Thursday, October 18, 2012

Behind-the-scenes at OK! staff shoot, Part 1: Me

You saw my makeover photos on Tuesday and if you're wondering what the dolled-up look was for, it's for OK! magazine's staff photo. We always have a staff photo in the April and December issues. So the last time I blogged about our staff shoot was last March! This time, I made sure I brought a camera.

Here I am on Cherry Pacheco's chair. She cleansed and moisturized my tired face, then put on a ton of foundation and concealer!

I've always had bad skin but recently, because I started using Souq Organics Moroccan Argan Oil and SK-II Facial Treatment Essence, my face has really improved. Like, super! I have no more pimples, not even whiteheads and blackheads. All that's left (and stubbornly so!) are the acne marks. I look like I have polka dots all over my face. But they are slowly fading away!!! I love Souq Argan Oil and SK-II!

Progress! I now look like a human being! I love how Cherry made my eyes look large. Dark circles can really make eyes recede. I haven't slept beyond 4 hours since 2010 and I don't know when I'll ever sleep beyond 4 hours ever again so dark circles will be my lifetime companion now. I must learn how she did my eyes!!!

Here's what my hair looked like from the back. Very Gossip Girl! Or very bridal, very ninang, whichever way you want to look at it! I just love that that's all my hair. I was tempted to get extensions because my hair is falling so much due to post-partum hair loss. But the hairstylist just mega curled my hair for volume and voila!

This is Mango Tree at Bonifacio High Street Central. Mango Tree is a Thai restaurant and bar. We dropped by on a hot Tuesday afternoon for our shoot and the place was such a lovely retreat from the heat. We loved the high ceilings, comfy chairs, yummy cocktails (yes, cocktails at 3pm!). We also loved the light! There was so much light!

A lot of people think I'm a party girl who goes bar-hopping for fun. Hmm. Let me tell you two things I love about the places I frequent—I love super clean spaces that are gloriously lit, and I love quiet. I don't like dark, windowless rooms because I can't see if the place is clean and cockroach-free. I intensely dislike loud music because I like conversation and how can anyone talk when there's loud music blaring? And I don't drink alcohol.

Well, I do drink alcohol, about 3 glasses of wine a year. Ya, a glass of wine every 4 months. Since getting pregnant and having kids... Maybe one glass? I haven't had a drink in so long, I don't even remember. Until last Tuesday! Happy hour at 3pm!

This is our photographer Mitch adjusting my pose, then telling me (and she was so embarrassed to say it) to "Suck it in." Haha. I laughed my head off. I never lost the baby belly!

I'll talk about the staff's behind-the-scenes tonight and our fashion tomorrow, on Topaz Fashion. Meanwhile, if you're craving for more fashion, the October issue of OK! is our annual Best Dressed Issue! So grab a copy!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Speaking of makeovers...

My blog just got a major redesign and I am super loving it! Thanks so much to Patricia of Fancy Girl Design Studio for patiently working with me. I had a definite look in mind—from style, colors and fonts!—and Patricia executed perfectly. It was a huge pleasure working with her.

Now, as long as we're on the topic, let me share with you my makeover today:
Wowza. I haven't even put on lipstick yet and already it's a vast improvement!!! Huge thanks to makeup artist Cherry Pacheco for transforming me today!

Anyway, I wanted to show you that photo because I wanted to share these random thoughts:

I'm still me. Lots of people think I'm this big time, hot shot, just a lady of leisure, super glam girl. They always exclaim, "Nagbago ka na!" Actually, I haven't changed at all. I've just become busier. Most days, I look like the girl on the left (well, when I'm home!). But even on those days when I'm the girl on the right, I'm still the same person.

I may be a magazine editor today but I won't be in this cushy job forever. What happens then? I am grateful for what I've achieved in my life but I can't let it get to my head. My job, my bank account, my trappings, they come and go. So while I enjoy glamming up, I also keep a firm grip on what makes me real—my marriage, my sons, my few trusted friends, my faith.

I care about how I look... but I don't care that much. I dress up. I put on makeup when I have to be somewhere. I like looking good! Caring about my appearance isn't vanity. It's my way of respecting myself and other people (translation: I don't want to be a pain to people's eyes!).

At the same time, I also think my looks don't define me. In fact, even without makeup, I think I look fine, so I don't allow myself to be obsessed with clothes and makeup and trips to the salon. Looks are important but they aren't valuable. There's a difference.

