Monday, October 07, 2019

Top tips to raise readers! (Plus, a literacy workshop we must attend!)

Look at Vito's first modeling gig!!! I'm so proud to say his first modeling job was about books. His most recent modeling job was about shopping for school supplies, so it's still connected to learning. Yes, piling-pili ang mga projects na lalabas ang mukha ng mga anak ko because I really wanted that even the work they do reflects what we hold dear. And books are definitely a big deal to me and my husband, Vince.

Ironically, my kids—the kids of writers, editors and book lovers!—didn't take to books right away. That broke our hearts. We did everything right: we had a library, the kids were surrounded by books since they were in my tummy, and we read to them at bedtime. Vince and I couldn't understand why our boys weren't bookworms like us!

After researching and talking with other more experienced parents (a.k.a. parents of adults), I found a few reasons why kids don't read:

1. There are too many distractions.
Toys, TV, gadgets, video games—yes, we vilify those as the top distractions taking our kids away from books. But in my house, these are also the culprits: their brothers to play with, friends who visit, arts and crafts projects, school, homework, piano, dancing, singing, rough and tumble play, cooking with Mama, movie-and-popcorn time with Papa, basically a ton of good things that are monumentally more fun to three wriggly little boys than sitting quietly with a book.

2. They think it's a chore.
If we force our kids to read books they're not interested in, then they're going to resent anything book-related.

3. They think it's boring.
For active little kids, what can be more dull than being asked to sit still, be quiet, and read?

Of course, your child may also have a learning disability and parents constantly breathing down their neck to "READ A BOOK!" may make them dislike books even more. I mention that because it's a legitimate reason but I can't recommend any expert course of action since I'm not a literacy expert. That's why I'm going to a literacy workshop by ReadPro Philippines on Oct. 19, Saturday, at Fully Booked. Come attend with me, mamas!

Can't wait to attend this ReadPro workshop! I really want my boys to grow up loving reading and learning. Why do some people love reading? A recent article in The Atlantic"Why Some People Become Lifelong Readers,"  explored it and gave this list of what predetermines the creation of bookworms:

1. The more educated you are, the more you'll love reading.
2. People who live in the city are more likely to love books than those raised in rural places.
3. The more money you have means you can afford to buy books, and have the time to read.
4. Gender factors in, too. Girls read earlier, more, and way longer into adulthood than boys do.
5. Introverts are more likely to love books.

That list gives me hope because we are blessed enough to give our kids a good education, we can buy books often, and we live in the heart of the city (I think this factor just means people in the city have more access to books, various educational experiences, and the internet). My kids are neither girls nor introverts so how do I tackle those issues?

Well, the article featured Daniel Willingham, author of the book, Raising Kids Who Read, and here are his interesting insights:

1. You read first. 
It's not enough to surround a child with books. It's not even enough to read to them every night. What really matters is your children need to see YOU reading! Kids follow their parents' example so if they see us excited to read a book, they're going to want to read books, too!

2. Kids need to know about life before they will open a book. 
Kids think books are boring. So they need to be interested in the topic first before they'll read anything about it. If your kid loves robots, buy books about robots. If you just came from a vacation in Hong Kong, let him read about Chinese culture. If you just visited a dinosaur museum, grab books on prehistoric animals!

3. Parents need to treat books as a part of everyday life. 
You and your husband can talk about your favorite books or the book you're currently reading with the kids around to listen. Visit bookstores often and browse. Don't lock away books in the study, high up in the shelf. Don't treat books as precious at all! Let the kids look at the pictures, write on the margins! If you get mad at them for desecrating and vandalizing books, they won't want to touch books anymore.

My kids are now finally reading. Maybe not as much as we want but we're taking it one book at a time. They love visiting book stores because we buy them at least one book each as a treat. They have a reading schedule—I know it seems like a chore but I needed to set aside a time that's just for books, and that's usually mornings for Vito and bedtime for IƱigo and Piero. I also decreed that their time on gadgets must be 1:1 ratio with their books. So 30 long agonizing minutes reading a book means just 30 short minutes on the iPad.

