Wednesday, December 02, 2020

The Christmas 2020 ad of McDonald's made me cry (plus, stories of my kids and Santa Claus)

The holidays are here! And you know what that means - TV commercials! I love Christmas ads. That's one thing you have to know about me. It's two things I love - ads and Christmas! Well, this one by McDonald's UK is my favorite this year so far:

Ugly cry when "Forever young, I want to be forever young..." came on. I want to grow old and I want to see my boys grow up. But I wish we could stay this happy forever. The way they believe everything we say. The way they look up to us. The way they enjoy each other and laugh all day. I hope this lasts forever, this innocence and joy and trust in the goodness of life. Forever young. 

My boys just wrote their letters to Santa. Even 10-year-old Vito. I told him, "You think Santa will still give you a toy? Most kids your age stop believing in him because Santa's gifts kinda suck." In our house, Santa's gifts need to be handmade so it looks like Santa's elves made them. So between a wooden toy and a video game or even a book, you know what wins. But Vito said, "I still believe in Santa! And his toys don't suck. I've been a good boy all year." Yes, he has. So he gets a toy from the North Pole then.

Check out what Vito said about Santa when he was 6:

The second boy, my Iñigo, was the one who reminded me that we need to send the letters to Santa, which surprised me because just last month, this happened:

So I really thought he wasn't going to write to Santa. But he did. And I thought to myself, "Yey, he's still a baby!"

Meanwhile, the baby of the family was all grown up when he wrote this:

Kinda made me cry. On one hand, he still believes in Santa. On the other hand, he's mature enough to realize he's got all that he needs and he doesn't want anything more. Either that or he thinks Santa will get him coal for being naughty this year haha

Kids! They make my heart glad. 

Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope we all enjoy your kids while they're small and even when they're big. May we all always be forever young at heart!

Tuesday, December 01, 2020

#ShareTheSparkle and celebrate with Welch’s Sparkling Juices

It's December! Time to draw up those lists: gift lists for family friends, wish lists for yourself, to-do lists for all the holiday preps, and of course the grocery list for Noche Buena! Make sure you include Welch's Sparkling Juices in your list, okay? My family and I absolutely LOVE Welch's Sparkling Juices (Red Grape is my favorite). Read on to find out more about our must-have drink!

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PRESS RELEASE - The holiday season of 2020 is so different from past years. Christmas parties and gatherings would be turned into online celebrations and gifts are now bought from online stores. So much has changed but one thing remains the same -- the love for family. 

There is still so much to celebrate and be thankful for, even at home. If you want the entire family to join the fun, Welch’s has a line of Sparkling Juices that are fizzy but guilt-free. Welch’s Sparkling Juices -- Sparkling Red Grape, Sparkling White Grape, and its newest addition this year, the Sparkling Rosè -- are bubbly and 100% alcohol-free, making it perfect for both kids and adults, even expecting mommies, too! 

“Even though we couldn’t still go out and have parties or join large gatherings, Welch’s is inviting everyone to have their own celebrations at home,” says Erika Rodriguez, VP for Marketing of GEMCo, the Philippine marketing agent of Welch’s International. 

The Welch’s Sparkling Red Grape and Sparkling White Grape are both heart-healthy and delicious. Pressed from the freshest Concord and Niagara grapes across America by farmer-families, this 150-year tradition of “Real Grape Goodness” has made Welch’s one of the most loved beverages in the world, especially by Filipino families. 

On the other hand, Welch’s Sparkling Rosè has a light, refreshing taste, and the sweetness of a ripe summer fruit. Pretty in its pink bottle, it looks great in any online party you may host at home. 

All three Welch’s Sparkling Juices are easy to mix with other beverages, so you could concoct a variety of unique bubbly mocktails to impress your family. Add a splash of your favorite juices and discover the goodness in each sip. 

Each bottle makes for an excellent and convenient Christmas gift, so you can have it delivered to the homes of your friends, relatives, and co-workers. Lift up your family’s spirits with a sparkling drink that’s all about celebrating life and special moments.

A Product of the USA, Welch’s products are available in retail stores. To learn more about Welch’s Sparkling Juices and recipes, visit or follow Welch's PH in FB and IG. You may also have Welch’s Sparkling Juices and other Welch’s juices delivered at your doorstep by visiting Or place your order in the following online groceries:, Lazmart, and

*To be featured on Press Release Tuesdays, send it to 

Monday, November 30, 2020

Slow down, mama

It's December tomorrow. Holiday rush! I just realized I've only gotten a third of my gift shopping done. But we did finally put the pink tree up. And the house feels a lot more Christmas-y and so I'm beginning to feel it's time to rush-rush-rush the shopping and wrapping and sending of gifts! 

And then this old poem that I posted on my now-hidden mommy blog (remember Topaz Mommy?) popped up on my Facebook Memories and I took a deep breath and said, "No stress this year, Mama. Just enjoy the fact that you survived 2020 (fingers crossed) and you get to celebrate Christmas again."


Slow down, mummy, there is no need to rush,
Slow down, mummy, what is all the fuss?
Slow down, mummy, make yourself a cup of tea.
Slow down, mummy, come and spend some time with me.

