Monday, January 03, 2011

What a year 2010 was!

Ahh, the holidays have officially come to an end. Tomorrow, I hit the ground running with several interviews on the radio to promote the January issue of the entertainment magazine I edit.

Then I'm off to the first class of Barre3 at Power Plant because I plan to lose this big bowl of Jell-O that's sitting around my middle since... forever. I can't diet yet since I'm breastfeeding and I have to make sure I have enough fat and nutrients in me to make healthy milk. So it's all exercise for me! I also hope Barre3 will help firm and strengthen my flabby arms and thighs because Vito is growing very fast and very heavy. Poor little me, at a measly 109 lbs., is toppling over!

But before we dive into 2011, let's take a look back at 2010...

I got pregnant. And wasn't very happy about it, too! I was hormonal and weepy and irritable, especially when people told me to stop drinking Coke. Looking back now, I wish I hadn't been such a bitch. Everyone's been forgiving, dismissing my apologies with, "You're pregnant. Bitchiness really happens." But still. If I ever get pregnant again, I want to be really nice, mostly because everyone was so nice to me!
Yep, people also told me to stop wearing heels but stubborn me insisted. No harm done! The past year was also special because I got to spend a lot of time with my darling friends Nicole and Mariel. It was a big year for them, too. Nicole resigned from her cushy job to freelance and Mariel got married!
Mariel had one of the happiest weddings I've ever attended. It was all heart--lots of
friends and family and love. I'll never forget this beautiful beach wedding! 
There's our friend Kate singing at Mariel's reception. As with my own wedding years ago, Kate not only designed
the gowns, she also sang at the dinner. Kate, thanks for always being so generous with your talent!
We love you and miss you!
Another wedding I'll never forget is Nicole and Bernard's. This was such a stylish affair.
We were knocked off our feet really. And to see two of the kindest and sweetest people
I know commit to forever is really something special.
When I was 5 months pregnant, I caught pneumonia. I think I almost died there but I was too busy worrying about my unborn child. If you'd been following this blog (and my mommy blog), you'd know the horror story. But the doctor apologized, I was okay, and most important of all, the Jelly Bean came out perfectly healthy four months later!
Oh, and this was also the year we said good-bye to commuting. Yes, we bought a car and named it Zoom Zoom. 
They said pregnant women are lucky so I should've placed a bet on the Lotto or something. Instead, I won some fine hair accessories!
Who swallowed a watermelon?! Me! Funnily enough, it was my pregnancy
that landed me on Style Bible's stylish mommies list. To my great
amusement! I'm very proud to be on that list, mind you. I don't take it
lightly at all. I have spent all my life trying to be smart and talented.
The result of that was I spent no time grooming and styling!
I had always been a terrible mess. So Style Bible's decree is most astounding!
Ya know, I always wanted to be a cover girl but, having achieved absolutely nothing of great import,
I'll have to be content with writing the cover stories. My house did become a cover star!
I'm mighty proud!
I am still amazed that even with my pregnancy, I still found the time to be with
my friends. I guess it was the fear of being stuck at home when the baby
 finally arrives that pushed me to go out out out. But then I needn't have
worried that I'd lose my friends because Nicole and Nikki took the
time to visit me when the baby came!
And here he is! 
Having a baby is HARD. I used to think, "How hard can it be? I run a magazine and a household. I  can stay up till 4am. Babies can't be that hard." Boy, was I wrong! There are days I can't even eat, go to the bathroom, take a shower, etc ad infinitum! A baby demands so much time! But I quickly adjusted, am still adjusting actually. And I don't really mind spending nearly 24/7 with the little guy...
Just look at him. He's beyond adorable. I'm madly in love.
Now, I haven't forgotten the man I'm madly in love with! This year proved to be a good one for our marriage. The pregnancy, the childbirth, the baby, the troubles and trials that came our way (and that I won't talk about because if I told you about them you'd get really explosively angry at my father)... all these things really strengthened us. 

