Saturday, November 01, 2008

And the Straight vs Curly winners are...

Actually, it's just one winner. Vanessa Arinsol won the Sunsilk Style Curls and Wave Bounce set. She won because she was the first who followed the rules. Never underestimate following instructions! Nhe, I emailed you about the prize details.

Twisted Halo also followed the rules but she also wanted the same set. Alas, Vanessa answered first. Twisted Halo, better luck next time!

Thanks everybody!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Meet my old baby girl

She's Galadriel, named after the elf queen in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. She's almost 7 years old, a grandma in rabbit years. This was taken two years ago, when she was perky and plump and fast. Yes, she's 2 feet long with a 17-inch waistline. Fat wabbit!

This was taken when she was first brought home. What a fist of fur! Oh, how she skidded about the parquet floors and nosed about every nook and cranny, jumped high over any obstacle, and basically was super adorable.

She's slow now, preferring to lie quietly in the sun. She still loves her cuddles though. When Vince and I are anywhere near, she'll hop slowly to our feet and nudge us, demanding to be petted and loved. And then we'll oblige of course and she will sit quietly, happily, content. I get sad sometimes, afraid that my darling baby will leave me, too, just like little Alice in the photos below, taken almost a year ago.

Oh, how we love our baby bunny! She's our darling dearest. Vince and I adore her to bits!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Beautiful strong bones

So I may be flabby and un-muscly, with weak eyesight and even weaker lungs but at least I know I have strong bones!

In keeping with the season's spooky themes, today's entry is about my skeleton. Yesterday at work, we had a bone density scanner machine. The scan would normally cost Php 4000 (USD 85) at hospitals but the service yesterday was free so we all lined up to look into our bones. I was afraid I'd have weak bones. Being lactose intolerant, I don't drink milk and avoid dairy. That's why I'm small (I'm a mere 5'4") and skinny (my wrists and ankles are the tiniest things). And I don't exercise so I know my bones aren't being reinforced by physical activity. So there I was dreading away.

But surprise, surprise! The machine read that my bones are actually okay! I scored a 1 (the scale was -2 to 2, -2 means you're extremely high risk for osteoporosis and 2 means your bones are strong and healthy). I got a 1! The bone analyst said my diet of green leafy veggies and fish supplies my calcium needs although he warns that if I plan to get preggers soon, I better up the calcium intake.

So that's my happy news today. Happy Halloween!

*image from Clipart Heaven

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Must speak English

Or write in it actually. I'm from Manila and I speak Tagalog and I can't help but code-switch when I'm writing in this blog. Because I speak English better than Tagalog, this blog is mostly in English but I do have Tagalog expressions that leak into the posts. The Mother Tongue sometimes expresses it best. But when this SiteMeter report came in, I just knew it's time to say au revoir to my beloved Tagalog.

Yes, 62% of my readers are not from the Philippines. Hello to you all, readers and lurkers alike! Do tell me what the weather's like in your part of the world. Here in Manila, it's like a burning oven. Unbelievable how hot it is considering Christmas is just around the corner!

Oh, and may I remind you that I have a blog contest happening! I'm giving away two Sunsilk hair treatment gift packs. Join now!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Shoulda Woulda Coulda

This is for Mama who passed away exactly a month ago. I miss you dearly.

I don't believe in dwelling on things that I should've done, shouldn't have done because at that time, that was my truth and I needed to live that truth. I lived the way I lived and I did what I had to do to be happy, to grow up, to find me. Still, when the silence becomes deafening I can't help but feel sorry I put you aside so that I can be me.

I know I'm right where I belong
But sometimes when I'm not that strong
I wish I, wish I'd done a little bit more
Now shoulda woulda coulda means I'm out of time
Shoulda woulda coulda can't change your mind
And I wonder, I wonder what I'm gonna do
"Shoulda woulda coulda" are the last words of a fool.