Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Topaz Beauty: BDJBox's Shiseido edition

I just got my September BDJBox subscription but I wanted to say that I was so inspired by last month's box. It was the Shiseido Box!

I love the luxe-ness of this particular edition. I like that I can discover different kinds of brands and products with each box but getting a special box of products from the same brand (and a really nice one at that!) feels like a real treat. Thanks, BDJBox and Shiseido!

You know what excited me about this box? It inspired me to come up with my own box! How about that, dear readers? Would you love a special beauty box filled with my favorite beautifiers?

BDJBox, call me!

To subscribe to a BDJBox service, click here!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Can't stop, won't stop

That Miley Cyrus really knows what she's doing. Everyone hates her new image but everyone loves her songs! They can't stop and won't stop doing covers of her "We Can't Stop"! These are my favorite covers:



And I don't know what genre of music this is but I do love the British accent, the strings and the achy-breaky part!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Topaz Beauty: The miracle cure for dry, cracked, ugly feet!

The reason I'm not a beauty blogger is because I'm too vain to show before-and-after photos. I mean, really. I can't. I want you to think I'm gorgeous all the time!

Of course, the truth is I have lots of beauty concerns, one of which has plagued me for a decade: dry feet. It's so bad that my friend Ro gave me a huge bottle of intensive care lotion one birthday because she got bothered by my cracked heels and toes. Nope, lotion never helped. Foot spas never helped. Nothing ever helped. Until I found Foot Appeal.

I got Foot Appeal from one of my monthly boxes of BDJBox. It's a sample service and I've discovered lots of beauty goodies from them. Some boxes are okay, some boxes are amazing. Then there are some boxes that you think have so-so products only to find out later that it has real treasures in it. Like Foot Appeal!
I seriously just tossed aside the packet. "Oh, another foot mask. Ho-hum." Then one day, as I was organizing my beauty products, I looked at it and tried it out and I was the one blown out of the water! Best discovery of the year! Sleeper hit! Foot Appeal forever!

My review is after the jump but please do NOT click if you are eating, have foot phobia, or are just generally squeamish. Like I said, I don't like putting before-and-after pics but this you gotta see. Well, only if you have the stomach for it. You have been warned!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Behind the scenes of magazine cover shoots

I couldn't wait for Topaz Fashion! I had to share this with you today!

Rogue September

I thought it was weird that Pam was the star of the BTS. This is not a criticism of Pam, okay? She is the nicest, most stylish, totally grounded person. I just think that the director of the video should have focused more on either the stars or on the magazine itself.

Anyway, you know what's the most amazing about this shoot? Getting all five women together! And how hot is Judy Ann??? All of them are amazing but Judy Ann is the only one that exuded power. Power is very sexy.

Hola! September

Sigh! Made me miss OK! magazine!

InStyle September

Love Drew Barrymore! Love InStyle! I've been collecting that magazine for many, many years. Even when I couldn't afford it yet. Lunch or InStyle? Go out with friends or InStyle? Utility bills or InStyle? InStyle insanity!

I don't really want to go back to magazines anymore (been there, done that) except if it's a parenting magazine or if it's InStyle. I heard a rumor that one of our local publishers is hoping to bring in InStyle. I tell you now, I will grovel to be part of the staff! Kahit as editorial assistant! Just to be part of InStyle!!!

Vogue September

This is the classiest and most professionally done BTS. Well, it's Vogue. What did I expect? Nothing less than the best.

I'll have to check out the newsstands for Hola! and Rogue. I already bought Vogue and InStyle. Have you seen how thick the issues are? Crazy! I got a workout just hoisting those two about! Magazines seem to be exciting again!

Saturday, September 07, 2013

My mother's answered prayers

Every Christian knows the story of Moses. Born to slaves, hidden in a basket made of reeds, found by an Egyptian princess, raised as a prince of Egypt, murdered an Egyptian, exiled himself to be a shepherd in the desert, found God in a burning bush, threatened and brought down on Egypt the plagues, and brought out the people of Israel from slavery. When the Egyptian army chased after the fleeing Israelites, Moses raised his hands over the Red Sea and it parted to let his people pass. When the Egyptians followed, he raised his hands again and the water swallowed up their enemies. Then there's the 40 years of wandering in the desert while God prepared the hearts of His people for the promised land. Then there's the Ten Commandments!

The story of Moses is a great story! The stuff of legends. What people don't know is how it ended. Moses was used mightily by God to bring His people to the land of milk and honey but God did not allow Moses to set foot on that land. Instead, He brought Moses up onto a mountain on the border of the promised land and showed him the land, and then God kissed his beloved servant and Moses died.

The people of Israel mourned for Moses but after their grief, they all crossed over to the land that God promised them. After 120 years of preparing for his role as the man who freed the Israelites to lead them to the land of promise, Moses died. He didn't see it happen but it happened.

* * * * * * *

My sister Jacqui spends some nights over at my house. Since I have no household help, she comes over regularly to help take care of the boys. One night, we were talking about our mother, whose death anniversary is this month.

"Jacqui, it's been five years since Mama died," I said, not in the exact words as I'm writing now but I'm paraphrasing. I continued, "You know how I said in my eulogy that I am clinging to God's promise in Jeremiah 29:11? That God has plans to prosper us and not to harm us, and that His plans are to give us a hope and a future? And then I said that I'm excited to see what God has planned for our family? Well, it's been five years. I don't see any changes. In fact, sometimes I think God took Mama away not for us but for her sake. If she could see what our family's like today, I think it would kill her anyway. So maybe God knew what was going to happen and so He took her away because He knew she wouldn't be able to take it."

I've been feeling really bummed about this. Maybe even resentful and impatient and maybe even betrayed. I have begun doubting God and His promises. I was afraid.

* * * * * * *

This evening, at our prayer meeting, we were talking about the problems and situations where we want to see deliverance. I said, "I've been praying about (certain things) for more than a year now but I don't see any changes. Am I not praying long and hard enough?"

And my friend Earl said, "Don't ever look to the results! God will move in His time. You must pray in faith that He will answer you."

And then she suddenly said, "Your mother prayed and prayed for you. And now, five years after she died, her prayers have been answered. Look at you now!"

"But she's not here to see it!" I cried, my tears spilling over in despair.

"It doesn't matter! What matters is her prayers were answered!"

* * * * * * *

Mama prayed for all of us. I don't know what she prayed about for the other members of our family but I know she wanted me to have a happy marriage, to want and love motherhood, to see the value of family, to be friends with my siblings, to forgive my Papa and my older brother, and to go back to God and to be in fellowship with His people.

Every time Mama said, "I'm praying for you," I would lovingly say that I don't believe in marriage, I don't like kids, I value my career more than anything, it's next to impossible to be friends with people you don't get along with, and that I don't see myself having fellowships. I told her, "Mama, it's just not going to happen."

Well, it happened. All of it. I didn't realize Mama's prayers were answered until Earl pointed it out. And I am amazed! Everything my mother wanted for me, her dreams for me, the prayers she stormed the gates of heaven for me, they've all come true! She may not have seen it in her lifetime but they came true!

I almost fainted at the realization. I have been rebuked, I have been made to see what I've been blind to all this time—that God does move mightily and He does so in His time and in His way!

I have been delivered from my doubts and my fears. I now again cling to the promise of that hope and future. Thank You, God! I'm excited to see Your will unfold in me, in my marriage, in my kids, in the lives of my father and my siblings! Amen.