Thursday, April 12, 2012

He's the only Edward for me!

For me, there's only one Edward who's unnaturally white, undead and perfect.

Sigh. I miss Johnny and Winona!

P.S. For the kiddies, that's Edward Scissorhands. Watch it.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tons of ideas from Michael Kors's Facebook page

I'm getting really frustrated with all this Timeline business! My blogs' Facebook page still looks pathetic. I seriously do not know how to create a cover photo and profile photo for my blog because, with the new Timeline feature, I have to present my blogs as a brand. It's not a brand. It's just a silly blog and I'm just silly me!

So when I saw this cover photo of Michael Kors's FB page, I was really inspired:

And envious. He's got a million fans, folks. And counting. Topaz Horizon has 824 fans. So strange since I have about 45,000 page views every month! You have to start liking my page, guys!

Anyway, I like Michael Kors. A lot of it is because of Project Runway. Vince and I were watching a recent episode and he said, "How come when I watch the judges of this show, I believe them? I don't find the judges of the other franchises credible." Tee hee. Yep, I like the model-fashion designer-fashion editor team of Project Runway. It's the perfect combination. Heidi talks about how a woman will wear the outfit, Michael talks about the structure and design, and Nina talks about its appeal to the market. They got all bases covered, that team.

Now Michael also has his Facebook page covered. It looks really good. He knows how to tickle his fans with updates on his brand and his life. He gives fashion tips, he has celebrity looks, he gives a peek into his life, he shares his favorite quotes, he tags magazines and celebs (which of course helps him get more fans), and he always ask his fans their opinions.

Hmm. So that's how you get a million fans! Now I should plan my cover photo and daily updates! Thanks, Michael Kors!

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

I won the tufted headboard from Ethan Allen!

Yesterday was just unreal! That's because Ethan Allen announced the winner of their design challenge and I won!

I've been in a cloud of happiness. That's such an apt term since Vince and I named our design as "Life in the Clouds." As I keep mentioning, the whole room was really Vince's idea. Of course I had input here and there but I am amazed at how talented my husband is! He tweaked my design, gave helpful suggestions... I'm lucky I'm married to a man with discriminating taste!

And while some people tell me that I won because I had the luck of the pregnant woman, I beg to differ. I researched rooms with tufted headboards for inspiration. Vince researched color palettes. I studied Ethan Allen's design aesthetics to come up with a room that reflects their brand. I recalled the way Real Living styled our home when they featured it twice (easy tip: always have fresh flowers). Vince planned which photos will personalize the space without competing with the headboard. I even steamed the sheets and pillows! So it was a lot of hard work. And it paid off!

Here are a few of the room inspirations I put on my mood board:
As you can see, tufted headboards seem to inspire the same room elements: mirrored chest, sunburst mirrors and white lamps! I can't wait to turn our bedroom into something like the rooms up there. Except nerdier (books are always present in our home) and child-friendlier.

I feel like this is all so surreal since we've been wanting a tufted headboard for years. I even prayed about it. And now this! I was telling Mommy Fleur today that God may take His sweet time answering prayers but when He does, oh how He does! Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd own an Ethan Allen piece. And now I do. Thank You, God, for giving me more than I ever asked for.

Thank you to everyone who campaigned for me over at Twitter and Facebook. Thank you to everyone who voted. And thank you to everyone who sent me encouraging words. I had fun doing the Ethan Allen design challenge but I had more fun seeing the overwhelming support you gave me. Whatever had been the outcome of the challenge, I already felt like a winner. Thank you!

Sunday, April 01, 2012

I love Lucy

... and Lucy loves me!

Lucy Torres Gomez reads my blogs! OMG! I am so thrilled! I can't even begin to describe how delighted I am right now. So I'll just pat myself on the back for a job well done. So stoked!

P.S. We're talking about the Ethan Allen design challenge, by the way. Lucy helped campaign for my bedroom (Thanks, Lucy!). Contest results will be announced tomorrow. I do hope I win it, but even if I don't, I'm cool. The consolation prizes are pretty amazing, too! Happy sunny Sunday!

P.P.S. Follow me and Congresswoman Lucy on Twitter!

April 3 UPDATE: I won!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Don't forget to VOTE FOR ME in Ethan Allen's design challenge!

It's Monday! Just one more week before Ethan Allen announces the winner of their The One Ethan Allen Challenge! I'm excited and stressed out!!! And if you haven't voted for my bedroom design yet, please do!

To be honest, the Facebook likes account only for 10% of the total score so while I do want you to vote for me (and me alone!), I can be pretty magnanimous and not get mad if you vote for the other rooms, too. I'm joking. Of course I'll get mad! No, I'm kidding. It really is just 10% of the score so I'm more concerned with getting the judges' approval in the other criteria, which I really tried to meet. Here they are:

30% - Highlight of the One Ethan Allen piece
25% - Style (uniqueness, reflective of personality, creativity)
20% - Visual Impact
15% - Space Utilization
10% - Facebook Votes
100% - Total Score

Highlight of the One Ethan Allen piece was easy. As you can see from my bedroom set-up, the Jensen headboard is the central piece. I don't think anyone can miss that bed! It just dominates the space. So in this criteria, I think I have tough competition from Jane since she really did a great job highlighting the white armchair in her set-up.

I really designed my room around the bed:

As for the style criteria, I truly do believe the personal touches of photos, baby things, flowers, books added charm to the room. Of course, because I was designing for a family, the "personality" had to be toned down. The other rooms showed individuality better.

Visual impact category, I think I did really well here. While every room has its own fab look, my bedroom has the most comments about how the viewers liked the look, the style, and how they want to own it. That means the design triggered a response from people, a call to action of actually dreaming and wanting and perhaps even buying!

I'd like to give special thanks to my design consultants Sharon and Angel because they gave advice on how to create stronger impact. For example, they suggested that I use the mirrored chest instead of a little side table and to add a lamp on it because it will warm up the space.

Space utilization is again a category I think I'll ace. While my room is primarily a master's bedroom, it also has little pockets of space for the kids and for relaxation, like reading. It's a multi-functional space that doesn't look crowded and cluttery.

As for votes, well, I'm lagging waaaay behind there! And that's where you come in! Vote for me and please LIKE my bedroom! I really really really want that gorgeous tufted headboard!

Thanks to everyone who's voted for me!

April 3 UPDATE: I won!