Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My 36th birthday!

Last week was really fun! Best birthday week ever. Which comes as a surprise to me because I'm obsessed with my birthdays and I'd always plan for it and bug people about it BUT this year, I totally forgot that my birthday was approaching until I looked at the calendar and saw it was November. I kinda freaked out a bit—I haven't come up with a gift list, I don't have anything to wear, I didn't plan a party. Nothing!

In a futile attempt to celebrate, I got free Facebook covers with a birthday theme (sample above and the last photo below) so I can remind everyone on Facebook that my big day was coming up and then I thought, "You know, I don't really care. I have a great and happy life, wonderful family and friends. What am I freaking out about? I don't want anything; I have everything!"And, yes, the week proved that!

Monday. My prayer group surprised me and Cathee with a birthday party. Surprise parties I'm usually allergic to haha since I'm never ready! Ya know, I didn't have a pretty dress, my hair was unbrushed, my face was devoid of makeup. But, what the heck, I had the loveliest time with my mommy friends!
Yummy chocolate cake from Red Ribbon. But I want to know who did the icing letters!
Cathee blew out her candle first since her birthday was before mine.
Vito blew out my candle but I made a birthday wish for my sons.
Thanks so much, Claire, Earl, Dada and Tricia! Happy birthday, Cathee!

Tuesday. My favorite hairstylist in the world, Louis Phillip Kee, treated me to a salon day. I had my good friend Jane Kingsu-Cheng of Forever 21 and Lucky Janie with me and we chatted about everything under the sun—from our sons and yayas to career plans and other bloggers.
Louis, thanks for making me beautiful! Jane, thanks for spending the day with me and for the free lunch!

Then Vince surprised me with a bouquet of red roses. Vince always gets me flowers for my birthday. I love flowers. He either gets red roses or multi-colored tulips.
He also got me Chocolate Truffle Cake from Mary Grace Café. It's my favorite chocolate cake. Yum yum! It's Vito's favorite cake, too. Hehe, yes that's Vito's birthday candle! We didn't have any other candle kasi haha. For more photos of the boys and their Grab The Cake Mission, click here!

At work, my staff "surprised" me with the best banana chocolate cake (from Kitchen's Best) I have ever had in my life. I put surprise in quotes because it's tradition that we give cake to whoever the birthday girl/boy is. But I was still surprised because... I don't know. I really truly wasn't expecting anything!

Sugared pili nuts, dried mangoes, calamansi honey with toasted quesong puti,
La Maria Camembert and Queso Rustico.
Then the day after my birthday, I met up with my girlfriends at Kabila of M Café. We had wine with the tastiest cheese platter ever. We gossiped and encouraged each other. It was a lovely afternoon! Thanks, Kat, Nicole and Nikki!

And now it's done. My birthday's done. I had a great week. I felt really loved. I am really truly happy and excited for what life has in store!


If you're serious about blogging, then mark your calendar with the biggest blogging conference this year!
It's happening this Sunday! Decide fast!
Learn! Mingle! Win!
You might even bring this baby home!

I wasn't supposed to attend because I'll be out of town this weekend (my first real vacation in years!) but as a member of Nuffnang's talent roster (naks!), I really should go! And if you're planning big things for your blogs, you oughta sign up, too!

For a complete list of the blog and social media experts speaking at the event and the list of exciting topics to be tackled, go to Blogopolis.ph. You can also buy your tickets from there. Come one, come all!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Makeover! My new (old!) hair

One of last month's most popular posts was my transformation so I guess you guys like ugly photos of moi! You, ha. But okay, okay, let's give you more. Presenting Makeover Mondays!

I figured since I just celebrated my 36th birthday, it would be a good idea to do makeovers. Just to let everyone know that it's never too late to do something new! Birthdays and New Years are usually the time when people start something new. But if you're raring to do something different, don't wait for your birthday or January 1. Do it now!

For the first edition of Makeover Mondays, I give you... My hair.

My long, lifeless, tired hair was always tied up! In other news, how cute is that little guy???

I'll tell you the conclusion of this story first. All my husband said when he saw me and my crazy red-pink hair was, "My wife's back," and it was exactly how I felt. I'm baaaaaack!

