Thursday, June 28, 2012

My push present!

Today was a fun day. Vince's push present finally arrived! And I'm so excited I didn't get the Olympus to take a sharp and proper photo, just BB'd and Tweeted it to the dear followers and now sharing with you here.

It's a set of stackable rings in matte gold with all our birthstones: amethyst, yellow topaz, peridot and emerald. I'm so in love with my push present!!!

What's a push present? Click here to find out!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Iñigo and Vito and me

Vito inspects newborn Iñigo

Very soon, I'll go back to work and this blog will again be filled with the fun stuff, like parties and events and fashion and beauty. This was supposed to be a shallow fun blog so that's the way it should be. But for now let me steep in the most unglamorous life of a frazzled mom whose days are filled with dirty diaper changes, spit up on tees, breastmilk overflow drying on my chest, and soothing an infant and playing (and battling!) with a toddler.

I'm loving every minute. I'm tired every minute. I'm frustrated and exasperated. I'm exultant and joyful. No chi-chi party, no fancy dress, no glamorous whatever can give me what I have now. Happy days!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Living in gray

Gray is a color associated with dullness, rainy days and gloom. So when designing a living space, gray is the last hue anyone ever thinks of. Well, that's the color I'm seriously considering for our living areas. Why? Because of this:
Not 6-months-pregnant-photo-of-me. The sofa!
Hehe, sorry there's no full photo! It's a sofa I bought for Vince. It was my gift to him for Christmas, Valentine's Day, his birthday and our wedding anniversary. He's been wanting a new sofa for 5 years so last Christmas I figured I oughta give him what he really really wants. We love it! Super. Lesson here: Get what you want, what you really really want!

The gray sofa looks great in the house. We softened it with embroidered and fluffy silk throw pillows. But since I've been looking at bedroom inspirations, I started looking for gray living rooms, too. And they are, my friends, quite beautiful.
Blues and grays are so soothing.
Black, white and gray. And words. Perfect for writers!
A bit austere so the pops of yellow are welcome.
The gray is softened by the big pillows and filmy curtains.
Love the books!
Gray, white and gold. Elegant and chic!
Framed black-and-white photos. Of course!
Very bold! Love the textures and prints!
A bit country class but I love the dark gray walls.
I love the pale yellow curtains!
So comfy and quiet and gorgeous!

I love how the gray is so calming and elegant. I also noticed how the rooms had yellow accents in common. But any accent color will work against the gray anyway--the brighter the better, like pink! Ohhhh, I am so into home-modification mode right now!

P.S. Speaking of gray, who wants to read Fifty Shades of Gray? Watch this space because I'm giving away the book! Soon!

*Living room images from Naura Home Design, His House; Her Help, Rusty Hinges Blog, Homedit, Inspiration for Home, Design Darling, Kunz Design and Furniture and Interior Design 

Friday, June 22, 2012


This did NOT make my day.

Someone get me a year's worth of spa treatments please dammit!

UPDATE: Been getting questions about the website that said I'm that old. Unfortunately, I had closed the tab before I could copy the link so I forgot! But this other website,, is highly recommended by Oprah. You'll get a similar result there.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Good news!

I said I was going to shop with my Unarosa gift certificate over the Pacquiao fight weekend but he lost and people were Tweeting, "Stay home! Pinoys are angry!" While I don't believe Pinoys got violent, stay home I did.

But this weekend, we ventured out and I shopped. To my surprise, I'm a size 4 again. And when I got home and stepped on the scale, it confirmed that I am back to my pre-preggy weight. It's only been 5 weeks since I gave birth, folks! I am so back!

Happiness! And that's why breastfeeding rocks.

Have a great week!