Tuesday, July 27, 2021

7 fridge organizing hacks you probably didn't know about

I was cleaning up my email and found these photos from my refrigerator campaign last year. These were the outtakes and I never got to use these pictures. So how about we do an entire blog post just so I can use these photos??? Today, let's talk about fridge organizing hacks!

There is no doubt that one of the most frequently used home appliances is the refrigerator. It is constantly plugged in and its doors are often being pulled open or pushed shut throughout the course of the day. Thus, it is important that the fridge is in top working condition all the time, and a big part of keeping it that way is organizing its contents. Making sure that all the stuff inside your fridge is stored properly not only makes it easier and more convenient to use, but it also helps the appliance to run more efficiently while saving you a lot in terms of electricity and maintenance costs. Here are just some ideas in organizing your refrigerator that you may not even have thought about yet.

1. Don’t overstuff it.

Before you can even begin organizing your refrigerator, you need to be aware of its capacity so you know just how much you can stick inside it. The best way to determine this is to check its specifications and not just rely on a visual estimate. You might think that everything looks fine, but the fridge motor may already be working beyond its limit. If you find yourself overstuffing your fridge, it may be time to get a larger one. When buying refrigerators online, always take into consideration the average daily food consumption of your household in selecting the right size and model.

2. Keep things in the right zone.

Did you know that there are different spots in your fridge that are ideal for various types of foods? The lower shelves are the coldest while the door is most prone to temperature shifts, which means it tends to be generally warmer. Therefore, avoid placing items that can easily spoil on the door shelves.

3. Separate fruits from the veggies.

You might think that these two go well together because they are both types of produce. However, the truth is that they’re best stored separately because as fruits ripen, they give off a substance called ethylene that can affect and age vegetables, leading them to rot faster. Thus, when keeping fruits and vegetables in the crisper, you should store them in separate bags. Better yet, leave the veggies in the crisper and place fruits on the shelves.

4. Transfer packaged food into containers.

You can save a lot of fridge space by chucking out the bulky packaging that a lot of food comes in and transferring the contents into smaller receptacles. Glass or plastic containers with airtight lids are good for most types of food and beverages, while plastic or reusable silicone bags are ideal for loose food such as fruits and nuts. As the milk or juice carton nears its end, simply pour the remaining liquid into a small jar or bottle.

5. Label, label, label!

Don’t forget to affix a clear label on the items that you repackage or store inside the fridge. Clearly identify what kind of foodstuff it is and place the date when you stored it. This way, you can determine whether it’s still good to eat later on. You can use a good old permanent marker to write on plastic bags, or better yet, invest in a sticker label printer that you can use for plastic or glass containers, bottles, and jars.

6. Observe the FIFO Rule.

How many times have you reached deep into your fridge only to find rotten or spoiling food? You can easily prevent this by making sure to pull old food stock out into the front of the shelves every time you load your groceries in the fridge. This way, you can use or consume older items first. Just like what they do in the supermarket shelves, this is called the “first in, first out” or FIFO concept. You might also want to use contraptions like a lazy Susan to help you rotate items inside your fridge better.

7. Do a weekly clean-up.

Schedule a weekly audit of all the items inside your fridge. Throw away any expired items and wipe up any spills or messes on the shelves and on the inside surfaces of your fridge. Not only are they unsightly, but they can also cause odor and lead to the growth of harmful microorganisms such as bacteria and mold. A good idea is to use plastic or rubber mats to line your fridge shelves and to prevent spills from getting bigger. You can also place a cup of baking soda in the fridge to prevent any nasty odors from forming.

A hallmark of a well-organized fridge is the owner being able to quickly find what they need the very moment they need it. You can only achieve this by making sure that everything inside your fridge is in its proper place. While it may seem like a difficult task indeed considering the flurry of daily activities in the kitchen, it is not at all impossible. All you need is a bit of planning as well as dedication to a regular fridge organization schedule.

*Photos courtesy of Panasonic and SVEN.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

5 safety tips for a fun summer

Look at how cute baby Vito and baby IƱigo were in the pool! How I wish we could have a summer holiday. My kids and I have all of July to enjoy our school break. It's only a month because we're moving to a new homeschool provider that has an earlier back-to-school date than our previous one. So that's just 3 weeks of summer! 

To be honest, it's not a very exciting summer because it's not like we can go anywhere. There's still a pandemic out there. I'm already fully vaccinated but my husband isn't yet so until that happens, we'll stay home and stay safe. Still, summer means a break from school and plenty of time to just play and have fun. But it's been very hot and humid so we're basically doing nothing, just hanging out near the AC and fans. So bummer summer! 

