Sunday, April 10, 2011

It's Valentine's Day all over again!

So Vince ordered the Cambridge Satchel from chocolate schu bar for me. It was his Valentine's Day gift. I was over the moon, I tell ya! schu told us to expect the shipment by March but delays in shipping do happen--I know this because I shop online a lot so I didn't mind at all.

And then, last Friday evening, Ruby of schu DM'd me on Twitter:

I was sooo excited! I kept Tweeting my excitement!

However, I had to wait till today before we finally picked up my new bag. Apparently, I am patient after all!
Vince gives me the best gifts--Vito being the bestest!
Et voila!
I love it!!! Will post a detailed bag feature on Beauty For A Living soon! Sigh. Happy Valentine's Day! Thanks, Vince!

Saturday, April 09, 2011

A day in the life of moi - April 7, Thurs

I promised to do a regular "A day in the life" post but I'm telling you that not one day is the same for me. That should make that kind of post fun and easy to do, right? But no. I'm exhausted just thinking about it! When I tried doing it, I couldn't decide on whether I should take photos of these: breakfast, lunch, dinner, meetings, where I am, who I'm talking to, etc. It just seemed too trivial. As in, do my readers even want to know this??? So I'll do a "A day in the life" post maybe every other month or so. That's still regular, ya know!

For our first ever "A day in the life" post, let's take on April 7, 2011. Here's what happened on that exceptionally busy day:
I love breastfeeding Vito! 
I always start my day very early. Vito wakes up between 5:30am to 6am. He climbs all over Vince and me, either slapping or shrieking us awake. We play for about half an hour then I breastfeed him before he has his breakfast at 7.

After Vito has breakfast, his yaya takes him to the playground. Sometimes, I prepare Vince's packed lunch. Most times, I go back to sleep. Then Vince and I have breakfast. Vito comes back at around 9, just in time to say "bah-bah" to his "pah-pah-pah." Usually, Vito has a bath then he breastfeeds again and sleeps. Then I shower and prepare to go, usually after I've had lunch at 11:30am.

Zara dress, Sapato Manila shoes

That Thursday, however, I had a brunch event so Vito also said "bah-bah" to "mama-mama." Heartbreak! Especially since I knew I was going to be home very late that day. Sigh.

La Mer event was at Robot Lounge
My first event was the launch of La Mer Whitening Essence Intense. Will write about that in my beauty blog soon. I had a lovely time seeing La Mer's Ina Casas. I love her! I also had a serious chat with Preview's Pauline Juan. But I can't reveal what we talked about.

Then off I went to the office for the monthly publishers' meeting. That was an exciting meeting since we all talked about the biggest ever issue of the magazine I edit--the royal wedding issue coming out in May!!!

Then off I left for a meeting with Just Jewels at Glorietta 4. No photos either! Suffice it to say I had a very productive meeting with the jeweler and I'm so excited about working with them (and, personally, adding more pieces to my jewelry box!).

Just across the Just Jewels shop is Cole Haan. I fell in love with two bags:
Heritage Weave Hadley Messenger in Cashew
Vintage Valise Claire Mini Satchel in Woodbury
Cole Haan offers credit card holders a crazy 3-month, 0% installment plan on anything and everything! I seriously was tempted to swipe away! But I'm saving up for a fantastic anniversary gift for Vince. So Cole Haan bags, please wait for me!

I look so tired!
Then I walked to SM Makati for the opening of Forever 21. Wrote about that on Beauty For A Living. I had to pass by Watsons first to buy these amazing band-aids because all that walking in heels caused a painful abrasion at the top of my heel.

Stringy-haired me with the lovely couple
I ended the day with dinner at Bern and Nikki's. She threw an intimate party for our friend Nicole and we ended up going home very late. Stupid me didn't bring my breast pump so I was going insane with pain from my milk-swollen chest (remember I last fed Vito at 7am!). So I stumbled home, dead tired and in serious pain, but I had to express the milk first. After filling up two bottles, I finally crept into bed, snuggled against my husband and my little boy (who helped drain more milk), and... Nope, I was so exhausted and in pain, I couldn't fall asleep!

