Friday, September 25, 2009

I am happy. This test proves it!

DisorderYour Score
Major Depression:Very Slight
Dysthymia:Very Slight
Bipolar Disorder:Very Slight
Cyclothymia:Very Slight
Seasonal Affective Disorder:Very Slight
Postpartum Depression:N/A
Take the Depression Test

Got this test from RanRan's blog. Like her, I am a very happy, well-adjusted person. But that can just be me deluding myself, you know?

I also sometimes think my steroids and asthma medication make me hyper and chirpy--why? Well, during summer or when I'm anywhere that has fresh air and I don't need my asthma meds, I'm usually subdued! (Well, my test results do indicate that I have a "very slight" chance of getting depressed. So there's still a chance, even if it's very slight!)

Vince thinks my asthma meds are like uppers. Chuckle, chuckle. He does have a point there; when I'm not pumped with the meds, I'm really quiet! So is my happiness because of asthma meds?

Nah, I'm happy because I have a wonderful man who loves me, a beautiful home, a fun job, few but fantastic friends, magnificent women who inspire me, adorable wabbits to dote on and my books. But even without those (and yes, there was a long time I didn't have any of those!), I've always been a glass-half-full person and I truly believe that's all because of my faith in God and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Because of God's sovereignity, I never lose hope and I never feel that all is lost. Because of Jesus, I never feel alone. And that is why I am happy!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Meet my neighbor--the nicest girl in the world!

I know that all the women in my Magnificent Women Series are members of my family. Well, God gave me fab women in my family and then He decided that I needed friends. This is where Mariel enters the picture.

Mariel is my angel. I never thought we'd be friends--first, because I wasn't friendly and, second, because she seemed to like food too much. She sat beside me at work and she was always happy and chipper, greeting me every morning with, "Hi, neighbor!" in that bright sweet manner of hers. She'd also always offer me snacks which I'd refuse because I don't like eating when I'm working! Finally, I began eating with her and talking with her and I discovered over sushi and chocolates and pasta that right before me is one shining soul, so bright that God must've lit her from within. I was just so focused on myself that I was blind to the wonderful woman right in front of me!

I love Mariel because she's good. Period. Yes, she's funny and smart and generous and lovable and honest and candid. But what I really love about her is she's a good person with a kind heart and a gentle soul. This is a harsh world we live in and when you meet a good person, it's insanely refreshing.

Mariel is insanely refreshing.

We also talk about everything under the sun--from discussing beauty products, fashion finds and entertaining at home to what we really want in life and the complexity of relationships. We even talk about stuff that aren't under the sun, like what heaven must be like. That was a lovely discussion, by the way! Now that she's about to get married, I can't wait to talk to her about married life--from happy stuff like decorating the house (and choosing between porcelain or stone sinks can merit an entire day of ruminations!) and sharing recipes to the more serious matters like handling money as a couple, fighting fair with the hubby and how to have great sex with the hubby, too!

Dear Neighbor, thank you for the friendship. I am lucky to have met you and even luckier to have shared meals with you. I know I have become a better person since the day you became my friend. You have inspired me with how you love people unconditionally. Because of you, I learned how to forgive my Papa and focus on what he's done for me instead of what he failed to do because I saw how you just accepted people into your life simply because they're there. So I stopped pushing people away, stopped being choosy with who I talk to and be friends with, stopped being a snob because of you. You are beautiful in every possible way and I want to be as beautiful as you. Love ya!

Be inspired by my Neighbor, too! Check out her wonderful blog, NY Minute Now, right now!

Magnificent Woman 1: Jacqui
Magnificent Woman 2: Rose

Magnificent Women 3: Lizelle, Anj and Reza

Magnificent Woman 4: Mom

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I'm blessed to have a second mother

Let me tell you about my mother-in-law. While most people complain about their in-laws, I have the miracle that is Mommy Digna. She is the sixth woman on my Magnificent Women Series but she is certainly very very important! It isn't hard to love her because she's like a female replica of Vince!

