Friday, February 11, 2011

Goal: Be the Oprah of blogging!

Vince and I were talking about how blogging now is the Wild Wild West, no accountability, no rules, no code of ethics, and how this trend is alarming. Vince said that readers will eventually tire of the nasty blogs and support blogs that make their life better. And where readers are, advertising will follow.

He's a changed man, folks!
Vince: (in a hopeful tone) Readers will smarten up. 

Me: They already are. Did you know that Perez Hilton has changed the attitude of his blog? (source)

Vince: Wow.

Me: He said that all the suicides last year, the ones caused by bullying, made him think about his blog and how he's a big bully himself, writing all those mean things about stars. And he apologized to Jennifer Aniston no less! And she forgave him (source). He said, "I really want to be part of the solution and not part of the problem." (source)

My next chapter is to create an even  better blog!
Vince: I don't know why people never learned from Oprah. Talk shows used to be all trash and sensationalism. Really! Remember those days?

Me: Yes!

Vince: Oprah said she would not change her programming. She avoided that even though the market was going in that direction. Years later, the others are all gone and she's a billionaire. So be Oprah, rabbit!

Yes. I will be the Oprah of blogging! Positive vibes all around. Love love love!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Why I'm a nice blogger

Okay, so I said I don't like talking about serious stuff in my blog because it just invites controversy. But ever since that Big Bad Blogger issue a few weeks back, some people have been asking and asking and asking me about how I, a blogger, can resist becoming a big bad blogger myself.

And I always say, "That's because I'm a journalist first and I'm guided by journalism ethics and principles. It's a very slippery slide to corruption, especially with all the power I can wield with words. But I can resist it. It can be done."

What is corrupt behavior?
1. Blackmailing people (i.e. "If you don't do this, I'll blog about you!")
2. Demanding payment (in cash or in kind) for a story
3. Acting high and mighty (i.e. "Why did I get an invite late? Do you know WHO I AM?")

I started blogging in 2005, when nobody cared about bloggers. Back then, blogging was untainted by corruption. Blogging used to be a beautiful thing. It was an arena of people just writing for the sake of expressing oneself, for entertainment, for the love of writing and art and truth. But now that it's been invaded by advertising and PR, unscrupulous people have realized that they can use blogs as a weapon, as a tool for getting what they want.

I'm glad I was a writer first before I became a blogger. I used to correct people when they say, "You're a blogger?" with "Actually, I'm a writer with an online presence." But yeah, sure, I'm a blogger! But let me tell you why I wanted to be known as a writer first. A writer's loyalty is only towards the truth and to the readers. When I blog, I think about YOU. I don't think about me. Will this post entertain you? Will this make you happy? Will this make you laugh? Will this make you think? Will this help you shop/cook/dress/look better?

Even though I write about my life, I choose the parts of my life that I think YOU will like. That's why some of you think I live in a fairy tale. I don't. But I don't write about my shit because I assume you already have enough stress in your life. Do you really want to know mine?

Now, because the blogosphere has been infiltrated by people who write for money alone, bloggers are viewed with suspicion. People now think bloggers are out to get money, invites to events, and loads of free stuff. This really makes me sad.

I admit I earn from my blog and that I've gotten free stuff but I am always gracious and grateful for the things I get--from little lip balms to an all-expense-paid trip to Singapore, it's all the same to me. I am grateful. I never demand and I never complain. I also do sponsored posts (thanks, Nuffnang!) but even Nuffnang knows I don't always accept their many proposals. That's because I weigh the cost of doing a sponsored post first. Again, is this something I really use and is this something you'll find useful? Bonus na lang that I get paid to write about it! And, like I said in my FAQs, a sponsored post is properly labeled for transparency. But most of the product features I write about are really stuff I own or purchased or want (but can't afford yet!), some are "pakiusap" lang. Walang bayad yun.

So I blog because I love to write. I blog because I love to share what I love. I blog because I love my readers. I blog because my readers love me. It's all about love, baby. It's never about the money or the freebies. You can count on that.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

It's all Rajo's fault

But let me start at the very beginning.

Since Mulberry designed a bag for It Girl Alexa Chung, I've always wanted to get my hands on the Alexa.

My friend Nikki proposed to buy one for me last Christmas when she and her family went to Hong Kong. But it's USD 1150. That's quite a bit of money, that Alexa, so I said, "Thanks but (sob) no thanks!" Then I figured I'm sure to find a similar shape here somewhere.

And I did find one in Aldo. It's the same shape and I was actually about to buy but I got very sick and so stayed home to work (Yes! No rest for the weary!) I also had my browser open to Twitter. One Tweet from fashion designer Rajo Laurel intrigued me. He tweeted that he just had the most lovely thing with a link to his blog on Stylebible (click here).

Which is how I discovered the Cambridge satchel! Rajo described it so lovingly and with such delight that I wanted one!

But I thought, "When will I go to London? With an infant in my life, not for a long while!" A few minutes later, Schu tweeted that they are the official distributors here in the Philippines! Schu's Ruby Gan sent me their Facebook album and... Ladies and gentlemen, I'm in love. With the yellow bag and the price!

My only problem with the yellow is if I have my initials stamped in gold, the letters will disappear. So I'm thinking of getting red. But my heart belongs to the yellow! Maybe no initials na lang. Still thinking about those initials. Maybe I shouldn't personalize so I can pass it down to Vito or a daughter one day.

Grabe, this Twitter, ha. Parang mapapa-gastos ako nang di oras with all the stuff I find (follow me!). Anyway, if you want to order your very own Cambridge satchel, visit Schu's Facebook page for details.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Be still, my beating heart!

Opened my mail this morning to see this:

I literally squealed inside! I am such a fan of Don Draper, even though he's a huge jerk. He's just so... manly!

I've been missing Mad Men since the season ended. That season was intense! Don had to struggle with his divorce and custody arrangements, a rebellious pre-teen Sally, the death of his closest friend, mentoring the brilliant Peggy, surviving advertising and all this while going through a  rapid opiate detox!

Mad Men is still the best TV drama, even though Boardwalk Empire dethroned it in the recent Golden Globes. I like Boardwalk, too, but it's too soon. Mad Men was at its best the past season. I can't wait for the next season!!!

Meanwhile, since Don's following my Tweets, why don't you do the same?

What I wore... to Wine Night

I am really loving this cool weather we're having lately. My jackets and coats and scarves are finally seeing the light of day once more. So at our monthly Wine Night, I just had to wear a leather jacket.

Outfit details: Zara leather jacket, Bayo knit blouse, Levi's Lady's Style metallic jeans, Anthem platform pumps, Kate Spade bag, Funtote ferris wheel tote, enamel earrings from tiangge

Only five of us showed up last week. Lana and Red were working, and Mariane, Jimboy and Kat were studying abroad.
Nikki showed up in a tux!
Nicole was in her usual black and Nic was in a floral mini dress
Bernard, the thorn among the roses =)

I have to point out Nikki's elegant high bun. I love it! And you know what? It's fake!
She bought it in Bangkok. Her husband, Bern, said that those fake buns (yes, she has more than one) are freaky scary. Oh, our poor men and all you have to deal with to have gorgeous wives!

That was a fun evening. I had to go home early, though. Mommy and wifely duties call! Okay, that's enough outfit posts. I have some shopping posts up next!