Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas cards are the best

I got a ton of gifts! And I always love the cards that go with them. I read the cards before I rip off the wrappers, chortle or squeal over the gift, fold away the wrappers, pile up the gifts, then I pad off to bed with my Christmas cards and read them all again before I sleep. Happiness.

Then the Internet happened and I got eCards! I love these:
Ana from Singapore made this one for me and the hubby!

Jennie and Jeff, authors of many blogs, my favorite being the one
on marriage and everything else that entails!

Bea and Briana, daughters of Weng and Angelo.
They don't have blogs yet, being so little!

Ivy, the doting mom of Marguerite, and author of a blog dedicated to all things
motherhood and God and family and more!

Susanna-Cole, author of the blog of ethereal images and exquisite thoughts

Oh, and I even got my very first blog award! And I am thrilled to bits! I've always wanted one, actually wanted to campaign, even beg for one (or two or three), but always stopped myself from total embarrassment. But I won't shy away now! I love my Lemonade Award from the dearest darling utterly creative blog Lovely Purses! Thanks, Duni. I appreciate the award.

Galadriel Rabbit: "Thank you all for making my mommy's Christmas very special!"

Thank you all so much! Merry Christmas and God bless you!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

That Obama magic

Well, if you didn't know it yet, Time magazine has named U.S. President-elect Barack Obama the Person of the Year. No surprise there. Everyone's so elated that a black man is now in the White House. I don't really get that, why people foucs on that. From where I stand, it's the man's platform that matters, not his skin color. Then again, this is something I don't think I'll ever understand because there's no racism in the Philippines. Just a lot of thieves.

Anyway, I always liked Obama. I don't really know his political whatever since I'm not American, but I like him. Since I first saw his smile in the pages of O magazine a few years ago. There's just a real warmth there. I like people whose smiles make their eyes go crinkly. Still, have you ever noticed how black people have such dazzlingly white smiles? From the looks of the photo here, Obama needs to go have his presidential teeth whitened before he gets sworn in on January 20, 2009. Time to go see a Washington DC dentist, Mr. President!

My fantasy Christmas wish list

Five days to go before Christmas! I've already got all that I need so for this year, I just asked people to give me pretty notebooks, pens and picture frames. But if money were no object and excess were something to be fond of, these would be nice:
  • good tickets to Lion King in West End. Argh, I've always wanted to see this musical!
  • see the Scottish highlands. I'm not a beach person; I like lonely mountains and since I was very little, photos of the mysterious mountains and lochs of Scotland have always called to my soul.
  • go to Milan, Florence and Venice--the birthplaces of the Renaissance. I studied Renaissance art in college. When I went to the National Gallery and saw the paintings, I really cried. I was so overwhelmed!
  • any of the amazing Bea Valdes bags, especially the very dark Edward bag. These bags are the most incredibly detailed wonders I've ever seen. Small wonder they cost a small fortune each.
  • Chloe wide-strap boots. I talked about this this summer. I still want them!
  • a Chanel suit. Just because. And I want to be buried in one!
Yes, I know some of the stuff listed aren't that expensive. But they're unnecessary. Oh, how I hate that word when it comes to describing things I want. Still, it's good to dream and perhaps some kind soul would send me a lovely thing or two and make my Christmas all the merrier!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

End of the year so it's time for a financial review

A friend of mine in the U.S. is really having a hard time keeping a job and I've been praying really hard for her. It's not her fault really since the economy there is so bad. The economy here isn't so fantastic either but I think we're a bit better off than the U.S. For one thing, Starbucks here is still making a killing, and the city is still alive with everyone out shopping and partying every single night. I hear that in New York, the restaurants are closed. Not good at all.

So speaking of money, I'm paying for the HSBC bill next week. Ya, the bill that has about $2000 charged to it by a fat thief. Ya, it's a very merry Christmas. Actually, Vince and I do feel okay. We've bought everyone their gifts, we even bought each other gifts (I got him a really fly pair of Levi's corduroy pants and a pair of Onitsuka Tiger sneakers! He got me a fantabulous leather and brass-trimmed desk!!!) and we have enough left over to have a happy New Year.

We're even still shopping around for more insurance plans, like I said, just waiting for all the insurance quotes to come in so we can finally decide. Better to be safe than sorry, especially with the world-wide financial crisis. It's such a comfort to know though that God is so faithful and He has really blessed us so much that I didn't feel bad when I set aside the cash for the HSBC bill. Well, I did feel bad but not as bad as I thought I would!

So now I'm done with that credit card fiasco but I'm still hoping that HSBC and SM will agree that--in the face of evidence that I've presented--I really wasn't the one who went on a shopping spree last month and just give me my money back. Please pray for me!

A gift for my rabbits!

Omigosh, omigosh... I was surfing (as usual) and I found this site that sells pet supplies and it's just the cutest! I abhor those pet supplies stores that only have stuff for dogs and cats and fish. You can't call yourself a pet supplies store if you only cater to three species! So anyway, I found the silliest strangest thing: a heated rabbit water bottle! It's so crazy and cute at the same time since Galady and Matilda hate cold water. But they like Haagen Dazs ice cream. Strange wabbits!