At first, the kids did treat reading as a chore. But slowly, they became interested in their books. Thirty minutes became one hour, there was less whining and more quiet times spent with their nose in a book. And more often than not, instead of asking for the iPad or the TV remote after they read, they now draw or write stories. Hooray!

It's a start! I need to know more ways to get my boys to dive into reading! That's why I can't wait for October 19 and attend the "Parents, How to Encourage Your Kids to Love Reading" forum at Fully Booked High Street! Come with me, mamas!

Visit the ReadPro website and like their Facebook page for more information on the workshop and the literacy programs. I'm thinking of enrolling my kids!

See you on Oct. 19, mamas!

*This post is brought to you by ReadPro Philippines.

Monday, September 30, 2019

MY MC Home opens BGC branch and look at what I found!

Attention, homemakers in BGC, Taguig, Makati, Mandaluyong, and Pasig! MY MC Home just opened its third branch at Bonifacio Global City and it's worth a visit!

My home may be 12 years old, I may not be newly married, and neither am I a new mommy, but any mom knows that a family is always going through new beginnings. When my husband and I lost our jobs as magazine editors and started working from home, that was a new beginning as we had to create a home office. When the kids got out of babyhood and we couldn't co-sleep anymore, we had to convert our home office into their bedroom. Now that they're all school kids, we created a new space where they can dump their bags and projects and do their homework. It seems like every couple of years means a new beginning for our family!

This means, of course, that home stores are always in our radar. There's always something we need to buy for our ever-evolving home! Just look at those lamps! I think the yellow one will look great as an accent piece in my sons' blue room.

I love these Zuny animals! They're not toys. They're functional furniture, the large ones acting as doorstops or footstools while the small pieces can be used as bookends and paperweights. Or you can just use them as quirky decor.

Love this chest of drawers! Solid and well made, none of that cheap nonsense at mall home stores. I like that the drawers don't slam shut. Perfect for homes that have occupants with little fingers!

I had to pose with these jars and vases so you can see the scale. They're large! They'd make perfect decorative pieces at your entry hall or to fill up empty corners. If you plan to put them outside, make sure to drill a hole at the bottom so that water won't pool inside and become breeding ground for mosquitos.

I love these lamps!!! I just know my kids will draw faces on them haha

And here's a perfect little kitten to add color to your desk or bookshelves! It's from Art 24 Inc that's based in Angono, Rizal.

I am soooo in love with this dining set! I've gone back to MY MC Home and when I saw this again, I still felt love for its clean and efficient design and its perfect wood grain. The wood also feels warm. I don't know why! It just feels alive still. It's very mid-century modern. I wish I had the space for it because I want this in my home!

You can also find beds, mattresses, pillows, and beddings at MY MC Home, mamas! These are very simple pieces. I found that the Pasay branch has more interesting beds when it comes to design.

There are more furniture and home essentials you can find at MY MC Home BGC! Just drop by and make sure you join the MC Home Depot Build & Drive Raffle where you can get a chance to win a Toyota HIACE GL Grandia. Just a P2000 single-receipt purchase earns you a raffle coupon. You have until December 31, 2019, to shop and join!

For more home and office finds, visit the new BGC branch! MY MC Home has 3 branches: Level 3 MET LIVE Mall, Diosdado Macapagal Blvd, 1302 Pasay City, at MC Home Depot San Fernando Interchange, Jose Abad Santos Avenue, 2000 San Fernando, Pampanga, and now at MC Home Depot BGC, Taguig. You may also find more furniture and promos at their Facebook page and Instagram

*This post is brought to you by My MC Home.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

10 heart health tips for mamas everywhere!

All over the world, Heart Health Month is February. Now, I know it's September but Welch's 100% Grape Juice asked me to share with you, mamas, some tips that I do for a healthy heart.

I'll be honest. I need to work on this. I'm 42 years old and 125 lbs, so I look like I'm healthy. But this year has been extremely stressful - with a new job on top of my writing business, my father's illness and death, the endless demands of motherhood - so I haven't been eating well, sleeping well, and doing well. I've been to a few health professionals and they don't really have good news. 