I wish we lived somewhere cold right now. So this lazy Saturday I was looking at houses (Loyal Readers know I love looking at property listings!), particularly at houses in cold climates, and just look at this charming home I found while scrolling through Banff homes for sale (Banff is in Canada). You can almost feel the cool and crisp mountain breeze blowing out of these pictures!  

More photos of this listing here

Anyway, while I sweat here in sweltering Manila and dream of colder climes, I know many of you are roaring off to beaches and AirBnB's outside the city. I won't stop you but I truly hope you're fully vaccinated! Summer has always been a fun time but it also brings many dangers. Heat exhaustion, sunburn, sunstrokes, drowning. And now COVID! Here are a few safety reminders from Mommy Frances so you and your family can enjoy - not regret! - your summer 

1. Practice sun safety. 

Summer is hot. Obviously. So don't forget to protect yourself from the sun. Slather on the sunscreen. Don't stay out too long in the sun, especially from 10am to 3pm. Stay in the shade. Wear sunglasses and protective clothing. 

2. Always hydrate.

I read somewhere that thirst is a sign of dehydration. You're never supposed to get to a state of thirst. So drink those 8 glasses. Sip throughout the day, especially on a hot day. It's also important to drink the right liquids. For example, sugary, caffeinated, and alcoholic beverages may be refreshing but they're actually dehydrating.

3. Have fun... but safely. 

Avoid strenuous activities in the hottest hours of the day. That means exercise during the early morning or late evening. If you're going swimming, make sure there's a lifeguard. If you're hiking on a mountain trail, be ready with the right gear. Remember to drink water!

4. Watch out for heat-caused conditions.

Prolonged exposure to sun and heat can cause dangerous conditions like dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke. So pay attention to what your body's telling you. Look out for excessive sweating, thirstiness, high body temperature, rapid and shallow breathing, a feeling of confusion, nausea, headaches, and more. 

5. Don't forget there's a pandemic!

We're all fatigued from the warnings and reminders but it bears repeating especially if you're stepping out of the house. Please practice social distancing. Wear a mask properly. Avoid crowded places. Wash your hands for 20 seconds. Don't let your guard down! 

The kids and I actually want to go back to Baguio. Anywhere cool. Manila's just roasting these days. We may be stuck at home but I still have to make sure we're hydrated and not suffering from heat exhaustion (I am exhausted by the heat, though). For those of you who have plans to go out and have fun, stay safe!

Wednesday, July 07, 2021

The Beauty Bakery PH is serving some skin care goodies!

Got some goodies and I gotta say I love them! A few weeks ago, The Beauty Bakery PH sent me their curated beauty kits. Each kit contains specifically formulated products that work well with each other. You don't have to think about what goes with what because Beauty Bakery thought it up for you! 

Anti Acne Kit, Php 520
Combat pimples, acne, and breakouts caused by face masks. With their antibacterial protection and sebum-control properties, the products in this kit will not only help skin heal but will also prevent future breakouts.

No scent! Except for the facial wash, which smells like lemons.

Glow Skin Kit, Php 999
If you want that translucent glass skin glow, then this is the kit for you! The seaweed and botanical extracts in the products will help you achieve tighter pores and a porcelain skin texture that glows without skin peeling.

Has practically no fragrance, which is a big plus for me because I don't like heavily scented skin products. 

Healthy Skin Kit, Php 705
The Witch Hazel + Tea Tree Collection is a bestseller. I forgot that witch hazel is an amazing skincare product. I used it before (different brand) and my acne-prone skin totally calmed down. This kit promises antioxidant protection against free radicals and premature skin aging. Mid-40s me is game for that!

Smells lemony, which I associate with Pledge wood cleaner and polish.

I started using the products from the Healthy Skin Kit and the Glow Skin Kit. That's 6 full-sized products for just P1700. Pretty affordable! The Glow Skin Kit has the basic skincare products facial wash, toner, and serum while the Healthy Skin Kit has the moisturizer with SPF 30 and facial mist (I like face mists!) plus the scrub. The instructions said to use the scrub 3x a week but I only manually exfoliate once a week because I feel like more often than that and my middle-aged skin will be scrubbed raw. That's just me. Anyway, so far, so good! No allergic reactions and my skin is nice and plump, smooth and moisturized. Healthy and glowing indeed!

The Beauty Bakery PH skin kits and more are available in BeautyMNL, Shopee, and Lazada. Shop today at the 7.7 Sales for discounts!!!

*First photo grabbed from The Beauty Bakery PH's Instagram @beautybakeryph and Facebook The Beauty Bakery page. Follow and like them!

