Friday, October 01, 2010

A poem inspired by all the rides I took on the MRT, LRT and the Tube

When Vince and I were at Monument Station, London

There, he stood holding the steel post, and the slanted light
Of the dying sun lit up the comic book he held.
Here, he caught me when a sudden curve
In the tracks made me fly straight into his arms.
There, we laughed at the unmoving cars below us—
the rush of speed and our pumping blood thrilling our veins!
Here, our lips first met, strangers charging past us,
In and out the train, going to... who knows where?

I am running away from the boy
Who changed his mind, who stands
There on the platform, pretending I’m not

Yuck. It's kinda cheesy pala. Nope, this ain't from personal experience! Just wrote it in a flash. I dedicate it to all the men and women who ride the train and look blankly out the window. I hope the mundane stuff in our everyday life inspires you, too! Happy weekend!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dreaming of London

Right now, the OK! International Conference is taking place at OK! magazine's headquarters at Northern & Shell in London. Northern & Shell owns OK! plus other magazines and newspapers. That huge blue building along the River Thames houses the entire publishing empire. It's impressive to me especially because Summit Media, where I work, has about 20 titles and the entire company occupies just two floors. 

Anyway, I'm obviously missing all the action since I'm on maternity leave. I really really really wanted to go! The owner of the giant media company sent me an email a few months ago congratulating me and my staff for a job well done. He also wanted me to give a presentation on how we make the Philippine edition because he thinks it's just so darn good! I nearly died of happiness! But... Vito first!

I sent managing editor Lana instead. She'll do a fabulous job--I have the best staff!--and will do me proud. Oh, I'm such a mommy to my staff really. 

Well, work aside, I also wanted to go to London again for personal reasons. Vince and I honeymooned in London two years ago and I've been wanting to go back since.

Here's the plan: I will have a proper English breakfast then go museum hopping in the mornings, pop in the shops on Oxford Street in the afternoons, and watch theater in the evenings. West End is the main reason I want to go back really (oh, and the National Gallery, of course!). The musicals and plays are electrifying! Plus, on our last trip there, Vince and I found out how to buy theater tickets for cheap. Very good seats, too! Oh, every night should be spent in the theater! I also want to spend a few days exploring the English countryside. I'll take the train out of the city... and maybe go straight to Scotland and see the Scottish Highlands, too!

Well, maybe next year then. 

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dresses galore!

Okay, so now that I'm back to my pre-preggy body (except for my jiggly belly and skin discolorations, yuck), I now have the online shopping itch... and I seriously need to scratch the credit card it. Regular readers know I love online shopping, the anticipation and--finally!--the delivery. I love ripping apart the plastic or stabbing at packages with a box cutter and then finally loving my new shoes/dresses/books/gadgets! It's much better than hours walking in the mall really. For lazy me, at least.

Now, thanks to an ad on Perez Hilton, I discovered ModCloth. The dresses there are to die for! Very Mad Men (anyone watching the current season? This show just gets better and better!). And since I know my readers are super stylish women, please help me choose from the following adorable dresses:
Soda Fountain (Ginger)

Soda Fountain (Grape)

Deuce Coupe Darling

Hepcat (Lemon Cream)

Hepcat (Black Licorice)
Well Red

Temporary Secretary (Summer)

Avocado Orchard

Periwinkle Prance
Red-y or Not

Black by Popular Demand
I only have budget for 4 dresses. Well, for maybe 2 or 3 really since I also still want a bag and a ring as a breezing-through-labor reward. So help me choose my new dresses please!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Vito on my phone

I finally learned how to transfer my files from my Sony Ericsson Elm phone to my HP Mini!!! Congratulate me please! Yep, I may be married to the Third World Nerd but that doesn't mean I'm just as great with gadgets. So now that I finally understood Bluetooth, I feel like I've achieved a lot!

I uploaded more photos on Facebook but I'm sharing some of them here for you, my loyal readers. As you can probably tell from the pics, my life is spent in the bedroom, staring at this little wonder. And though he has a crib (with a special extra-long mattress I had a hard time looking for!), he prefers to sleep with Mama and Papa.
3 days old.
Vito is still looking bashed up from the birth--cone head,
puffy eyes--but he's still so adorable!

2 weeks and 3 days old.
Vince and Vito getting some sun.

3 weeks old.
Vito is attacked by infant acne. You know what cured it?
Breast milk applied 3x a day. Doctor said so!

3 weeks and 3 days old.
See? Infant acne reduced dramatically just 3 days
after the breast milk application.

Vito always sleeps with the iPad playing his sleepy music.
 The iPad also saves me from boredom while I breastfeed him!

3 weeks and 3 days old.
My little bobblehead's awake! Vito wears Tushy Wushy cloth diapers.
Fantastic invention! Sometimes it lasts longer on him than disposables!

1 month and 1 day old.
When Vito wakes from his afternoon nap, he's all happy,
then fussy, then hungry, then sleepy. This is obviously the happy part!

 1 month and 4 days old.
Love that smile! Many thanks to Auntie Anj and Cousin Zo
for all the nice clothes little Vito has!

He's too cute! Vince wants me to use the Olympus when taking photos of his son but my phone's always beside me so... It takes good pictures, no? Love Sony talaga!

Friday, September 24, 2010

What's your health plan?

Seriously, I grew up a sickly girl but these past 10 months, I've seen too many doctors and too much hospital (and handed over too much money!) for my taste. So we've finally given birth but that only means even more face time with another kind of doctor: the pediatrician. This is my family at the pediatrician two weeks ago:
Vito is one month old here! I'm still trying to lose the preggy belly!
Well, time to shop for a good health plan. I actually have health insurance courtesy of my employ but it's not the same as the one I grew up with. It's a huge shock to me since I had amazing health care growing up as the beneficiary of my Mama (she used to work in Meralco)--All medical conditions covered. All dental work covered. If the procedure is cosmetic, 25% covered. I used to go in and out of hospitals with not a peso on me and the insurance paid for absolutely everything. So when Mama died and I had to avail of the health plan at work... well, let's just say it's not the same.

So now that we have this fascinating young man in our lives, Vince and I need to get a good, solid, reliable Medicare plan. Soon. Do you have a health plan? What is it? Are you happy with it? Help!