For starters, skinny me is 34% fat. That means I'm considered obese. Imagine that! That's not good. Excess fat is never good for anyone's body. Fat spells all kinds of trouble: diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease. All along I thought that since I didn't look fat, I wasn't fat. 

So here's a list of stuff I need to do to take care of my heart and the rest of my body. Some of them I'm already doing so that's progress! I'm eating a lot more fish and fiber, for example. 

Healthy snack while putting away the laundry: tomato, lettuce and cheese on whole-wheat bread. And Welchs'!

Check out these 10 tips for a healthy heart:

1. Don't get fat.
The Journal of the American College of Cardiology says that a big belly is bad for your heart. It's bad for everything really. From how your clothes fit to how your body functions. Obesity means higher blood pressure. A heavier body means the heart has to work extra hard to move blood through it. 

MY STATUS: Working on slimming down!

2. Eat fiber-rich food.
Fiber is nature's way of cleaning up your body. The Mayo Clinic suggests oatmeal, kidney beans, Brussels sprouts, apples, pears, berries as fiber-rich food. They contain soluble fiber that will reduce bad cholesterol (that's fat) in your blood. Just eat lots of fruits and vegetables, mamas. 

MY STATUS: I'm actually a veggie lover. Fruits, not so much. That's why I drink Welch's 100% Grape Juice, the one with added fiber. But I've already started eating more fruit than usual this year. Still not enough! But getting there!  

3. Eat fish.
Less pork and beef, more fish! Fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. That's good fat, mamas, that helps keep our hearts healthy. The American Heart Association recommends eating fatty fish like salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, and herring, at least twice a week.

MY STATUS: Pretty good! I eat a LOT of sardines! My freezer is also full of salmon. This was our dinner last night—seared salmon chunks. All it needed was salt and pepper. So good!

Simple, delicious, nutritious!

4. Eat dark chocolate.
Yes, it has to be dark chocolate because other kinds of chocolate have lots of sugar and dairy in them so that kinda cancels out the good stuff haha. Dark chocolate is bitter but take a bite because the NPR reports that it's full of flavanoids and polyphenols that protect you from heart disease and strokes. 

MY STATUS: Oh, I don't like dark chocolate! I'm not a big chocolate lover actually but I guess I should start adding a bit of darkness into my diet!

5. Drink grape juice.
The Mayo Clinic lists down all the heart benefits of grape juice: It lowers the risk of blood clots, reduces bad cholesterol, prevents damage to blood vessels in your heart, and helps maintain healthy blood pressure.

How does grape juice do that? Well, grapes are rich in antioxidants like resveratrol and flavonoids. Now here's why I love Welch's 100% Grape Juice: They crush the entire grape! That's why their juice is thick and dark and has bits of skin and seed in it. We don't just get the juice squeezed out of the grape—we get the whole grape. Why is that important? Those heart-beneficial antioxidants are found mainly in the skin, stem, leaf, and seeds of grapes! 

Another noteworthy thing is the darker the grape, the higher the antioxidants it has. Welch's uses Concord grapes, which are so dark, they're almost black. 

MY STATUS: I drink Welch's 100% Grape Juice every single day!

Fish and Welch's again! Must start eating brown rice, though.

6. De-stress.
How does stress affect our heart anyway? MedicineNet says, "Medical researchers aren't sure exactly how stress increases the risk of heart disease." It's mostly a lifestyle effect—stress makes you sleep less, eat more. Stress may make you smoke and drink more. Your stressful schedule prevents you from exercising or spending time with your family. 

So basically don't have a stressful life so you won't get the bad lifestyle choices that come with coping with stress!

MY STATUS: Dear heavens, I am so stressed! Because of my job, I haven't slept well the last 7 months! Because my body is exhausted, I need to fuel it with food instead. So many bad choices I'm making because of my stress-filled days!

7. Brush your teeth.
How can our teeth be connected to our heart??? Good oral hygiene not only means a beautiful smile and fresh breath, it also means a healthy heart. The American Heart Association reports that people with periodontal disease (gum infection, inflamed gums, and tooth decay) have a higher risk of developing heart disease. So brush your teeth and floss, mamas!

