Sunday, June 26, 2011

Singin' in the rain, Take 2

I had wanted to buy the Loeffler Randall rain boot last year and then just as I was about to, I found out I was pregnant and all thoughts of boots went out the window. Until last week when, for the first time in a good long while, I waded through flood waters.

I walk to work so I do need a good rain shoe. My Melissa flats serves me well but because it's a shocking turquoise, the sartorial choices are pretty limited. So back I went to the Loeffler Randall site and found that now I want this gorgeous taupe boot instead:

I took a poll on Twitter and Facebook and everyone agreed that the taupe is a better choice. Plus, it's on sale! So from $195, it's now $136!

And then I found these photos from A Purl Soho and Weardrobe and they just did it for me.

Make sure you visit their blogs because they show more ways to wear the taupe boot!

So there. I'm buying myself rain boots!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Our spectacular (and very wet) Varekai experience!

When Vince and I started dating more than a dozen years ago, one of the stories he fascinated me with was his adventures in Las Vegas. Vince, you see, is a well traveled guy. I used to get enchanted and frustrated whenever we'd watch movies and he'd say, "I've been there!"

Anyway, one of his must-see attractions in Vegas is Cirque du Soleil. So when Cirque, together with Manila Hotel, SunLife and BDO, announced early this year that they're bringing their Varekai show to Manila, I just had to buy tickets!

On Wednesday, the show had its gala night. I was lucky enough to buy front-row seats to the second night. Front-row seats, baby! So last Thursday, Vince and I left Makati at 5pm... and arrived at the Quirino Grandstand two hours later!!! We knew it was going to be ma-traffic but we did not anticipate the floods that Typhoon Falcon caused!
Still a few inches deep but the rain wouldn't let up.
We paused for several long minutes before we braved this foot-deep flood. We were so stressed out!

Buendia, Roxas Blvd and South Drive were submerged. We were so happy to see Katigbak Drive flood-free but as soon as we turned left to Parade Ave, where the Grand Chapiteau was pitched, the water was again rushing down the street. So frightening! Ya know, if the tickets weren't so expensive, I'd have asked Vince to turn back!
Such a welcome sight in a night of darkness and rain!
We parked and--woah! The water was up to my knees! Vince told me not to use the umbrella. I said, "What! And get my hair wet?!" Well, umbrella was useless, even dangerous. The wind was so strong and so was the current, I was nearly knocked down! I shut the umbrella quickly, told Vince not to rush me because the current was so strong, I was afraid I'd be swept away. Finally, after wading through the flood, we got to the tent, wet and cold and... happy!!!

The show was beyond amazing. Amazing! I don't have photos (cameras not allowed inside the tent) so I'll grab a few of my favorite performances from

We had such a grand time! I was applauding so much, my palms and arms hurt. Plus, since we were seated right up front, my neck hurt from looking up at the stage. Best seats are somewhere in the middle.

After the show. Rain finally stopped!
Sooo happy!
The drive back home was just as horrific. We even got lost! It took us almost three hours to get home but our verdict? Worth it!!! So worth it. I urge you all to watch Varekai. It is spectacular! I even Tweeted tips after the show to help others going there:

Buy your tickets here. You can buy the cheapest seats. The tent is small and cozy so even the farthest seats offer a fantastic view. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Proust Questionnaire, June 2011

My favorite section in Vanity Fair is the Proust Questionnaire. I think it's great they choose old people to answer it. Yes, old! Old people have seen and experienced a lot so I always get amazed and inspired by their frankness and wisdom.

Me at 34. Some say old, some say young. 
Now, at 34, I'm not old. Well, depends on who you ask. I had a laser facial last week and someone Tweeted me, "Do you recommend that facial on me?" And I Tweeted back, "It's best for those in their mid-30s and above." And she replied, "Ugh, that's old!"

Anyway, I want to answer the Proust Questionnaire every year, just to see if my answers will change. I imagine that as I grow older, the answers will change. I hope not, though! I want to believe that at 34, I know myself. But life is always surprising!

