Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Straight vs Curly

Just came from a rather interesting press lunch. It was for Sunsilk's newest line, the Sunsilk Style Collection. The styling products promise to make hair sleek and shiny or bouncy and full of body. What made the press conference interesting was this segment called "The Great Hair Debate: Straight vs Curly." The debate got really nasty! Here are snippets:

Straight: "In job interviews, straight-haired women will get the job more than curly-haired ones because curly hair means they're messy and unreliable."
Curly: "That's because straight hair is boring. So women with straight hair are boring!"
Straight: "Well, curly hair makes women look fat!"
Curly: "Curly is sexy! Curls just wanna have fun!"
Straight: "Poodle!"
Curly: "Stringy!"

And so it went. Woah, ladies, it's just hair! Personally, I like hair that's wavy and full of body and bounce. I do feel that super straight hair is just a tad ho-hum.

Exhibit A: Jennifer Aniston on the cover of Rolling Stone. She may have a rockin' body but with her super sleek hair, she still looks sweet and safe.

Exhibit B: Angelina Jolie smolders on Vanity Fair. ’Nuff said.

Both stars are lovely but hair that's big and wavy just adds more dynamite, don't ya think?

So... curly or straight? Why? Tell me what you think and I'll give away one set of Sunsilk Style Straight & Sway (shampoo, conditioner, cream and wax), and one set of Sunsilk Style Curls & Wave Bounce (shampoo, conditioner and mousse)! That's two sets. That's two winners!

*How to win:
1. Winners will be randomly picked by me. Please don't contest the results. I have different qualifications depending on my mood!
2. Winners must have a Philippine address since shipping outside the country is expensive.
3. Please comment in this format: your answer, the collection you want (just one!), your first name, city where you're from, and email address.
4. Please do not put your full name and delivery address in the comment box since this blog is not secure. If you put your personal info, I will not be responsible for any identity theft and other problems that may arise from your actions.
5. I will announce the winner in a blog entry on November 1. I will also publish all entries then.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Coffee please!

I walk to work now. Our office used to be housed in the basement of Robinsons Galleria, my second favorite mall (the first being Power Plant), so I loved going to work because it was literally going to the mall every day! We got really spoiled with the shopping, the easy pick-up of groceries, the meetings at coffee shops...

But now our new office is in a real office building (with huge windows and slow-speed elevators!) so life has been a lot more serious. Plus, it’s a very new building so there are no shops open yet. We’re forced to bring packed lunch. Well, my hubby and I eat lunch at home practically every day, and like I said, we walk to and from work plus I don't really shop anymore so there’s a ton of money we save. I actually like this new arrangement. But please, someone, anyone, please open a few coffee franchises in Robinsons Cybergate Tower 3 soon before all the editors die of caffeine withdrawal!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Blogs I love: Their outfits rock!

Okay, today is a sloooow Sunday and I'm just spending the afternoon reading up on my favorite blogs. I follow a ton of blogs. Most I discovered through their comments on my blog, a lot I just found through Entrecard (I love Entrecard!), and a few I landed on through links upon links upon links. So you can imagine how my husband complains about the time I spend on blogging!

Anyway, I'd like to invite you to check out five blogs that I love. Yes, just five (I'll blog about the rest in installments!) and they're all about dressing up! I am so in love with these girls because they really know how to put together a smokin' outfit!

I love her blog title. Because that's me! When I was younger, I got a lot of comments for being a snob. Actually, I just couldn't see and recognize anyone because I'm very myopic. Once I got glasses and contacts however, I've become the friendliest person on earth! Back to the blog... I love Karen's wittiness--her thoughts, the way she writes, the way she puts clothes together, how she finds the most fabulous vintage photos, and even how she puts on eye makeup!

I'm particularly enchanted with Wendy because I read about her first in Marie Claire before I found her blog. Wendy is a jewelry designer so her blog is more about what inspires her to design, all of which are very interesting whether they're pop or historical figures or dear friends. Oh, and her fashion choices--while sometimes outrageous--are always bold and beautiful. And she's the only one I've seen who can do that horrible rolled-up jeans with heels trend and still look gorgeous!

This girl has got to have one of the prettiest faces I've ever seen. And when she dresses up--it doesn't matter if it's a shirt or a dress--she still looks absolutely divine. What's great about her is she's not just pretty on the outside; her thoughts are really interesting, too. This is one sensitive soul and her posts are always raw and intimate and out there.

