Monday, November 04, 2013

Birthday resolution: Drink more water!

I'm turning 37 on Thursday. Hooray! Another birthday! I love my birthdays!

Now, I look good for a 37-year-old woman but I look like a woman in her 30s nonetheless. I'm okay with that. I certainly don't want to look like I did in my teens...

... or in my 20s...

I finally grew into my looks. I'm glad that the blossoming happened in my 30s. I can say for certain that I got my man and my career because of my talent and personality, not because of my looks haha!

I like my 30s. This has been a fantastic 7 years. I got my dream job, I got married to my great love, we built our lovely home, I had his children, I have made a few but truly wonderful friends, I retired from the dream job because my family was dreamier, and now I'm just writing for a living. My life is all about my passions. I can't ask for anything more!

But... I should do more. Exercise. Eat healthy. Drink more water! Although I'm proud I look great for my age, the fine lines have started, the freckles that used to be cute are now sun spots, the pimple scars are getting deeper. So I started on Shiseido Ibuki skincare regimen. But now I also want to drink drink drink water! I was shocked when I saw this:

That's just from drinking 12 glasses of water a day, folks. Here's the story: "Drinking three litres of water a day took TEN YEARS OFF my face!"

Argh! I can't even finish three glasses a day! One liter is 33 oz. A glass is 8 oz. So a liter is 4 glasses, which makes 3 liters 12 glasses. How on earth can I drink 12 glasses a day??? My dermatologist says I need more water. My dentist says I need water. My husband says I need water.

Drinking more water has been my birthday and New Year's resolution every year. Every single year. It never happens. But one look at those before-and-after photos and I'm really seriously doing it. I just need tips. How do you drink water, dear readers? Help me!!!

Plus, wouldn't it be fun if we did this water thing together? Okay, let's take a photo of our face today, Nov. 4, then drink our 12 glasses of water a day every day, and then take a photo again on Dec. 4! Oh, this is going to be so exciting!

A reader who is a registered nurse, and who I'll hide under the pseudonym Ms RN, sent me this caution:

Hi Ms. Frances. I saw your post about water. While it's really great to drink lots of water, just enough should do the trick, say 8-10 glasses a day. Too much water dilutes essential nutrients in the body and flushes out minerals too

Para di ka maoverwhelm, you can try half glass every hour Or a glass every 2 hours. Annoying lang kasi iihi ka ng iihi. 

By the way, people should also be careful drinking lotsa water when they [eat] too much salt because it can cause water retention. So less salt and more water talaga Another thing to remember is when an individual has a kidney disease, water intake should be limited depending on the doctors order. Hope I helped!

So, readers, let's stick to the 10 glasses max muna, okay???

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Sunday, November 03, 2013

You're never too young (or too old!) to start a business!

When I was a kid, my dream—aside from becoming a writer—was to become a postman. Yep, the guy who delivers mail. I figured I'd be at the post office early in the morning to get my batch of deliveries, then spend the rest of the morning going around houses and chatting with the people. Then I'll rest in the afternoon, and then—and here's when the real work begins—then I'll sit down and make up stories about the people I met that day.

I tested out that dream by selling tapa, tocino and longganisa one summer. I was 11 or 12 years old, very skinny, and I put the frozen meat in a pail of ice (very heavy) and walked around the neighborhood selling people breakfast. I had a great time. Everyone loved my products, everyone loved that a young girl was so entrepreneurial, and I loved that I met so many people and learned so much about them. After all, people like to talk to someone who brings food!

But the business ended when a neighbor, who had been getting meat on credit, refused to pay me. When I kept showing up at her door to collect payment, she finally set her dogs on me. That ended that business real quick. When I told my parents about it, in the hope they would confront the nasty neighbor and get me my money, my father said, "It's best this way. I don't like you out in the sun because your skin gets dark."

I hope to be a parent who encourages my kids to do crazy things. Hopefully, the crazy things are the sort that makes them money haha. Vince told me he was so charmed by this little girl who would collect rocks around her neighborhood, wash them and paint pretty designs on them, then sell the painted rocks to her neighbors. I wish our sons would be that entrepreneurial!

How inspiring is this?

He earns enough to buy LEGOs. Those things are so expensive! I know because we buy our boys LEGO all the time! He is so cute. And so encouraging to me because I want to sell bags again. You all know how that business failed spectacularly. But I don't regret it because I learned a lot.

As with my frozen meats business, I learned that credit must not be extended lightly. With the bag business, I learned that I can't just assume people are doing their jobs just because they said so. I actually have a business now, my freelance writing. I'm learning a lot, too, the most important being this: Start charging after the second meeting and don't be shy about my rates. Argh, I've wasted a lot of time and energy this year meeting prospective clients and working on proposals and mock-up projects which all went up in smoke anyway. So the project didn't push through but I spent time and money and brain cells on them anyway and I got nothing in return. Lesson learned! Just goes to show you're never too young or too old to learn something new!

