Friday, November 05, 2010

What's in a name?

Lookie here! I took some snaps of a couple of silly brand names:

Now, you may have a really great product--from the best slimming pills to designer water--but if the name you christen your product and store is unimaginative, has no recall or is just plain stupid, I don't think it will sell. At all!

Speaking of designer water, Vince and I want a bottle of this:
Oops, sorry. It won't rotate counter-clockwise!
How about that? Paul Smith put his famous stripes on Evian bottles. You gotta love that! Except that y'all know that Evian is "naive" spelled backwards!

My blog got nominated for an award!!!

And it's the Philippine Blog Awards no less!

Now I don't know how this works, like how to win, what's the prize, etc. But I am thrilled nevertheless! People have told me that it's a voting thing so I guess the most popular--not necessarily the best--blog wins. Well, if it is a voting thing, I just got a great christmas idea for a gift! Vote for ME!

Now if I were to win, this will be my speech:
I'd like to thank the Academy. To be nominated is a huge honor. Thanks to my hubby for patiently suffering the fate of the blogger's spouse (which is to be paraded in front of the cyber world). Same thanks goes to my friends who graciously allow their fashionable selves to be subjects of my posts. Thanks also to my son who is the unwitting star of my blogs, and my adorable inspiration. And if I had an agent, I'd thank that agent, too. So maybe I need one! Last but certainly not the least, many many thanks to the readers who visit my blogs every day. I think I live an interesting life but even I didn't think it was THAT interesting until you guys started telling me so. Thank you!
Uh-oh. Did I just jinx it? Oh well! Good luck to Topaz Horizon!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kate has a music video

When God made Kate Torralba and Rajo Laurel, He sprinkled extra talent on these two fashion designers, that's for sure! Not only are they two of the most celebrated designers in the country, they also sing! Check out the music video they made for Paperdolls and Wharton.

It's so cool. Kate and Rajo really hammed it up! The models, who look like they take Lipofuze religiously, definitely have that 60s vibe going. Now I always knew Kate can sing (she always sings at weddings and she has gigs at bars almost every week) but Rajo is a surprise! I was most entertained.

If you want to see the collection Kate designed for Paperdolls, click here and here!

Friday, October 29, 2010

What I want for my 34th birthday

  1. To get back in shape. I lost the pregnancy weight quick but I'm flabby all over. It's kinda depressing. Really. So I better buy some fitness equipment like dumbbells or those exercise DVDs. Or maybe I can just run. How do you keep fit?  
  2. New shoes. My feet have shrunk back to a size 6 but somehow they've widened or something because even though my old shoes still fit, they're mighty snug! Ouch.
  3. New hair color. I haven't had my hair colored in over a year! This is amazing. I am now sporting dark brown hair--my real hair color! I haven't seen this shade in 15 years! Hmmm. Maybe I should keep it like that...
  4. To eat out. Yeah. Like, good food in a posh place. Juicy steak, baked oysters, fresh sashimi, spicy sushi, crisp salad... Hungry!
  5. Bib necklaces. I just discovered Sopia. She makes really fab necklaces! Order one for me?  
  6. A topaz ring. Because!!!

Books, red velvet and carrot cakes, Nestle ice cream Chocolate Collection and Haagen Dazs tubs of strawberry cheesecake and tiramisu also welcome!

Things to do!

I'm looking forward to two things next weekend: my 34th birthday and our first family photo shoot with the Stork Studio. This means that I have to look extra extra good! On my To Do list:
  • Go to Murad at Rustan's Makati for my acne treatments. I love Murad's facials! These were totally able to manage my pregnancy acne. But since giving birth, I haven't been back so my skin is all splotchy and pimply again. If you go there, ask for James to do your facial. 
  • Go to Bench Fix in Robinsons Galleria and have my eyebrows shaped. I keep forgetting the name of the woman who does the threading but she is absolutely the best eyebrow shaper ever! I've been to Browhaus in Greenbelt 5 and to Lay Bare and my brows end up either too thin or the skin around my eye area get peeled/threaded off. Very painful. That woman in Bench Fix in Galleria is the best! Must get her name...
  • Go to iLash at SM Hypermart to have lash extensions applied. I love long lashes but I have very sparse ones sadly. The faux lashes at iLash are fabulous and inexpensive!
  • Get a mani and pedi so that my digits won't look like chewed up claws. I usually go to Let's Face It at Robinsons Pioneer. My girl there is Maricel. She never remembers me so when she does my feet and hands, she makes kwento the exact same things! Strange that I should remember her name whereas I always forget the Bench Fix girl's one... and she always remembers me!
That's it! Darn. Just looking at that short list tires me out! So this looong weekend, I'm going to just relax and enjoy my lovely family. That's the best beauty secret actually!