There is always room for improvement. While it's true that people, especially girls, should accept who they are, I also don't subscribe to the thinking that self-acceptance means letting yourself go. For your sake, look at yourself in the mirror, assess your flaws and assets, minimize the bad and highlight the good.

That means please get a good haircut, adopt a skincare regimen, wear clothes that fit you well, eat healthy, exercise. That means take care of yourself. I don't buy that "Real girls have (insert whatever noun here)!" as an excuse to be lazy about looking better.

That's all really. Love yourself, yes. Love yourself more. Love yourself better!

*photo courtesy of Cherry Pacheco

Monday, October 15, 2012

Sneak peeks at my new blog design!

Part of the blog title

A social media widget and a signature
I'm so excited!

And so are my readers who follow me on Facebook! I gave them sneak peeks over at my Facebook page and I'm so glad the response has been very positive. It's a super simple design (the better to showcase the photos!) and I took forever choosing the font and I really hope the artist doesn't think I'm a bitch because I totally let my editor-in-chief persona take over and I kept tweaking and revising and updating and...

It's now perfect.

The big reveal soon!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Topaz Fashion: What I wore this week

Very varied. That's the theme for this week's Topaz Fashion episode! I'll show you what I wear on different occasions. 

Style: Super casual.

I'm wearing a batwing-sleeve shirt from Ojay, Guess skinny jeans, Lacoste leather ballet flats and a Frances Sales satchel. I still like calling it that—the Frances Sales satchel. Anyway, this is brainless dressing, just jeans and a top. But I got a really large shirt to go with really skinny jeans because I like opposites that way.

Oh, and the secret to not look fat in a big top? Make sure it has a shape. Whether it's a cinched waist or the hem is tapered to hug your hips. Also, get a top with a plunging neckline. The deep V cuts you in half so you don't look so wide.

Style: Professional.

I'm wearing a Mango dress, Anthology flats and carrying a Kate Spade tote. Vince calls this my Jedi dress. It's the sleeves. Anyway, I love this dress because...
a) It looks like a blouse and a skirt but it's actually one dress!
b) It has pockets!
c) It looks so crisp and business-like but it's so comfortable to wear.

I was supposed to wear a pearl choker and pearl drop earrings with this, by the way, but I rushed out of the house completely forgetting to accessorize!

Style: Glam event.

I'm wearing a K & Company dress, Sapato Manila heels and a Gucci shopper. I was supposed to use my Fino structured bag but I came from work (that Gucci is stuffed with magazines!) so I had to use a big bag. Oh, and again, I forgot to accessorize. I'm not even wearing earrings! Ladies, never leave home without earrings. They decorate your face.

Anyway, style tip: Dresses are best complemented with a structured purse or a small clutch. Think Victoria Beckham and Duchess of Cambridge.

I knooooow. This Topaz Fashion edition is a Fashion Fail. No accessories. Wrong bags. Awful! Haha. I'll make up for it next week! Happy weekend!

*celebrity images from Popsugar and Marie Claire

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Gossip Girl and Vampire Diaries in OK! magazine and on etc!

So it's almost mid-October, dear blog readers. Have you grabbed this month's issue of OK! magazine?

No? Dear heavens! I specifically begged you to grab a copy a few weeks ago! I knoooow you love me (that's why you read this blog, right?) so love me more by getting an issue. It's our fabulous TV special.

First, the October issue of OK! has a really fun big feature on Gossip Girl. It's the sixth and final season! So yes, we talk about what will happen in this season (Will Blair win Chuck's love again? Will Chuck get his empire back? Will we finally find out who Gossip Girl is???) and we take a look back on TV's most stylish show. Yes, we have the best clothes of the cast ever! And the worst haha. Fun stuff like that so grab a copy if you're a fan!

I've never actually followed Gossip Girl. But in the early months of Vito's life and he'd keep me awake, I'd turn the TV on and watch reruns in the early mornings. I had to keep the volume very low so Vito can sleep but I found that I didn't mind not hearing the characters talk. Their fashion alone spoke volumes. Loud volumes!

Second, OK! was able to get amazing interviews with the cast of The Vampire Diaries. Yes, Ian, Nina and Paul! They talk about the next season, which premieres next week. They talk about Elena's new state of being a—gasp!—vampire.

All that and more in OK!'s super fantabulous October issue! Grab a copy as soon as possible!

Gossip Girl Season 6 premieres Oct. 11, Thursday at 8pm. The Vampire Diaries Season 4 premieres Oct. 16, Tuesday at 8pm. Both delicious shows are on ETC. Like ETC on Facebook or follow ETC on Twitter for more updates.