Monday, March 08, 2010

Welcome to my new readers!

Blogging for this new year is off to a good start. My visitors are steadily increasing. Hooray!

Here's Nuffnang's report for the last 2 weeks, an average of 518 unique visits a day:

Here's SiteMeter's report for the first three days of March, an average of 535 unique visits a day:
March 1
March 2
March 3

So I'm basically averaging 530 readers a day, and these days the daily visits are actually at 600+. That's a pretty good number, considering that just a little over a year ago, I had about 100 readers. It sure took me a while to get those readers, though! Here's what I did:

1. Make an interesting blog! Good grammar, correct spelling. Lots of photos. Fun topics!
2. Leave good comments on other people's blogs. None of that stupid "Hey, great blog" and "Love your blog" and "Care to exchange links?" nonsense.
3. Promote on Facebook!

Oh man, that was a lot of work and I really just started promoting Topaz Horizon around October 2008. So that's about a year of hard work. Now I usually just do Step 1 because if you make a good blog, people will come back for more and maybe they'll like it enough to tell other people about it.

Thanks for reading, old friends! And to the new folks coming around recently, I hope you like what you read and come back soonest!

Sunday, March 07, 2010

The gift that rocks!

Someone, impressed with my husband's gift-giving skills, asked me why I didn't blog about Vince's Christmas gift to me. Well, because by the time December and January came along, I was in the midst of that first trimester madness and totally forgot that my Christmas--despite all the morning sickness, sleepiness, fatigue, etc--was extremely happy and blessed!

So what did Vince give me for Christmas? Actually, we gave this to each other because we both wanted it and since it was kinda not cheap, we both decided it'll be perfect for us both! We got ourselves this:
 Just look at that smile on my face!
 Unwrapping giddily. I'm the guitarist. I'm really good at it!
Vince is the drummer. He's really good at it, too. 
Me? I can never get the hang of it!

Happiness! We totally love Rock Band 2! Super funnest game ever! Ya, I know the girls reading this are disappointed ("A video game? WTF?!") but you have to understand I'm a geek and I'm really good at some video games. That would make me every guy's dream girl, right? But Vince doesn't even want to play with me sometimes because I can get fiercely competitive. It's not about having fun for me, it's about annihilating the enemy (and if you're the other guy, that would mean killing you). Worse, I'm a sore loser. I don't take defeat lightly at all, which makes playing games with me totally not fun. 

But Rock Band is just fun. Fun! Fun! Fun! I've never had so much fun playing with others--we've even done Rock Band parties because it's the kind of game that just makes everyone happy.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

More photos of Nikki's wedding

The bride. Glorious in a Rajo Laurel creation. That skirt is just incredible, Nikki! I want to hear all about the creation process or maybe we can feature it in a bridal story in OK!. What do you think?!

The groom. Looking dashing in his three-piece suit. Looking very serious, too! Bernard, I prefer you when you're smiling--you look like a smiley face! I think that's what got Nikki hooked!

The entourage. This photo is so surreal, like it was for a fashion magazine! And, unlike a fashion magazine, this photo is not Photoshopped, so yes, the ladies really do look like they're fans of Stimerex ES--although they aren't! Those svelte bodies are the result of good ol' exercise and diet.

The guests who can't keep their hands off each other. Someone tell these two to save it for the bedroom. Really! Look at where all this affection got that girl--pregnant! I think this was the part the candle kept going out and I found it funny and Vince didn't.

The OK! girls. Everyone's here except Joanna, who was occupied with domestic matters (she is a new mom, after all, and traveling can be stressful). These are the women who make each issue of my magazine fantabulous each month! We're a happy bunch who likes Hollywood happenings and eating, eating, eating! We love swooning over love stories, too, so this was definitely a night to remember.

Photos (except last) by Pat Dy

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Nikki's glamorous wedding

My darling friend Nichole Reyes became Mrs. Bernard Mercado last Saturday in a fabulous wedding over at picturesque Tagaytay Highlands. I can't get over how glamorous Nikki and Bernard's wedding was! Here are a few photos from my camera but I'll be stealing from Facebook in a bit so you get to see nicer pics.

The couple arrived at the altar looking like Barbie and Ken. Hmmm, actually, Barbie and Ken never looked this good! 

Kiss! Kiss! Berns and Nikki kiss really cute, by the way. They kinda go, "Mwah!"

Me and Vince! We wore matching gray. I wore a gunmetal silk jersey gown with a beaded bodice while Vince was in a gray suit with a black shirt and tie (I have another pic in my mommy blog).

Now I've been to a lot of weddings but this has got to be the most stylish wedding I've ever seen! It wasn't a surprise though--Nikki and Bern are always very well groomed and dressed up, even when we just have silly chats at home or when we're off to a spa for a treatment or to get our skin ID'd. You just never see Nikki in a tee and jeans, and sneakers are alien to her! Look at her gown!
 Front view
The teeny-tiny waist
That voluminous skirt is beyond amazing!

The guests were also dressed to the nines. I wish I could've gotten more photos but I didn't know all the stylish people there so I was shy to ask them for poses. Here are a few:

Nicole in a pussy-bow silk blouse and a full tulle skirt. I should've gotten a pic of her shoes--it has triple bows at the back!

Red looking dashing in a suit, a red pin-striped shirt and bow tie.

Elaine looks like a fairy in her nude dress. Very on trend!

Kabbie in a summery maxi dress with a coral bib necklace.
Gorgeous girl in yellow. I'm going to have a dress made just like that!

Here I am with the newlyweds right after the fireworks. We're soooo happy! Nikki and Berns, you guys are so perfect for each other. But life isn't perfect so I'm glad you have each other to weather the storms and find beauty and fun in life and in love. Congratulations!

More photos of Mariel's wedding

The bride

The groom

Just before the kiss

Congratulations, my dearest friends! May all the love and laughter in the world bless your marriage! Love ya both! And I want to have cheese fondue soonest!

Gown and suit by Kate Torralba
Photos by Pat Dy