Slow down, mummy, let's put our boots on and go out for a walk,
Let's kick at piles of leaves, and smile and laugh and talk.
Slow down, mummy, you look ever so tired,
Come sit and snuggle under the duvet and rest with me a while.

Slow down, mummy, those dirty dishes can wait,
Slow down, mummy, let's have some fun, let's bake a cake!
Slow down, mummy I know you work a lot,
But sometimes, mummy, it's nice when you just stop.

Sit with us a minute,
And listen to our day,
Spend a cherished moment,
Because our childhood is not here to stay.

Thank you, Rebekah Knight, for reminding me to just savor the moments of motherhood.

And then I saw this heartachingly tender lullaby of a mommy to her baby about slowing down, too. Mamas, get the tissues ready.

Beautiful song by Nichole Nordeman. Thank you for making songs about love, family, and God - what really matters in this broken world that's just rushing to destroy us all.

We all need to slow down. And this year just made us do it. Really enjoying the time I have with my family this year. I don't think I'll ever have this magical time with them again. 

Friday, November 27, 2020

Meet my calamansi plant, Min-Min

Let me tell you what's inspiring me these days. This is my calamansi plant. 

Our relationship was off to a bad start since I didn't know how to take care of plants. For a loooooong while it looked like she was going to be another plant I'd kill. She lost many of her leaves. 

And then after months of trying this much water and that much sun, I finally figured her out. And she's now sprouting so many new baby leaves and buds, like she's celebrating my understanding of her after all these months that must've been terrible for her.

Relationships are like that. Life is like that. You just have to keep trying to figure people out, figure life out. The trick is not to give up because when you finally get it, oh how you'll be rewarded ❤️

*This was my DAY 18 post of my #therestof2020 I'm doing over at Instagram. I wanted to reclaim 2020 and stop just waiting for bad things to happen. Instead I'm going to actively look for good things that are happening in my life so that I can look back at this year and say it was a good one.

Sweeping your girlfriend off her feet with the right engagement ring

Three things happened this week that can't be a coincidence: (1) I'm in the middle of watching "The Crown" on Netflix and thought that scene where the Queen asks Diana to choose her engagement ring from a tray of baubles was a bit sad; (2) my kids and I put up our Christmas trees - we have three! - and one of them is quite memorable because when he proposed Vince put my engagement ring in it for me to find but I couldn't find it haha, and (3) this guest post on engagement rings appeared in my inbox! So I'm publishing it!

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GUEST POST - At one point or the other, we’ve all searched for Miss Right. In the process, some individuals have found their missing ribs, while others are still on the hunt. Once, you’ve found the girl of your dreams, you feel on top of the world. You can’t wait to settle down with her and give her the best in life. Of course, you’ll also get to meet her parents and tie the knot. But in the midst of all these, getting the ideal engagement ring becomes an essential factor to consider, as it shows your undying love for your wife to be. Besides, your girlfriend can’t wait to show off her shiny ring.

But how do you find the right engagement ring? Here is a secret I will show you. Have you heard about the 4Cs? And I mean Clarity, Cut, Carat Weight, and Colour. Yes, these elements are essential in selecting the ideal ring for your spouse. Even GIA-certified gemstones revolve around the 4Cs. They determine the cost and quality of your precious stone.

It’s My First Engagement Ring Purchase

For you, this may be your first attempt at purchasing an engagement ring for your significant other, and you are confused as to which one to select. You’ve come across several options and terminology that you feel overwhelmed with information overload. Hit the brake and let me explain some things to you. Buying a diamond ring with the highest rating in each gemstone category (4Cs) does not necessarily imply that it will appeal to you more than one that slightly falls short of any of the 4C class.

By the way, your diamond ring does not have to meet every criterion to be perfect. Perfection is just an illusion in the world of jewelry. What is essential is having a gemstone that appeals to the user and comes at an affordable price – except you have tons of cash lying in your bank account to splurge on an expensive ring. Even at that, it does not mean a thing.

What Should I Do?

The first factor you have to consider when shopping for an engagement ring is your budget. Yes, you must have a price cap. How much can you spend on a diamond ring without affecting your livelihood? Your jeweler will provide you with a broad range of rings, each having an individual price tag that meets a specific pocket size. You don’t have to save for years before affording an engagement ring for your spouse. Remember, time is of the essence. While you are saving up, she is growing older, and someone else is already asking her out.

You can always get her a better jewel over time. However, that doesn’t mean that you should be frugal as well. Purchase a diamond ring you can afford easily. If you don’t know her ring size, get anyone she is using currently or has worn, press it against a bar soap to get its impression, and take it to the jewel store to get the right size. But if you are not all about surprises, then ask her.

Don’t Be in a Hurry

I understand that you have to tie the knot in no time. But don’t rush things, especially when purchasing an engagement ring. The last thing you want is to make a mistake. You can discuss with your jeweler about getting the ideal diamond ring for your spouse.

* This is a guest post, with my edits. To place a guest post, email for my rates.