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Book Review: Homeschool Moms at the Feet of Jesus by Teresa Gumap-as Dumadag

Our first year of homeschooling is finally done. It was most definitely not a walk in the park. I think we had some days when we yearned for "school school", you know, real school with real teachers who have real education degrees. That said, I'm happy to report that the kids enjoyed homeschooling more than I did. So that's a credit to me, right? Sigh. Let me tell you I may have made their homeschooling experience great but I truly had a hard time enjoying it. I'll tell you more about my conflicting feelings about homeschooling another day. For today, we'll do a book review of Homeschool Moms at the Feet of Jesus by Teresa Gumap-as Dumadag. 

Homeschool Moms at the Feet of Jesus is a 31-day devotional for homeschooling moms. If you're a dad, you'll appreciate it, too. In fact, since all of us are homeschooling anyway (hello, parents of online distance learning kids!), you will need this book. Every day for a month, you get a Bible verse, a little story of encouragement, questions to reflect on, a short prayer, and then a page of worksheet to write down your concerns and what you're grateful for. It's as simple as that!

The devotional is also part memoir since Teresa shares her own homeschooling journey in every entry. It's obvious that she is very happy with homeschooling (unlike me haha). Teresa is really an educator. Her job as a trainer, coach, and consultant is all about teaching so it's easy to see why homeschooling was the most natural decision for her. It was kinda sweet to see how excited she is about teaching her kids and how much joy she got out of that. I guess that's because she dedicated her homeschooling to God and relies on the Holy Spirit to give her wisdom and the right attitude, and she really is grateful for the privilege of being her kids' teacher. (Frances, take note!)

I got an advance copy of this book so I was able to go through a few days of devotions. Homeschool Moms at the Feet of Jesus is a book I'd have appreciated way back in August last year when we chose to homeschool because of the pandemic. It really addresses the fears and worries of a new homeschooling parent and it may have helped me adjust my attitude. 

Then again, I didn't actually fear homeschooling. I used to be a teacher and I have helped my kids with their homework for years. Many times I explained the lessons better than their teachers ever did. So my ability to teach them was not a worry. I'll talk about my struggle with homeschooling in another post! 

What's so good about this devotional is the emphasis on encouragement and the counting of blessings. Because there truly were many wonderful things that happened because I was my kids' teacher. I saw how they think and process information (okay, this is both a good and a bad thing!), I saw what made them bored and interested and so I was able to adjust the lessons. We had fun for many days! But most of all, homeschooling kept us safe from the pandemic. We're healthy, alive, and learning. That's the most important part. The simple exercise of writing down everything great that happened every school day does wonders. That's the habit this devotional wants us parents to cultivate.

Homeschool Moms at the Feet of Jesus by Teresa Gumap-as Dumadag is available for download on Amazon Kindle for only USD 2.99. From now till tomorrow, July 1, it's FREE! It's also free on Kindle Unlimited. Download your copy now.

*photos courtesy of Teresa Gumap-as Dumadag.

Look back on the blog entries every Wednesday of this June for my reviews of books written by Filipino mommies! Support mommies! Support literature! Support local! I'll try to do a review of a local author, a Filipino mom especially, every end of the month. 

Sunday, June 27, 2021

My fun mom find! Free educational online games for the kids (and me!)

It's summer for us! We are lazy bums right now, just really enjoying the no-school days until we have to hit the books again in August. That doesn't mean I'm letting the kids' brains go too idle. I kinda tricked them into playing online games at Plays.org. It's a site I found a couple of months ago and it has hundreds of games - many of them educational! - and you can play them all for FREE!!!

So just a brief description of Plays.org: It's really a simple place where hundreds of online games are listed and you simply choose to play the ones you like. It's easy to navigate because the games are in categories. There are arcade classics like Tetris, Pac-Man, space games, and the like. There are simulation games for your kids who want to imagine how to run a restaurant or fly a plane. There are war games, shooter games, sports games... There's a lot so if you're looking for online entertainment that's FREE, I highly recommend Plays.org!

So now that I've told you about the site, let me tell you about the games I'm playing. Yes, I play, too! And of course I started with this classic, which I used to play perfectly on my old phone: Snake!

It's called Neon Snake here and it sure is a lot prettier than the black pixels on my old Nokia. Sound effects are better, too. But aside from those, it's still pretty much the same old Snake.

Another classic is Tetris! Here it's called Super Tetris and I love it! Tetris has always been my favorite game. I like pattern games. But this game's blocks are all glowy and the music is so relaxing. I play this one on my phone all the time!

Okay, as a homeschooling mom, what I found really fantabulous about Plays.org is the number of educational games for kids. This site lets me meet two important goals: I want my kids to have fun learning, and I want them to do something educational while I go take a nap hahaha

Here are just a few games you can let your kids play. No-guilt involved because your kids will be learning as they play: 

Logic games

Math games

Music games

I even used some of these games when we were homeschooling and I had to meet a work deadline. Everyone's happy!

There you go! My happy #momfind! Try out Plays.org, too!