Sunday, May 15, 2011

My life's magic charms

Today's Tweet:
"Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you."
A lot of people go by the motto, "Life is short so spend it with the people you love." So I do. I really do. Especially after my mother died. Even though I'm busy, I make time to see, talk, write to, spend even just a few minutes with the people I adore. And I am so so so very glad they do the same.  

Obviously, if I don't spend time with you, I don't love you. Obviously, if you don't spend time with me, you don't love me. It's simple enough and I feel no guilt or sadness over this. Neither should anyone actually. Again, life is too short to spend it suffering the presence of people you intensely dislike or who don't like you. 

It is sad, I will admit, that the people I should love and who should love me are the very ones who suck the happiness out of me. My happiness and my money, I'd like to add. Do you have people like that in your life, too? I call them Dementors. 

Thank God I have Vince and Vito. They are my powerful Patronus charms. I know Patronuses (Patronusi? Patroni?) are supposed to take animal form. Well, Vince and Vito were both born in the year of the Tiger so they can be tigers. Or because they are just too wonderful and adorable and chase all the gloom away, they can be rabbits!

Do you have a Patronus, too? Take care of them! They're the magic in our life! 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

This is why I love Japan!


Those Japanese are beyond crazy! I laughed until my tummy hurt and there were tears in my eyes. I have got to visit Japan soon!!! But I hope I don't get to be a prank victim!

What rhymes with anniversary?

Well, for Vince it's a PS3! For me, it's a shopping spree!

Yup, that's what we got each other for our wedding anniversary last April 18. I got him a new console to replace the first one I gave him in 2006. Back then, the newly launched Playstation 3 was a whopping 45K; (now, it's less than 15K). That's why I proposed to him because in my mind, a mere boyfriend shouldn't be getting gifts as pricey as that. He better be my fiance, dammit! To my delight, Vince agreed with me wholeheartedly and married me four months later.

Vince is beyond thrilled with his new plaything (see photo here!). I didn't get him PS3 games, though. He still has tons of games he hasn't been able to play since going back to advertising. But because of my gift, he's been devoting a couple of hours every other day to gaming pleasure.

Do I recommend giving Playstation 3, Wii and other gaming consoles to your hubby? Yes! When it's from you, they feel so loved and appreciated. They think, "She really understands me!" Plus, because it's from you, you get to control his gaming hours! Best. Gift. Ever!

As for moi, I got a shopping spree! I've already bought some cool things but I'm not yet done. This is so much fun! Thanks, Vince! Happy anniversary!

Monday, May 09, 2011

How did I sound in your head?

Looks like a lot of you saw my guest stint at Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho. I didn't (we watched Fringe instead!) but blog reader Mav Duran sent me a link and so I was able to watch it. Thanks, Mav!

Don't blink or you'll miss it!

On Twitter (follow me!), some of my followers who watched the show teased me about my voice. Yes, it's really soft and high-pitched. I screech when I'm excited, too. It's okay, I don't get offended about it. I even coined a term for my voice--boses pekpek. In polite company, it's boses ipis.

I used to try to modulate but I dunno, I just never can do it. As a writer, I never dreamed I'd be in a position that I'd have to actually express my thoughts verbally so public speaking was never a skill I developed.

I do wonder, though, since my Twitter followers said, "I didn't imagine you to sound like that" and "Your voice is unexpected," I wonder how exactly did you think I'd sound? Just curious!

Sunday, May 08, 2011

My first ever Mother's Day!

And, yes, it's a most glorious day.

Happy Mother's Day!