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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Look at these adorable Signatures of Love!

Remember this little video of my cutie patootie bunso baby?

I love the song, too. Sing with me!

"It's gotta be love love love
It's just between us two
Only for me and you
It's our signature of love
Every day, this is how we say I love you
It's not just a sign of love
It's a signature of love!"

The signature of love that I share with both my sons, Vito and Iñigo, is Tickle Time. Only I get to do this with them. (With Vince, it's reading books and playing video games.) They may still be very small but I know they know I love them because of our little rituals and games (especially Tickle Time!) that we do every day. These assure them of my love and these also strengthen our bond.

Now I also asked you to share a video of your very own signature of love. Well, if you did, you've been very good because you and 200 other moms from all over the Philippines shared their cute videos! Johnson's Baby is so excited to show you a compilation of the cutest Signatures of Love!

Aww! That really made me think about how special our time is with our kids and that they do love love love being with us! Even the tiny babies looked really loved and happy whenever their mommies tickled, kissed, hugged, played, sang, danced with them. Just goes to show that it's the quality of time that we spend with our kids that matters. 

Did you like the video? Hope you can share it with your fellow moms and dads on Facebook! Here's the Facebook page of Johnson's Baby Philippines. Like and love! 

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Friday, October 18, 2013

Topaz Fashion: What I wore to work

Been feeling under the weather but I still had to work! So I trimmed off the the meetings and events that weren't really urgent. But for those times I had to really really work, these are what I wore:

Lunch meeting at Il Terrazo with a new major blog partner (announced on Topaz Mommy!) and then off to a Levi's house party in Forbes. I wore my Ojay raw silk blouse, Uniqlo jeans, Karimadon woven belt, Dune London loafers, Charles & Keith sunglasses and Fino bag.

Check out my red red hair! It's so clown red! I love it!

Gosh, this is such a comfy outfit. I love those jeans. The shoes are so buttery soft. Must buy more Uniqlo jeans and loafers from Dune!

Hosting duties as the new Vicks VapoRub Mommy (click here for the story)! I wore my K & Company wrap dress and Zara pumps. I bought both summer of last year, right after giving birth to Iñigo. The dress looks navy but it's actually a blue-green hue.

Also, the dress has such a plunging neckline that I had to ask the Vicks people for double-sided tape to prevent a wardrobe malfunction. Well, either the neckline was too low or my boobs got too big for the dress. You see, when I left the house, my cleavage was fine. But two hours later, my breastfeeding boobs were filling up with milk and they were just spilling out of my dress!

I want to proudly say that I did my own hair and makeup!

Photo shoot at Louis Phillip Keep Premier Salon for my Manila Bulletin column. That's my photo shoots uniform: soft shirt, skinny jeans. I wore my old, thin, gray Topshop shirt (I wore a red bra underneath that in bright light, you can see through the shirt), skinny Guess jeans, Nine West heels. Really comfy!

That's my iPad Mini from SMART. (Thanks, SMART! I love that I can now #LiveMore!) It's my latest fashion accessory, mommy tool, blogger and writer necessity!

I actually was planning to blog about my latest online shopping purchases from Zalora and Sammy Dress but I'm soooo lazy to take photos. I'll blog about those as soon as I have the pics. Happy weekend!

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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

One year ago today

Got the silliest message over at this blog's Facebook page. A reader observed that I only have one smile. Haha! Yes, I do! I'm so Zoolander!

Actually, my orthodontist taught me how to smile when she removed my braces. I used to smile really widely but she told me I shouldn't do that because a) it makes me look toothy, b) it distorts my features, and c) I'll get wrinkles.

But I do have other looks. I was looking for them (haha affected!) and came upon these wacky shots from staff photo shoots of long ago:

Sorry for the pixelated shots. I didn't do a good job resizing them! Elaine has clearer images (click here and here). And then I realized that today is exactly the first anniversary of our last photo shoot together.

Aww. This was such a bittersweet photo shoot. It was OK! magazine's final staff shoot. We had lots of fun. We knew we did a fantastic job, we were all moving on to new lives, and yet we were also in the throes of good-bye. I think we all cried buckets of tears. I know I did.

But life goes on. We've all moved on. Managing editor Lana is with, beauty editor Elaine is with Good Housekeeping, red carpet columnist Jay writes for Kristn and also has his fingers in a lot of pies, features editor Joanna used to be with Kristn but is now a freelance writer, editorial assistant Sandra is with, fashion editor Kabbie is now with Stylebible, publishing assistant Mary Love is studying in the U.S., publisher Franny is working in Singapore, and art director Red is now the art director of Hola! Philippines. Oh, and there's me! I'm a freelance writer, editor, newspaper columnist and a blogger. Life is good!

So I take heart in this. One year ago today, behind the smiles, all of those people in those pictures were sad and worried. But life had surprises for us. We're in such good places today! Maybe for some of us, I dare say we're even in a much better place.

So if you're in a tough situation, take heart in tomorrow. It does get better!

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