Saturday, November 15, 2008

Black invitations on my wall

This is my magnetic wall at work. Those are just some of the events I'm going to this month. I wonder why all the invites I get now are black. They all look alike, I have trouble remembering which is which. Sigh, old age is catching up with me. I like different colors--they help me remember better!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Married to a writer

My husband, Vincent C. Sales, has three published books, two under a pseudonym. His first is called Children in Exile. The other two... well, I can't say what they are because they're under a pseudonym!

Anyway, do read the first part of his next book at Philippine Speculative Fiction's brand new site. And please support Pinoy literature!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The stomach reports

I have been eating unbelievably the past few days. At a party catered by Albergus the other night for the launch of Lacoste's spring-summer footwear collection 2009, I kept going back to the buffet table. I had the shrimp salad with tangy mango dressing, then I got the chicken tandoori, then the tomato cream pasta. Then I dropped by the dessert table and had a peach crepe, which was really good. I sauntered back for a second helping and then had the mango crepe, which was also good. Then I went back for the banana crepe, which was very good too! Then I went home and had a big slice of red velvet cake. Yummy!

That's just one night, one example. Try to imagine the rest of the week! I just can't stop eating lately. If I don't watch it, I might be popping some diet pills together with dessert!

*image used with permission from

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The right thing to do is not always the safest

On a shopping trip with my younger sister. We passed by a man on a street beating up a little kid. It was a busy street. There was a ton of people rushing about and there was this guy violently beating up his kid.

I looked because the boy was wailing in pain. I looked because I could hear the slaps and the fists hitting skin. I've never actually heard that sound before, although I had been beaten up before by an abusive boyfriend in college and my older brother had punched me in the stomach once because I was spilling a terrible secret. The sound of a beating is curious and I stopped to listen and to look at what was causing that horrible sound.

Then I saw, really saw, what was happening. I looked around, wondering why people were letting this happen. Then before I knew what I was doing, a big and angry shout came out of me, "Hoy! You! Stop that right now! That is WRONG!"

People paused and looked. He stopped and looked at me in shock. The boy continued to wail. Then my sister grabbed my arm and said, "Shhh, don't get us into trouble." She dragged me away... And I let her.

I don't even know if that boy is still alive. And if people even care.

Monday, November 10, 2008

We're going to Disneyland!

My wonderful parents-in-law are celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary this month and they're bringing the entire clan to Hong Kong Disneyland! I'm soooo excited!

I've never been to any Disneyland. Vince was in deep shock when I told him this when we first started dating. He said, "It's the happiest place on earth!" And I, feeling romantic, insisted his arms were the happiest place on earth. He exclaimed, "Oh, but you have to see Disneyland. And Vegas! Vegas is the grownup people's Disneyland!" Okaaaay, if you say so!

So Disneyland and Las Vegas have been on my to-visit list for a few years now (plus New York, Napa Valley, L.A., Tokyo, New Zealand, and the Scottish Highlands). Well, by the end of this month, I'd get to tick one off the list!