Yes, it's been a fabulous year! Great joys, great trials. And we survived! Now it's 2011. I can't help but get giddy with anticipation and hope. I feel this year will even be better. I'm sooo excited! Happy New Year!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Well, this was a huge surprise!

I opened this month's Cosmo...

... and was idly reading this story...

... when one of the stories quickly started feeling strangely familiar...

My heart just melted. This is a wonderful gift. Thanks, Vince!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My New Year's resolutions

Being a ripe old age of 34, I noticed that my New Year's resolutions list has gotten shorter and shorter through the years. But these things have been on my list for ages:
  1. Reduce clutter and mess.
  2. Get fit.
  3. Drink more water.
  4. Wear red lipstick.
  5. Be free from acne and pimple marks and have more even-toned skin!
I'm already working towards making those come true, by the way. First, I have begun purging my closets and organizing my things. Second, I have enrolled in Barre3. Third, well, I'm already drinking water. Fourth, I've enlisted the help of my friend Nicole in finding (and wearing) the perfect red lipstick for me. And last, Neutrogena gave me the complete line of their Fine Fairness collection.

Monday, December 20, 2010

And the winner of my Christmas giveaway is...

Liz of Manila! And, for the benefit of those who didn't know I had a contest, this is her prize:
Estee Lauder Lip Collection with mini croc purse
This was her answer:
My favorite Topaz Horizon post is New Things from Old Things. It was very touching how you and your sister looked over your mom’s stuff. I could also relate with the sacrifices your mom made in order for you to get a good education. My mom was the same
When we were younger and Dad still had a job, she would tell me that she would give all her jewelry to me, the only daughter. However, when Dad retired early, before the three of us got to high school, and he invested and lost money in lame business partnerships, Mom had to pawn all her jewelry, even their wedding rings, and never got to redeem them, just so we could have money for tuition.
So when I started working, I promised myself that I would buy her jewelry and I would treat her out and pamper her. And I did, as much as I could. I know these were nothing compared to her sacrifices up till the time we finished college and beyond.
If ever you choose this comment, I would give one of the lipsticks to her because it’s the only make up she puts on her face, aside from Johnsons Baby loose powder. The other one I would give to my friend who has ovarian cancer.
I liked it that she's going to share the prize with two other people. Because that's what Christmas is all about. Well, that's what life is all about--giving and sharing! In fact, I envy her because she got to give back to her mom. I never had the chance. So maybe this is my way of pretending that I'm making my Mama happy, too. So Liz of Manila, congratulations. Email me at for details on how to get your prize.

Thank you to all of you who wrote in. I liked each and EVERY answer! And I rediscovered posts that I'd forgotten about. Some of you remembered very old posts so I guess you've been around here for a good long while. Thanks for sticking around. I promised to keep this blog silly and shallow so it always surprises me that there are still readers. Thank you. Your readership means a lot to me.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Money makeover

We have new money! And I'm excited to get my hands on it!
image source

I know some of you don't like the new look but, hey, progress is progress. How is this new look progress? Well, the new money has more security features that makes it difficult to counterfeit. Plus, with distinctly Philippine landmarks on the back of the new bills, they'll make me feel proud to be a Filipino whenever I go shop for stuff. Yep, now buying anything from Vito's diapers and onesies to Vince's candy to maybe a new PS3 (!!!) will feel like a patriotic act!

The new bank notes will be out this month but I have yet to see them. I really really wish they're like Singapore money--the plastic-like paper makes the Singapore dollar smooth, silky, dirt-resistant and moisture-proof. And very very first world. Ya, I know that doesn't change the fact that we're woefully third world but maybe this new money can usher in a new era of wealth and good fortune to us Filipinos!

And with that, I wish y'all a holiday season that's showered with tons of money! Yes yes, love is good but money is a good thing, too. And I for one would love to have more. 

P.S. Don't forget to join my blog contest!