Okay, with a blog title like that, you just know she's wild and wacky and fun! Honestly, I can never bring myself to wear what this funky girl wears but I do admire her spunk and style! And she always poses against an orange wall, which I assume belongs to her house. An orange wall! I've always wanted an orange wall! And a fuschia! And a neon green! But because I'm terribly boring, I can't. Well, my house has yellow walls and a Tiffany blue one, and a coffee-and-cream combo, and a Chinese lacquer box-red one. So... I'm getting there, Annie! Oh, and I haven't done the bleach-shirt job yet!

Well, I already blogged about Jane and her mom and her sister before so you know how I love love Sea of Shoes. The shoes are out-of-this-world fabulous. The clothes are far out fantastic. And the girls are just utterly glam. Sigh!

To these blog authors, thank you for inspiring me. Please keep on dressing up and blogging!

*images from their blogs, used without permission. Ooops! Please click on the pics to be directed to their blogs. Thanks!

Friday, October 17, 2008

I'm thinking of an easy way to make more money

This blog has been such a blessing since I've met tons of new people. Recently, however, I've been thinking that aside from earning great friends, I'd also like to earn money! Again. Last year, I had an online shop that sold fashion and beauty products. That little venture earned me quite a lot of money. Enough money to buy really nice furniture for my new house! But I got lazy with inventory. And there are some customers that you just can't satisfy whatever you do! So I put that business on hold. But I think I'll start that again soon because the holidays are coming up and I need shopping money!

Anyway, I've been studying how to teach from home. My first job was for a website that taught Koreans English. Then for my second job, I was a preschool teacher. So I do have experience teaching. It's not easy but I enjoyed it. Now that I'm an editor, I was thinking I can teach freelance writing online. I'll take a refresher course on how to teach, of course, and then all I need is a white board, a few books, and paper!

I've been looking it up and I found this great article on why you should have a home based business.

The site lists certain advantages of having a home-based business:
1. offers an amazing level of autonomy
2. the initial investment required is typically much lower than a traditional franchise
3. has very few overhead expenses
4. a number of work at home franchise opportunities require a part-time commitment to be successful
5. provides franchisees with a great deal of flexibility in their schedules and often affords them more time to spend with their families.

Yeah, I think I can do this online teaching business! How about you? What do you do to earn extra cash?

Monday, October 13, 2008

A candle to help me pray

Since Mama always began and ended her day by praying for everyone in her world (and I guess, she prayed for the entire world, too), I feel a little unsafe and unprotected now that she's gone. Her prayer of love and protection always made me feel safe. Sometimes I call her up and ask, "Mama, did you pray for me today? I'm not having a good day!" Yeah, I can be so rude. And she'd assure me that she did but so that I'd feel better, we'd pray over the phone anyway. Then I truly would feel better.

Well, now no one's praying for me so I'm doing the praying. It's hard if it isn't part of your habit to pray for people. I usually pray for just me and Vince. This morning as I was praying in our bedroom, I was mixing up names and forgetting names and just basically getting confused. Maybe because I never start my day with a prayer so I'm not used to concentrating so hard first thing. I'll have to list names down!

The other day, Kate dragged me with her to Baclaran church. I'm not Catholic but it's still a place of worship so I prayed with her. At the back of the church is a large room filled with candles. In here, people light as many candles as they wish to pray. I got five candles and prayed for these:
(1) for my marriage to be strong and be a shining example of true commitment and love,
(2) that my family be truly reconciled and finally be a beacon of love and Christ's victory to others,
(3) for God to bless the friends and family who have been such a comfort to me and my family in these dark days,
(4) I thanked God for our jobs which helped pay for Mama's sudden passing, and I asked that we will always be wise and compassionate managers to our staff and be good examples of leadership,
(5) and then I prayed for everyone in that room of candles because I saw that they desperately needed Him, perhaps even more than I did at that moment.

I found that candles can be very calming. And since there's a flame I can focus on, I prayed better. I'll be buying candles this weekend. Till then, believe it or not, I found this nice website that helped me pray. It's called Light a Candle. I thought it would be cheesy but it proved to be very calming. And then as I clicked on the other candles, I realized I'm not the only one who needs help. Millions of people around the world are in worse situations. And so my list of names just got longer.

I do always remember this scene from Dawson's Creek (yeah, all my life is so pop culture). Jen's grandfather was dying and her grandmother was praying really hard. Jen got angry and told her grandma, "How can you have so much faith in prayer? Just because you pray doesn't mean you can change God." And grandma replied, "Prayer doesn't change God; it changes me."

Mama's death is still very painful and of course it is useless to pray for her to come back or for me to have another chance to show her my love. But I trust in God's perfect plan. He wanted Mama home but He will not leave us alone. He will be there for me and my family and He is already working in our lives because Mama's death was for a reason. I just need to pray that we will be patient enough and strong enough and wise enough to see His plan moving powerfully in us.

*image from