And that was my day! Whew. Goodness me. What a long post! And that's why I don't think I can do this kinda post often!

If you really want to know how I go about my daily life, follow my Tweets!

Cole Haan bag photos from their website.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

What's happening over at Beauty For A Living?

Well, I saw some old friends like JR Isaac at shu uemura's artsy party...

... and I'm absolutely loving Melissa Shoes' new model!

Check out my beauty blog, girls. I've finally decided to resurrect it with exciting fashion and beauty news, glam events I attend, stuff I actually use, and product reviews. I'm only posting products I like, however. Can't do any negative reviews apparently since I'm not supposed to bite the hand that feeds me. So if I feature it on Beauty For A Living, you can be sure that the product is so good, I love it!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Iza reveals her beauty secrets

Last week, I had the pleasure of seeing my gorgeous cousin, Iza Calzado, be presented to the press as the new face of Myra 400 E. The Myra brand ambassadors are all lovely and accomplished but I think this time, they truly found the perfect embodiment of beauty, brains, success, wholesomeness, and health and fitness in Iza.

The last time I saw Iza was mid-last year when I was nearly at the end of my pregnancy and she was at the start of her running for fitness. I asked her why she looked so fantastic and she said she's just so in love with running. I told her I'd take up running after giving birth. But of course, with motherhood overwhelming me, I didn't.

Sigh. I look so Haggardo Versoza beside the blooming Iza! I'm wearing a Mango dress
with Schu satin pumps
But when I saw Iza again last week, looking so svelte in a Luca dress and Charlotte Olympia pumps, I kinda wish I did! And her hair and skin! Oh, she was positively glowing! Iza jokingly credited our friends, (my beloved beauty team!) makeup artist Jigs Mayuga and hairstylist Ney Guesse, but she added, seriously, that it's because she's been taking Myra 400 E Vitamin E capsules.

"How long did you take Myra 400 E before you saw positive changes?" I asked her.

She replied, "I don't really know. I wasn't really aware but after a while, people were telling me, 'Blooming ka!'" She added that since she's been running and eating healthy for a while, the recent bloom must've been the effect of the Vitamin E.

Iza takes on the beauty bloggers' questions.
I am very very very intrigued! The Myra E people made sure I went home with their products--body lotion, facial moisturizer, whitening cream, tinted moisturizer and, of course, the Vitamin E capsules--and I am oh so ready to try them! Will give a review in 6 weeks!

I also want to go back to exercising. After my epic fail at Barre3, I am ready to give fitness another try. It's just that I'm soooo busy and I'm soooo tired all the time! Iza told me, "Ate Frances, you have to make your health a priority. You have to push back schedules, say no sometimes, put yourself first."

I complained, "I can't! I'm sooo busy!" And she gently replied, "The problem with that is before you even started, you already said 'I can't'."

Hmm, between Iza and me, I'm sure she's got the busier schedule and more stressful life. So if she can do it, I can, too! If she can juggle work, family, friends, love, a fitness regimen, and look amazing at the same time, why on earth can't I?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Vito goes furniture shopping!

Look who we caught shopping for modern furniture!

Vince and I brought Vito to his Auntie Anj's chair boutique, About A Chair. He had been fussing at the lunch table, mostly because 2pm is when he starts his nap time so we figured we'll just do a quick stop at the shop then leave. Well, as soon as Vito saw the miniature versions of these designer chairs, he came alive!
Arne Jacobsen's Ant Chair
Verner Panton's Panton Chair
Eero Aarnio's Ball Chair

Let me repeat: They're mini versions! So adorable. Vito happily climbed over them, tested them, and gurgled over them. I think he liked the Ball Chair best. The cushion's very soft and it feels like a cocoon.

Are we buying? Well, first Vince and I have to buy that sofa we wanted at BoConcept! And then we'll buy Vito his own chair when we move to a bigger apartment or to a house house, which isn't for a good long while. Sigh!

But if you're looking for fantabulous accent/designer chairs for your home, I highly recommend About A Chair!