Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mio's benefit concert moved

In the midst of all the tragedy that Typhoon Ondoy brought, I haven't forgotten the little boy I've adopted in my heart. I'll be posting new stuff for sale for Mio's chemotherapy later this week--let me just visit my family (the roads are finally clear of floodwater!) and then we'll get down to the business of fighting cancer.

To those who bought tickets or was planning to go: The Mio Fights Cancer Benefit Concert has been moved to October 9.

I don't really know why this cause has affected me so much since cancer hasn't actually touched me (asthma, endometriosis and migraine are my health issues) but I just suddenly felt that cancer in all its forms (leukemia, breast, bone, stomach, lung, etc!) should not be anyone's problem anymore. There's enough pain in this world and then we have children, mothers, fathers, people we love dying because their bodies have turned against them. It's not right and we should all fight against it!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Thank you, my Magnificent Women!

To my Magnificent Women, this month is my tribute to you and to who you are to me. Thank you for showing me that there is grace in humility, freedom in forgiveness, beauty in kindness, joy in generosity and power in unconditional love. Because of you, I want to be a better person. Please know that you are an inspiration and a source of joy to me.

So... I wanted to save this surprise for Christmas but I've learned the value of not saving lovely things for another day when I can make your day lovely today! Hence, I'm giving you all a little token of my appreciation!

To Jacqui, here is the latest KC Concepcion-designed hoodie*, for all your adventures! It symbolizes protection and warmth and hugs because you're going to need those in life, and I may not always be there but I pray you'll always be safe and warm.
To Rose, so that your loveliness will glow even better, here's a gift certificate to a diamond peel at Aesthetic Science! May your goodness shine through for everyone--including the blind, like I once was--to see!
To Lizelle, shop away at The Body Shop with these gift certificates! I know you are always caring for others but I hope you can choose some stuff to pamper yourself, like a bath gel, a rich lotion or scented oils.

To Anj, for that special occasion (and I know you and Lit like to take some "just us" time), have your makeup done professionally by the artists at Make Up For Ever. So you can look even more gorgeous!
To Reza, here's a gift certificate to a body scrub and massage at Aesthetic Science. May you always find time for yourself since I know you devote all your time for your boys!

To Mommy Digna, I got you Ina Garten's book. I know you are a fantastic cook but Ina reminds me of how the best things in life are simple and usually found right underneath our noses and our roofs. You taught me that, too.
To Mariel, here are gift certificates to VNC because when it comes to shoes, we're sisters! May our shoes take us to more adventures and pleasures and places!
Ladies, please indulge yourselves a bit! Thank you for helping fill the hole that another Magnificent Woman left in my heart when she passed away a year ago today. She always wanted me to be a good person and because of her and because of you, I think I'm finally on my way there. Thank you.

Magnificent Woman 1: Jacqui
Magnificent Woman 2: Rose

Magnificent Women 3: Lizelle, Anj and Reza

Magnificent Woman 4: Mom

Magnificent Woman 5: Mariel

*Buy a BAYO hoodie specially designed by KC Concepcion and help feed hungry children. Proceeds of these limited edition hoodies and shirts will go to the UN World Food Programme, of which KC is an ambassador.

The sun is shining bright

The flood waters are quickly receding. It was like yesterday's storm never happened. Until the news reports said that there are 72 dead, 21 missing. While I feel bad about that, considering how huge the storm was and the devastation it caused, that number is quite low. Thank God for Filipinos and our innate instinct for survival! Still, as the waters recede, that number will most likely still climb. And then there's the loss of and damage to property to reckon with.

It was surreal looking at images from all over the city--maybe this is how the country will look like when global warming reaches its zenith. In Cainta, a huge town that was, according to its mayor, "one hundred per cent underwater," the Coast Guard had to help with the rescue operation. The Coast Guard! Cainta is by the foothills of the Sierra Madre!

Still, when I look at news reports and photos, I can't help but giggle. While Filipinos are waist deep in murky water, tired, hungry, cold and wet, when they see the cameras, the first thing they do is--wave and cheer! "Hello!" they shout happily, jumping up and down. You just gotta love a people who can laugh at the face of such disaster! Vince said, "This is why we get all these terrible things--we can take them all!"

My family is safe--they were able to save a few things, and are now busy with inspecting the damage. They're funny actually, laughing and joking with me over the phone. They're okay but the damages are huge. Still, we rejoice that we are all alive and safe and talking again. I'm frustrated, however--I can't even get to them because of the floods! I spent the night awake with worry but at 3am, the skies were so clear, I can see the stars, then I knew in my heart that despite what the satellite images showed and what the weather bureaus said, God had swept away the storm clouds. Thank you for your prayers!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Praying praying praying!

That used to be a street. That's Katipunan Ave. and that's happening all over Manila right now. I'm feeling really bad because of Typhoon Ondoy flooding the city. The entire Luzon area (and that is huge!) is in a state of calamity. Just found out that Typhoon Ondoy is bigger and stronger than Hurricane Katrina. Yes, that Hurricane Katrina. (see BBC report here)

Typhoon Ondoy is not done with the Philippines yet. Weather bureaus say that it will leave the country on Monday. Monday! The region is almost underwater already!

My family is in Cainta. In Edward VII St. in Kingsville Subd. to be exact. They are flooded in. The entire first floor is underwater. The cars are underwater. In some areas, the flood is 10 feet deep. Mobile phone services are down, and even if it were running, there's no electricity so I'm sure they won't have their phones ready.

I'm fine--I live in a condominium high above the city. In fact, we're so fine, we didn't realize what was happening to the rest of our countrymen. Cable service was down so we weren't updated with the news and no one in my family was calling me or texting so I assumed everything was okay. Turns out they were too busy salvaging their possessions and fleeing the flood. This is one time that the adage "no news is good news" simply was not true.

They are currently fine now, at the second floor of a neighbor's house. But they are surrounded by water. And if the weather bureau is correct, then the storm isn't over yet.

I believe in the power of prayer. So I am praying with everything in me that my family will be okay, the storm will go away sooner, the floods will go down and the sun will shine again. Soon!

Eastwood City's streets are submerged...

So is Taft Ave. (this is in front of La Salle University)

Katipunan Ave. in Loyola Heights has become a river.

If you are reading this, then thank God you are somewhere warm and safe and dry. Please please please pray for my country!

*photos taken from all over the Web (blogs and Facebook). Not mine!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Do check out my beauty blog

I know Beauty For A Living is where I sell beauty products to help raise funds for a little boy's chemotherapy but it's also a fun beauty site!

Check out what I wrote about one of the best wrinkle creams on the planet. In fact, it's the most expensive moisturizer on the face of the earth because it boasts of using platinum as its key ingredient! Not feeling like putting metals on your skin? Then how about flowers instead?

You can also find out what my signature scent is and what variation of it I'm currently enjoying. You can also see how my recent salon trips have been disasters one after the other.

I'm also inviting you to go have a weekend of health and relaxation that my friend Monica is organizing in November. And of course, buy products to raise money for Mio's chemo! Okay, that's enough PR for Beauty For A Living!