So now let me let you have a little glimpse of me! I have been very lucky to be the recipient of three blogging awards. I love them all and am greedy for more! Thank you to Duni, RanRan and Austenfan. Your recognition is much appreciated.

So this blog makes me very happy! And I am even happier that some of you are entertained by my silly stories, some of you are moved by my stories of love, marriage and my dear Mama, and some of you are moved enough to call me your friend. Thank you.
When I was a student of Creative Writing, my professor said, "Writers are most arrogant. We write down what we think and expect people to read it. Reading means setting aside time from one's life to actually sit down and focus on the material. So we, as writers, are arrogant to believe we can ask people for their time. So we, as writers, must make what we write worth their time."
Thank you for your time, my dearest readers. Your time, the comments that you leave, and your friendship makes my heart just puff up with happiness. You are all very important to me and I am filled with the deepest and most profound gratitude that you think I am worth your time and that you have welcomed me into your life. Thank you!

For bloggers that clearly enjoy blogging and
love encouraging friendship through blogging
I pass this on to Wendy Brandes Jewelry, Daisy Chain Dreams, Lovely Purses, Annie Spandex and Whatever She Said, Then I'm That.
I pass this on to Girl Meets NYC, Beautiful Things to Share, Absolutely Beautiful Things, Style Redux and Sea of Shoes.
I pass this on to NY Minute Now, Marriage and Beyond, Tales of the Domesticated Husband's Wife, Memoirs of a New Missus and Nevergirl's.
I hope you, too, can pass your awards to blogs that inspire you the way you inspire me!