I've been coloring my hair since I was 18. I started with safe browns and blacks (black didn't suit me at all) then as I got braver, I was sporting blond, purple, orange and finally, my real hair color (haha): RED. So Vince has seen nearly all my hair incarnations, and while most Filipino men cringe at women with weird hair, Vince loved my crazy-colored hair.

That's why I married him.

At Louis Phillip Kee's new salon at Bonifacio Global City. There's Iñigo at left.

Pinoy men like their women to be virgins from hair to vagina. But since a lot of Pinays aren't virgins in the latter sense or don't remain in that state, they obsess about keeping their hair virgins for their guys. Pinoys like long, black, straight hair, not a strand out of place—the perfect hair of their perfect girl.

Now Vince is very Pinoy. I know that he prefers my hair long and straight. But he doesn't force me to look or behave the way he wants. He lets me be me and he loves the crazy me. So even though I know he's super happy when my hair is long (and I am always miserable when my hair is long and uncolored), I know that he'll be happier when I'm happy. He totally subscribes to the philosophy "Happy wife, happy life." You gotta marry a guy like that!

And I see red!

So back to my story! So I color my hair often, and Vince says it's like dating a different girl every few months. I think that's a good thing haha. But then I got pregnant in 2009. No hair color! In 2010, I was too busy to sit for 4 hours to have my hair colored. No hair color! In 2011, I got pregnant again. No hair color! But now, in 2012, after three long years, I finally had my hair colored. And I feel like I finally finally finally recognize the girl in the mirror.

My husband said, "My wife's back." My friends said, "Hey, I know you" and "You look familiar!" and I see my reflection and say, "It's me!"

I may not look better (who looks better with pink hair seriously?) but I look like me. Me! And that is always the best way to be!

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Kinda on a blogging break!

It's been an amazing week! Absolutely glorious. I am so happy! I'm living a great life! Gifts, surprise party, flowers... I can go on and on. My friends and family are pulling out the stops making me feel loved!

And then there's you. Thank you for reading my blogs, thank you for loving and blessing my family, thank you for all the support and kindness. I've had a blast blogging these past 6 years. But this week, I'll be on a bit of a break.

Mwah! See you around here soon!

Monday, November 05, 2012

It's all about Twilight and money in OK!'s November issue

I have to confess this. Our November cover gives me the heebie jeebies. Those three kids look really scary. I'm not a fan of the Twilight movies (though I swooned when I read the first book) but it's the mega-franchise of the decade. It's a force of nature! It's... insane.

Our Twilight Saga special issue really does have fantastic stories. Even I was drawn in when I was editing it. I laughed at the "Epic!" and "Fail!" comments of my staff about the franchise. I loved the fashion transformation photo essay of Kristen. I was amazed at all the juicy gossip and secrets of the stars that I've totally forgotten about.

Check out this teaser trailer where the vampires teach the new vampire Bella how to act human.

Was this in the book? I don't really remember. But it just occurred to me now, while watching that trailer, that it's a strange scene. Bella was, prior to this transformation, a human being. She couldn't have had forgotten what it's like to be human so quickly. I understand that she's enjoying her new powers and abilities but if there's anyone who needed lessons in being human, it would be the other vampires in the room. They've been undead for such a long time. And I know they need reminding because, as the books and movies showed, real humans find them strange, unsettling, even frightening.

Okay, I'm overthinking it. Why am I doing that?!

If you're not a fan of these movies, grab the November issue for the money stories! We reveal superstar salaries and outrageous splurges. Plus, I love the best fashion and beauty products that you should invest in. Yep, they cost a lot but are worth every centavo! I always enjoy our money issue! For example, finding out that Rihanna spends a million dollars a year on her hair just made me go WTF because her hair's been awful for a good loooong while! Thank goodness she went back to her pixie crop!

Now, if you don't like Twilight and you don't like frivolous splurges, then I still think you'll like the November issue of OK! because our free magazine, OK! Glam, features the best budget finds for your makeup kit and closet. They may be inexpensive but they will make you look rich!!! All that and more in the fabulous November issue of OK! Grab a copy today!

P.S. Want a super sulit beauty box? Check out my BDJBox giveaway!