circulation-increasing caffeine and coffee berry (L'Oreal PerfectSlim).
I stopped drinking coffee years ago but when I heard that caffeine is a major slimming ingredient (used in diet pills like
Fenterdren, for example), sweetheart, I just started drinking that stuff again! Of course, my insomnia is also back with a vengeance but hey, I can sleep when I'm dead!
*image used with permission from FreeFoto.