Mommy Di is the kind of woman who just absorbs everything you give her--your worries, your pain, your helpless flailings in the face of life's blows. Then she will do everything she can to help you out. Whether we need a recipe or curtains or help with where to buy car accessories and dehumidifiers to the really really big problems, Mommy Di will find an answer to our every need.

And it's not like she isn't busy already--she's not one of those rich housewives who spend their retirement traveling the world, shopping and pinching young men's butts; Mommy Di devotes her days to caring for her husband, her children, her grandchildren, her siblings, her friends... and still she'll find time to call me and Vince and ask in that adorable halting way of hers if we want to have lunch out.

While she looks soft and vulnerable, she isn't--she is fierce and strong and we know she will defend us from whatever threatens us. Nothing's too big for Mommy Di and she has proven to me that a woman's strength is in her femininity and in her family.Mom, thank you for welcoming me into your family and for loving me. So thank you for the lunches, dinners, vacations, food (especially the caldereta!), gifts... but thank you most of all for loving me like your daughter. Every time I fall in love with Vince because of how wonderful a man he is, I remember that he is what he is because of how you raised him. Thank you super duper for Vince--the best gift ever!!!

Magnificent Woman 1: Jacqui
Magnificent Woman 2: Rose
Magnificent Women 3: Lizelle, Anj and Reza

Public service announcement!


Sept. 30, 2009

Music Museum

8 PM

Guests/Performers: Denise Laurel, Maja Salvador, All Stars, Young JV, Marcus Davis, Jay-R, Kris Lawrence, Carla & Nikki Guevarra, Salamin, Kjwan, Kaye Abad, Archipelago, Pupil, Imago, Severo, JP David, Akafellas, Saab Magalona, Top Junk, Techy Romantics, Sessionroad, Dingdong Dantes, The Pin-UpGirls, Caren Mangaran, Baron Geisler, Dice&K-9/Mobbstarr, Hi-C, Stick Figgas and more!

Hosted by Sarah Meier, Mo Twister, Grace Lee
and Mojo Jojo.

Tickets are sold through Ticket World and at the Music Museum gate (P300, P500, P700). Buy your tickets now and make Mio's cancer go away with very loud music! And you get something fab in return, too: a night of dancing, jumping and singing loudly--you'd have expended so much energy, you'd feel like you just consumed the best weight loss supplements! So attend the concert, have fun, see some stars, dance the night away and raise money for Mio's chemo!

If you're not the musical kind, just shop for beauty products for Mio's benefit here!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Quick updates

Busy, busy, busy with...

1. organizing inventory of items for sale to raise funds for Mio's chemotherapy. Check latest batch of products here and make sure to buy! It's for a good cause!

2. events! Anlene Milk launched new endorser Charlene Gonzales last Tuesday and a bone scan told me I am at moderate risk of getting osteoporosis. So I'll need to eat more green leafy veggies and fish (I'm lactose-intolerant so no Anlene for me!) and get more sunlight and exercise.

Then last night, Ayala Malls launched their Greenology cause--the Filipino Zone in Greenbelt 5 will be selling dresses, gowns, tops, skirts and breeches plus shoes, bags and accessories made of environment-friendly materials. The sale is only until the end of September.

While that's cool, what I found more interesting was the fact that all Ayala Malls are now using green technology in their buildings. There are now green roofs (gardens on roofs not only add greenery and help absorb CO2 in the city's air, they also help keep buildings cooler, lessening the need for airconditioning). There's even the ice-cooling technology I've seen in other countries where buildings make ice at night; then during the day, the melting ice water is used to cool buildings. It's amazing!

3. organizing a baby shower for Joanna, who is due in a couple of weeks!

4. Galady, who is actually feeling better. Yey! I guess there are good days and there are bad days. I'll just have to thank God there are still more good days for my baby girl!

5. and, last but certainly the most time-consuming, the magazine. Aside from editing and approving pages, I promoted OK! mag on radio and on web TV, which means this week was dress-up and makeup week and I really find spending time in front of the mirror a huge chore!

That's all! Will be back with better tidbits soon! Enjoy your Friday!