MY STATUS: Much improved! When I was a mom of 3 little babies, I was so exhausted every night, I'd fall asleep without washing my face and brushing my teeth! I finally had to go to the dentist a couple of years ago to have 2 decayed molars extracted and get my gums back to health. It was that bad! Now, I take care of my teeth much better.

8. Exercise regularly.

Johns Hopkins Medicine lists a whole lot of reasons why exercise is soooo good for your heart. It slows heart rate, lowers blood pressure, makes you lose and keep off weight, puts more oxygen into your blood, eases stress, and a whole lot more!

MY STATUS: I'll start exercising!!! I actually am more active this year than the years before. I walk a lot now, for example. But I need regular exercise! Someone help me with this!

9. Have lots of sex!
Sex can be good for your heart and we don't just mean this romantically. The National Center for Biotechnology Information reports that sex helps regulate blood pressure and lowers your risk of heart disease.

MY STATUS: The only exercise I do and it's not even done as regularly as my husband and I want! I'm so busy and tired from work!!! Must fix this.

10. Laugh!
Anyone ever loved that old Reader's Digest column, "Laughter is the Best Medicine"? I did! And it's true, too. The Cleveland Clinic says that laughing increases blood flow, reduces inflammation, prevents cholesterol plaques from forming, reduces stress hormones, and boosts the immune system. Wow!   

MY STATUS: Despite my extremely stressful year, I am happy. I have my husband and my sons, who make me laugh every day. I have my comfortable home. I have my few friends. I have God. All of these help greatly in easing whatever heaviness I have in my mind and my heart. I have you, my dearest Loyal Readers. I have my blog sponsors and I'm also writing articles again, which is my great joy. Life is good!

I hope you liked my extremely well-researched article, mamas! And let's all resolve to make our hearts healthier. Our kids need us to stick around longer.

*This post is brought to you by Welch's 100% Grape Juice. For more information and heart-healthy tips, visit, like Welch's PH on Facbook, and follow @welchs_ph on Instagram.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

This is why Samsung’s Heatpump Dryer is a great investment for our homes

PRESS RELEASE - One of the most challenging times for Filipinos would be the rainy season. Flooding, heavy traffic, unpredictable loss of electricity connection, and of course, a hard time to sun and air-dry clothes. What people may not realize is the convenience a dryer can provide for the entire household.

It saves time and effort.
This appliance makes laundry a simple task to guarantee more time for the family. Dryers have the ability to dry clothes at any time of the day, under any weather conditions. Just put freshly washed clothes straight to the dryer, select the right settings, and let it run until completely dry. For people living in the city, there’s no need for wide spaces to hang wet clothes. Properly dried clothes can go straight for ironing (it actually makes it easier to iron). 

Its technology cuts electricity consumption in half.
If electricity consumption is the major reason that’s keeping you from getting a dryer, consider the Samsung DV90M5200QW Heatpump dryer. With this technology, a heatpump generates heat during the cycle instead of electricity, so it consumes only half of the electricity from the conventional clothes dryer. 

To explain its process further, the Samsung DV90M5200QW Heatpump dryer collects the condensed water from your clothing rather than releasing hot air into the home. Its easy view water tank will show if it needs emptying before another load. One can also connect the tube straight to the drainage to make it a seamless experience. 

It's designed for optimal performance. 
Another energy-saving feature is the OptimalDry function which is an intelligent drying system that provides the best possible drying result using 3 sensors. During a cycle, a moisture sensor continuously monitors the humidity level in real-time and adjusts the drying time using less energy. A temperature sensor also stops your clothes from getting too hot, so it protects them from being damaged. Caring for this appliance is also made easy with the 2-in-1 Filter that captures dust and fibers to make sure it operates at its best. It has a filter alarm that notifies when the filter needs to be emptied. 

It's perfect for big households.
This dryer also has a 9kg capacity, making it ideal for large households. Dry up to 1kg of clothes in 35 minutes with its QuickDry function. Its different programs give each garment the right care it needs. It’s also easy to forget to clean filters on appliances, but this Heatpump dryer has two alarms that alert when the filter and heat exchanger needs cleaning. It’s equipped with an advanced 2-in-1 mesh layer filter system that captures dust and fibers to maintain its optimum drying performance. 