* * * * * * *
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Cuddling in bed with my husband Vince and son Vito.

What is your greatest fear?
Losing Vince and Vito.

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

What is the trait you most deplore in others?
That abominable combination of laziness, arrogance, insecurity and, strangely enough, entitlement to the fruits of others' labor!

Which living person do you most admire?
Right now, I admire Gwyneth Paltrow for her achievements in her field, her constant evolution, her love for her family and friends, and her style. But I admire anyone who makes their own dreams come true.

What is your greatest extravagance?

What is your current state of mind?

What do you consider the most overrated virtue?

On what occasion do you lie?
When telling the truth will hurt the person unnecessarily.

What is the quality you most like in a man?
Quiet authority. Not a lot of men have this, sadly.

What is the quality you most like in a woman?
Unconditional love.

Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
Actually, very, and ten thousand years.

What or who is the greatest love of your life?
My husband and my son.

When and where were you happiest?
My wedding in 2007 was fun. But now? It's every time I'm cuddling with Vince and Vito. That's every day. I'm a lucky girl.

Which talent would you most like to have?
To dance really well!

What is your favorite occupation?

What is your most marked characteristic?

What do you most value in your friends?
Their insistence that I am worth loving.

Who is your favorite hero of fiction?
Samwise Gamgee.

Who are your heroes in real life?
The generous people, like my husband, my in-laws, my mother, my friends.

What is that you most dislike?

What is your most treasured possession?
Photographs of my husband and son. Then my wedding and engagement rings.

What do you regard as the lowest depths of misery?

What is your greatest regret?
Ignoring my mother when she was alive.

How would you like to die?
Quietly, when my son already has his own family, love and happiness. Yes, I can leave this life then.

What is your motto?
"The brave may not live forever, but cowards never live at all."

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Love my blog!

I joined Bloglovin' so I can feel more love from you!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin now! Happy weekend!

The 13" dark chocolate satchel

Correction:I measured the bag and it's actually 14 inches long!

Hello, bag lovers! The prototype of the 13" satchel is here!
This is the dark chocolate color. It's darker than the photo.
Still a prototype. We think the flap has to be shorter,
about midway the bag and not two-thirds of the front.
Comes with a strap pad to protect your shoulder  
The strap is removable. 
Strap is also adjustable. Hardware is sturdy.
A lot of people requested for a top handle so here you go!
That's added cost, though, so I have to rethink the pricing!
A 13" laptop fits fine (the laptop is halfway in so that you
can see it). We also put a divider made of goat skin (it's stiffer)
but I think it's best without. What you think?
The dark chocolate finish is cool. Remember how I was iffy about the uneven tanning? Well, Uncle Buck improved it and so it's now more uniform, no more swirly bits. If you want to see how that looks like, drop by Cole Haan this weekend and ask for the hand-painted messenger bag:
As you can see, Cole Haan's finish is uneven, which is
the same finish as our bags. A lot of people have assured
us that this adds character to the bag. Also, no two bags
are alike because of this handpainting we do!
The 13" satchel will be offered in two colors only: tan and dark chocolate.

But we have to talk to Uncle Buck about the leather inside. I kinda think the unpainted side looks so white. It's actually cream but since the outside is a deep dark brown, when you open the bag, the cream is just suddenly so white. Do you think we should put a cloth lining inside? What kind of patterns and prints would be nice? But a lining is extra cost! Things to think about!

About the 15" satchel
We decided not to offer the 15" size anymore. We saw the prototype and here's what we found:
1. At that size, a bag made entirely of genuine cow hide is just so heavy.
2. Being heavy, magnetic snaps just won't cut it. When you lift the bag, the snaps fly open. So buckles are necessary. Didn't we say we don't like buckles?
3. A 15" is actually huge. So it looks so... manly! No likey. Unless you're a guy reading this or you're a woman who wants to have a bag custom made for your man.