To know more details about the Samsung DV90M5200QW Heatpump dryer, like SamsungPH on Facebook or visit

*To be featured on Press Release Tuesdays, send it to

Monday, September 23, 2019

Check out these self-storage services in Manila and the reasons why you should consider storing away your belongings

You may have heard a lot about storage units in the past as there have been some interesting TV shows based on these kinds of units. Of course, while everything on these TV shows are so dramatic, storage units are actually quite boring but very beneficial to you in a number of ways, especially if you live in a condominium in Manila.

Here are a few reasons why you should consider investing in a storage unit for your belongings:

Various Sizes 
One of the great things about using a self-storage unit is that they can come in various sizes. In the TV shows, they're all just these big rooms. That's great if you have a few beds and furniture to store away but what if you just need to store your when-I-was-skinny clothes? 

You will find that storage units can come in small, medium and larger sizes so there will definitely be something for you. You can even size your own up with some storage companies, so be sure to find out more as this could be beneficial to your family.

If you have a lot of items in your home that are a little more valuable, then you might be worried that they could get stolen. While you will probably have home insurance, you need to take extra measures to look after your things. With a storage unit, you can make sure that your items are protected. The best storage units come with extra security which includes top of the range locking systems and CCTV that runs 24/7. Some storage services also offer insurance!

Whether you are in the process of moving home and need some more space or you are starting your own business and need a unit to store your stock, a storage unit can come in handy. 

When using your unit, just make sure you store all your items correctly. Some items will need to be stored in a very specific way (artwork for instance needs the right conditions), so make sure the storage service offers climate-control (that means temperature, light and humidity are monitored). If this seems a little overwhelming, Moishe’s Self Storage offer a self storage guide that provides some essential tips on how you can use your unit to suit you. You can take a read of this here if you’re interested. 

More Space In Your Home 
Finally, you will find that a self-storage unit can really help you to find more space in your home. When you spend some time decluttering, you might realize that you don’t want to throw away a lot of your items (even those that don't spark joy!). With a self-storage unit, you can send all of your items over there and have a much tidier home. This is great for growing families that need that extra bit of space. 

If you are not already someone who uses a self-storage unit regularly then you might want to think about trying this out soon. You should be able to find a reliable storage unit company in your local area so give it a try.

7 Self-Storage Services in Manila
Obviously, storage units are located in Manila because we have no space! And our condos are getting tinier (and yet pricier!) by the day. These condo developers are inhuman, I swear. So if you need storage, here are some I found (arranged alphabetically):

Locations: Pasig
Rates: Site doesn't disclose rates.
Reason to store with them: They have a special offer—rent for 12 months and get an extra month for free. I don't know how long this promo will last, though, so check their website for updates. 

Locations: Mandaluyong
Rates: Site doesn't disclose rates but they say they're cheaper than their competitors.
Reason to store with them: Well, they're cheaper than their competitors!

Locations: Mystery location. Their website doesn't say! They'll just pick up your stuff and then deliver it back to you when you need them.
Rates: P200 for a Kahon
Reason to store with them: You store your items in boxes so you can control how much you spend (vs filling up a room). Climate-controlled warehouse, too.

Locations: Doesn't say where their warehouse is but they can pick up and deliver to Pasig, Makati, Taguig, Paranaque, and Muntinlupa.
Rates: Starts at Php 499 up to Php 17,199
Reason to store with them: You can manage everything through their app! I think they're expensive, though.

Locations: Pasig, Makati, JP Rizal, Taguig
Rates: Site doesn't disclose.
Reason to store with them: Their units are climate-controlled! 24/7 access, too.

Locations: San Juan, Mandaluyong, Rockwell, Balate, Grace Village, Divisoria, and 2 warehouses in Araneta Ave, QC.
Rates: Php 500 per sqm
Reason to store with them: They have 8 locations! And you pay per square meter.

Locations: San Juan, Quezon Ave, Yakal, and Eran
Rates: Site doesn't disclose.
Reason to store with them: They're open 24/7! So if you suddenly need your wedding gown at 2am, you can get it! 

* This is a guest post, with my edits. To place a guest post, email for my rates.